Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Natural Pill That Kills Cancer - Is There a Natural Pill Or Drug to Kill Cancer? Yes & No

Is there a natural pill that kills cancer? Not quite, however there are numerous herbs, foods and cleanses you can do that have been proven to reduce cancer growth and in many cases cause a complete remission and elimination of the cancer. Some of these natural supplements can be found in pill form as well. Today I will discuss what 3 things you can do to eliminate cancer naturally & successfully. Don't be a victim to the lies that say there is no cure! 3 Ways to Kill Cancer

#1 - Gerson Therapy: This is more of a treatment plan than a single treatment itself. It involves a few select natural therapies, the one in particular known as a coffee enema has been shown to significantly increase the most powerful antioxidant in the body SOD. As a result cancer can rapidly be reduced through this one treatment, if that weren't enough though you have multiple other powerful therapies to follow as well.

Alternative Cancer

#2 - Herbs: There are too many to list, but go online and buy in bulk the following herbs, Pau D'arco, Red Clover & Burdock. These 3 herbs are some of the most potent anti-cancer herbs known to man. Not only that but they will purify your blood and liver while detoxifying other parts of your body as well!

#3 - Diet: Of course you may wonder, what can diet possibly do to kill cancer. There are many foods that can definitely assist in this process such as leafy green vegetables and fruits which contain a great deal of vitamin C. The most important aspect of diet though in regards to cancer is the avoidance of the foods and synthetic ingredients which have been proven to help cancer grow.

The most important things to avoid are artificial ingredients such as MSG, Aspartame, Sucralose, Acesulfame-Potassium to name a few. All have been proven to cause dramatic shifts in the internal body chemistry and although long term results have yet to be accumulated the early reports are that they all increase the prevalence of disease, specifically cancer!

Natural Pill That Kills Cancer - Is There a Natural Pill Or Drug to Kill Cancer? Yes & No

Alternative Cancer

Medical Treatments For Breast Cancer

Surgery. Treatment varies according to the type and stage of cancer, but surgery remains the first choice for most tumors. The majority of operations now are less disfiguring than the radical mastectomy that was standard until the 1970s. Operations for breast cancer are Extended radical mastectomy involves removal of the breast, underarm lymph nodes, and underlying chest muscles. This procedure, rarely performed today, is reserved for women with large tumors that are attached to or have invaded the chest muscle and its connective tissues. If the mammary lymph nodes deep in the chest are involved, they will also be removed. Modified radical mastectomy is the removal of the breast, underarm lymph nodes, and sometimes part of the chest muscle. The amount of tissue removed from the underarm depends on the spread of the tumor. This remains the most common operation for women with invasive breast cancer. Total, or simple, mastectomy is the removal of the entire breast, including its extensions to the armpit and some times near the collarbone. Because the lymph nodes are left intact, radiation therapy usually follows the operation.

Subcutaneous mastectomy involves removing the breast tissue but leaving the skin and nipple intact. A prosthesis is then slipped under the skin to restore normal appearance. This procedure is rarely performed, because it may miss cancer cells and the cosmetic results are often poor. Lumpectomy or partial mastectomy involves removal of the cancerous lump and a surrounding margin of normal tissue. Some of the armpit lymph nodes are also taken out and examined for spread, and the operation is followed by radiation therapy. Preventative, or prophylactic, mastectomy is the removal of a breast to prevent the development of cancer. This operation is done only if a woman has a very high risk of breast cancer and is so worried by the prospect that she cannot live a normal life. Breast reconstruction by a plastic surgeon can sometimes be performed immediately following a mastectomy, but more often it is done after the original incision has healed. If the opposite breast is larger, it may be reduced in size to match the reconstructed one, either at the same time as the reconstruction or in a later operation. In the past, a prosthetic implant filled with silicone gel was the first choice for reconstruction. Because questions have arisen about the long term safety of silicone, many women are now opting for implants filled with a saline solution, or a more extensive procedure in which fatty tissue from the woman's own buttocks or elsewhere is used to reconstruct a breast.

Cancer Treatments

Radiation Therapy . The purpose of this treatment is to destroy any cancer cells that may have escaped surgical removal. Radiation is routinely administered after a simple mastectomy and a lumpectomy, or if numerous lymph nodes have been affected. It is also prescribed for recurring or inoperable cancer, and to alleviate the pain of advanced cancer. Typically, radiation treatments are begun two or three weeks after the surgery, or after the scar has healed and the woman has regained the use of her arm. Immediate side effects include blistering of the skin and fatigue. Later, the skin exposed to the radiation may darken, thicken, and lack sensitivity if any nerve endings have been damaged. Long term complications may include impaired lung function due to scar tissue, an increased risk of heart disease, and easy fracturing of the ribs. Chemotherapy. Studies indicate that adjuvant chemotherapy greatly increases long term survival, even for women with localized stage I cancer.

Chemotherapy may begin before surgery; however, it is usually started a few weeks afterwards. This treatment is also prescribed for recurrent or inoperable cancers. Chemotherapy appears to be most effective in preventing a recurrence among younger women who have not gone through menopause. The side effects loss of hair, nausea, reduced immunity to infections, mouth sores, fatigue, and bleeding problems are temporary, but still very trying. For this reason, chemotherapy may not be recommended for an older woman, especially if her cancer is localized. Hormone Therapy. Cancer specialists now believe that almost all breast cancer patients can benefit from hormone therapy, even if their tumors are not the type stimulated by estrogen or proges terone. Thmoxifen (Nolvadex), a drug that blocks estrogen, is the treatment of choice. It has fewer side effects than anticancer drugs, although it may cause hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms in younger women. Other, more radical approaches to hormone manipulation include ovarian ablation, a procedure in which the ovaries are either surgically removed or destroyed by chemicals or radiation, and perhaps the removal of other hormone producing glands.

Experimental Treatments

Women with advanced breast cancer may be candidates for experimental therapies such as hyperthermia, in which very high fevers are induced to kill cancer cells, photodynamic therapy, which uses a light sensitive anticancer drug; and bone marrow transplantation, in which the woman's bone marrow is destroyed by drugs and then replaced with healthy marrow to bolster the body's ability to fight the cancer.

Medical Treatments For Breast Cancer

Cancer Treatments

Fucoidan - Is There a Natural Cure for Cancer?

Does the word "Cancer" scare you?

cancer bracelets

Well it should, however you probably think it will never happen to you. In the US one in every 2 men and one in every 3 women will be diagnosed with some form of Cancer and the Canadian statistics are very similar. Cancer is not the only disease that we should be concerned about in today's environment, depending on underlying factors the flu or the common cold could be deadly to some people. Due to poor diets, lack of exercise and daily stress most immune systems are so far out of balance they could not even begin to protect us against the smallest of infections or bacteria.


So have you ever heard of Fucoidan?

Like many the answer to this question is "no". Well let me attempt to give you some valuable information in this article that may save your life or the life of loved ones.
Fucoidan is like a closely guarded secret, as an antioxidant it has certainly piqued the interest of many scientists. Fucoidan has been scientifically proven to enhance immunity and cellular health to the point where it helps heal wounds, supports normal blood pressure, detoxifies the body against heavy metals, helps prevent the common colds and flu as well as, yes fight Cancer. There I said it. Fight Cancer.

Having dealt with some serious health issues over the past 3 years I have taken it upon myself to obtain extensive education in the wellness industry. I was never one who liked putting prescription chemicals into my body as the side effects of many drugs are far worse than the original problem. I am sure that there are many positive health care stories out there however all you hear are the negative with most having tragic and sad endings. I feel it necessary to take ownership of your own health care because no one knows your body better that you do.

Well let's get to the interesting stuff, as humans we are born with an immune system that protects our body from foreign viruses, bacteria, harmful substances and bad cells. When our body or immune system is off balance, which can happen because of many different reasons we end up sick and in some cases terminally ill.

Did you know that there is a natural dietary supplement which we can consume that will strengthen our immune system and help keep it in balance? It is an active ingredient call Fucoidan and it is found in nearly all brown algae seaweed. It is a common known fact that seaweed or dulse is very good for you however many people do not have the ability to ingest it? I for one can not handle the taste or texture of the stuff. Fucoidan is most effective if ingested in its natural state which is gel form. Some cultures are nearly cancer free and it has been deemed that in part is due to their high intake of brown algae seaweed.

Within the molecular structure of Fucoidan is the presence of fucose which is a healing sugar however not to be confused with fructose. Fucose is also found abundantly in human breast milk, that is why most new mothers are encourage to breast feed their babies to give them a good head start in life, boost their immune system and fight off any virus or disease.

To obtain Fucoidan seaweed is harvested by just cutting off the growing tips of the sea plant which will allow the plant to continue to grow and provide a never ending supply of Fucoidan. Scientific studies have been carried out and continue to be done to grasp a full understanding of the healing magic of Fucoidan. Don't just take my word for it do your own homework and you will quickly realize like I, that this is one of the best kept secrets in the wellness industry. Unfortunately most people just don't know about it and because being sick is a multi-billion dollar industry, the advertisement of natural supplements is suppressed. To really understand why and how the natural supplement business is suppressed I recommend you read Kevin Trudeau's book "Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About". It will certainly open your mind and give you something to think about, I found it to be a fantastic read.

Our immune system is very complex and so is the make up of Fucoidan and how it works. My goal with this article is to make you aware of its existence, how it works and why it works I will leave that up to the scientists to explain. Many of the global scientific studies can be found at

The money spent to cure and treat cancer is significant, in the US alone the estimate for 2005 is around 0 billion. Almost every one has been touched by cancer, some closer than others. Did you realize that in the past 18 years there have been at least 18 studies that have shown that Fucoidan either prevents tumor growth or kills existing cancer cells?

That’s on average one study a year for the past 18 years that has scientifically proven the health benefits of Fucoidan, consistent results, hard to brush off. Yes scientists have established that Fucoidan stimulates the death of certain cancer cells, as well as slows down the growth and spreading of such cells. While the research is still ongoing and there is much to be done the initial results known so far are extremely positive.

Cancer treatments place the entire body in jeopardy in order to kill cancer cells and unfortunately healthy cells are often damaged and the immune system is placed in total shock in the process. The price for cancer treatment has increased nearly 10 times in the past 20 years. Billions of dollars have been raised and placed into cancer research with no reliable solution in near site. Now don't get me wrong, I feel that great strides have been made however it still seems to be hit and miss.

Imagine a natural immunity boost ingredient that would have no harmful side effects, would have multiple health benefits, would come from a renewable natural product, would be inexpensive, and would reduce the incidence of cancer, common cold, respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. Fucoidan possess all of these ideal properties.

So why on earth is this not advertised, promoted or better understood? Remember before I said that being sick is a multi-billion dollar industry. Certain words are not allowed (especially in writing) when marketing natural immunity supplements, words like "cure, diagnose, treat and prevent" to name a few. The scientific community has provided sufficient evidence that Fucoidan can have a dramatic effect on cancer however it can not be promoted as such. People who are diagnosed with cancer go into expensive chemo treatments with "no guarantee of success", so why is the system not willing to suggest a natural alternative that has been scientifically proven. Please tell me it is not about the money.

OK, so let me tell you what I do know about Fucoidan in politically correct statements that won't get my behind in hot water if I have not done so already.

• Fucoidan supports the normal disposal of non-native cells.

• Fucoidan may help stimulate immune response when the body is attacked.

• Fucoidan helps modulate the immune system.

• Fucoidan supports normal cellular health.

• Fucoidan supports blood circulation to native body cells.

• Fucoidan may help regenerate healthy skin tissue.

• Fucoidan supports healthy joint mobility at all ages.

My family has been riddled with cancer and none of them are what I can call survivors, heroes yes, but not survivors. Cancer is a disease most people do not want to talk about and I can understand that, so what about the common viral cold, respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections I know you can all relate to me now. Guess what Fucoidan is the Ultimate Molecular Immunity Boost. It contains plant bioactive molecules that generate amazing health benefits. Fucoidan is safe, Fucoidan is researched. Once again don't take my word for it, do your own homework. My goal was just to make you aware of its existence and in plain terms some of its benefits.

For more information visit []
Wellness is a lifestyle & Fucoidan [] is one of the ocean's greatest treasures.

Fucoidan - Is There a Natural Cure for Cancer?


Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreas is responsible for producing insulin which regulates the sugar level in the body. All those who know what diabetes is would know the importance of insulin in body (and hence the importance of pancreas). Pancreas also produces pancreatic juice which helps in digestion of food. When abnormal growth of cells (malignant cells) occurs in the pancreas, it is called pancreatic cancer. Like other types of cancer, pancreatic cancer too is life threatening.

cancer shirts

Cause of pancreatic cancer


Pancreatic cancer is again one of those that happen to older people (generally those above the age of 60). Chronic pancreatitis, which is caused by consumption of large amounts of alcohol, can act as a predecessor of pancreatic cancer. Some people tend to associate pancreatic cancer to genes and family history but there doesn't seem any concrete evidence to suggest one or the other. Generally speaking, pancreatic cancer doesn't seem to have a relation to family history.

Symptoms and diagnosis of pancreatic cancer

Again, none of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer are such so as to give confirmatory indications of pancreatic cancer. Pain in the abdomen, tiredness and loss of appetite are said to be symptoms of pancreatic cancer but these can really be caused by so many other things that it might not even occur to you that this could be caused by pancreatic cancer. However, if you are skeptical and want to make sure that everything is ok, you can always consult a qualified doctor to vet out your fears. Jaundice is another symptom of pancreatic cancer but this too can be caused by other things. So, really, it comes to proper tests and diagnosis to detect pancreatic cancer. The doctors would generally go for a urine test (for bile) and a blood test as the first screening tests for pancreatic cancer. In case these tests suggest pancreatic cancer, there could be need for x-rays and other tests (as deemed fit by the doctor).

Treatment of pancreatic cancer

As is the case with any type of cancer, the chances of survival with pancreatic cancer is governed by how early you are able to catch the symptoms and diagnose pancreatic cancer. The treatment for pancreatic cancer is dependent on the size of the cancer, the stage of cancer and your general health. A major consideration is the size of the cancer and whether it has spread around or is localized. For pancreatic cancer too, the best treatment is removal of the cancer through surgical procedure (and it's a major surgery). Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are other ways of treating pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic Cancer


Spinal Cord Injury Alternative Medicine Treatment : Medical Intuition & Energy Healing

Spinal cord injury (herniated discs, pinched nerves, collapsed vertebrae) is one of the most devastating catastrophic injuries that one can endure. The spinal cord is the gateway for all nerve paths. The location of the injury and the severity of the damage determine the complications involved and the dysfunction. Science is discovering that the sooner the spinal cord injury is addressed and treatment begins, there is a direct correlation to recovery of the affected areas.

As a medical intuitive and "human MRI", when assessing a spinal cord injury, I look at the 360 degree view of the traumatized area. Failing to "see" the entire injured area can produce further injury, and create neglect in areas that need to be immediately addressed. It is best to look at each segment of the spine (discs and vertebrae) and spinal cord nerves in 4 equal quadrants. When helping to diagnose and evaluate the damaged area, reevaluating every 3 hours for the first 24 hours until the client is stabilized produces more accurate readings and beneficial results, as inflammation, further compression and damage can progress after the initial injury has occurred.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Although the initial site of the catastrophic injury is your primary source of dehabilitation, the damaged neural pathways can extend beyond that original area and days later create problems of their own. To counter this problem, "tracking" the energy of the affected neural pathways will give you further information of possible deterioration and additional side effects. If you do not have extending neural circumstances, containing the affected areas in a bubble of Healing energy will usually suspend further exacerbation of future problems.

While the allopathic physicians are providing their treatments, you can effectively use energy healing to complement and integrate with their procedures.
Removing pain is usually the first consideration, unless the client is rendered "numb" by his experience. Secondly, work on inflammation to help minimize current damage and to alleviate possible secondary symptoms.

In my experience in healing the spinal cord nerves, vertebrae and herniated discs of a paralyzed dog in 90 days, it is best to work on each issue separately so as not to overload the client's health response system during a time of great stress. Use energy healing to build a solid foundation step by step to rebuild the molecular structure of the cells and in turn the bodily systems. It is also best to work in increments and intermittently, so the molecular structures can recalibrate, and regenerate without stressing the physical structures.

First, regenerate the vertebrae's cellular structure in order to provide a foundation that is capable of holding the disc. Secondly, reestablish the health of each disc, leaving the neural pathways as your last concern. Once the spine is stabilized, then revitalize the neural pathways. If you reactivate the nerves before you have a solid base in the spinal column, you might create more inflammation and pain than necessary. Rebuilding a system, inch by inch produces a stronger foundation that will allow the client to rebuild his muscular system with physical therapy without causing extra pain.

Although stem cell research is providing a gateway of hope for Spinal cord injuries,electromagnetic bio molecular energy healing can and will be a beneficial healing modality.

Feel free to reprint this article in its original format.

Contact Information:

Brent Atwater, Alternative & Integrative Medical Specialist

Medical Intuitive, Distance Energy Healing

ATL, GA Phone: 404.242.9022 USA

NC Phone: 910.692.5206 USA

Disclaimer: Brent Atwater is not a medical doctor or associated with any branch of medicine. Brent works in Alternative Medicine. She offers her opinions based on her intuition, and her personal energy healing work, which is not a substitute for medical procedures or treatments. Always consult a physician or trained health care professional concerning any medical problem or condition before undertaking any diet, health related or lifestyle change programs. There are no guarantees with the Energy work.



Spinal Cord Injury Alternative Medicine Treatment : Medical Intuition & Energy Healing

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Brain Cancer - 7 Questions on Glioblastoma Multiforme

What are glia cells?

cancer step outside the box

Glia cells hold together the neurons in the brain. The glia communicate with the neurons to trigger the neurons to function. One way to think of glia is that they are a network of cells throughout the brain. The glia are also described as the glue that holds the neurons in place.


What happens to the glia when they become malignant?

When the cells of a glia multiply, a malignancy is forming. Initially there will not be any symptoms. Unfortunately the cancer of the glia is very aggressive, that is, develops quickly. By the time symptoms are noticed a tumor is growing.

What is gliblastoma multiforme?

GBM, as glioblastoma multiforme is called, is the deadliest, most aggressive form of brain malignancy. GBM can form anywhere in the brain, and is the highest grade of cancer, a grade 4. There is no cure. There are 500,000 cases a year in the U.S.

What are GBM symptoms?

The symptoms are directly related to where the tumor is located in the brain. Brain malignancy is difficult to diagnose because for every group of symptoms there are multiple possible diagnoses. For instance, when my husband began searching for words, we thought he was experiencing "senior moments." Yet, he quickly progressed to no longer knowing the names for objects. Then he could no longer spell or read. These symptoms progressed over four weeks.

How is glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) diagnosed?

When brain involvement is expected, the MRI is performed. The MRI will show up the tumor, where it is located, its shape, and it its size. From a biopsy, tissue samples are sent to pathology where the tumor is diagnosed.

What is the treatment standard for glioblastoma (GBM)?

The first line of defense is surgical removal, called a resection. Not all GBMs are operable. If the malignancy is located at the brain stem or anywhere else where resection would cause more harm than improvement, then surgery is not an option. The next line of defense is radiation therapy, five days a week, for four to seven weeks, along with chemotherapy. When the radiation is completed, then there will be a maintenance protocol of continued chemotherapy for several months.

What is the prognosis for this type of cancer?

Poor, glioblastoma multiforme is incurable. Other GBM tumors will form, and other surgeries may be performed. Aggressive radiation and chemotherapy will be offered. Life expectancy is anywhere from few weeks to a couple of years.

The most aggressive and deadliest form of brain cancer is glioblastoma multiforme. This is the type of cancer that Ted Kennedy had. There is no cure for this cancer. Treatment options may include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Brain Cancer - 7 Questions on Glioblastoma Multiforme


Breast Cancer And Possible Treatments

According to the latest studies made by American Cancer Society (ACS) more than 190,000 women were affected with breast cancer just in the year 1996 (ACS Breast). In terms of severity, breast cancer comes just after the lung cancer, being the cause of death for hundreds of women every year. But the good side is that several options are available to treat the patients of breast cancer.

Although prevention is the better way for treating any kind of disease, no such prevention method has been discovered as yet for the breast cancer. The recommendation from ACS suggested the women in the age group of 20 and more, to go through regular self examination process of their breast. The recommendation also asked the women to go for clinical checkup for every 3 years. (ACS Breast). Tumors can also be detected by using mammography, but the issue of when and how many times the mammograms could be done is still debatable. Mammography has been proved to be an effective way to diagnose the cancerous property of any tumor.

Cancer Treatments

There are two main types if treatments for breast cancer, which are local and systemic. Local treatments are performed by surgical process and radiation therapy to control or kill the cancerous cells in the affected region. The systemic treatments are performed with the help of hormonal therapy and chemotherapy to kill or control the growth of the cancerous cells at any places of the body.

Being the common method to treat the breast cancer, the surgery or mastectomy basically deals with removing whole or part of the breast. There are different types of surgery methods for breast cancer. However, doctors might like to avoid this treatment method for the harmful after effects such as arm swelling, difficulty in moving shoulder and weakening in the nearest arm. In case there is no other way out than mastectomy, then the patient should go for breast reconstruction process performed after the surgery (Kushner 37).

The breast-sparing surgery is another variation of the surgical treatment, which consists of lumpectomies and segmental mastectomies. This surgery is performed by removing the cancerous lump without hampering the surrounding breast tissue. The patient should undergo radiation therapy as a post operative procedure for destroying the remaining cancerous cells in that region. To be on the safe side, doctors also prefer to take away the lymph nodes present under the arm to safeguard the lymphatic system against cancer.

Another known treatment method for breast cancer is the radiation therapy, which destroys the cancerous cells and holds back the growth process by using x-rays in high degree. The source of radiation could be any external source or the radioactive pellets inserted into the breasts or both. To get the radiation from outside, patients have to go to the clinic or health center in a daily basis. If the radiation is performed as a post-operative treatment of breast sparing surgery, then the patients have to take the radiation for a period of 5-6 weeks considering 5 days of radiation session per week. Finally, an additional booster dose of radiation is given to the affected area. Implant radiation requires the patient to get admitted into the hospital. The radiation therapy can generate side-effects like breast swelling and dehydrated skin at the radiated area of the body.

Chemotherapy is often used as a common procedure to treat breast cancer. Being a type of systemic therapies, it destroys the cancel cells by using a combination of certain useful drugs. The traditional method of chemotherapy is performed following a cycle of treatment period and recovery period and vice versa (NIH 23). Similar to the radiation therapy, it can also be performed for the outpatients. However chemotherapy has certain terrible side effects like loss of hair, nausea, loss of appetite, infertility, sores in the vaginal area, tiredness etc, which affects the patient very badly (ACS For Women 32). Although, all these side effects other than infertility might go away after completion of the treatment.

Among the other treatments of breast cancer, hormone therapy has come up to be a great success. In this method, medications are used to stop the hormone supply to the tumors, to impede the growth. This can be confirmed by removing hormone supplying body parts like glands and ovaries.

The bone marrow transplantation might provide positive breakthrough in treating breast cancer. This procedure involves transplanting healthy bone marrow from other part of the body or from some other person. However research is still going on to make this a great success.

It is really difficult to take the right treatment decision, as there are multiple options. Mostly the doctors and the patient jointly decide to go for a preferred type of treatment. However there are certain deciding factors on the patient's side, which include health condition, age, menopausal condition, tumor location and breast size (ACS Breast). It also considers some important features of the tumors, like the positive effect of the hormone for the growth of the tumor. More importantly the stage of the disease is determined to decide on the treatment method, which is measured by the size of the cancerous lump and the area affected by cancer.

The primary stages of breast cancer are stage I and stage II. In case of stage I, cancer cells remain inside the breast area and the tumor has the diameter of 1 inch or less. The cancer spreads to affect the lymph nodes under the arm and/or the breast tumor has 1-2 inches of diameter, in case of stage II patients.

The breast-sparing surgery combined with radiation therapy as the primary local treatment can be effective for the women having primary stage of breast cancer. Otherwise they could go for a mastectomy, which will also give the same result as the previous.

Whether the patient would go for a mastectomy or breast-sparing surgery depends on certain facts like tumor size and location, the breast size, reports of mammogram and patient's ideas on breast preservation. In both the cases, lymph nodes are taken away. Some of the stage I and most of the stage II patients have to undergo chemotherapy and/or hormonal therapy. This additional part of the treatment is known as adjuvant therapy, which is provided as prevention from further occurring (LaTour 131).

In case of stage III or locally advanced cancer, the tumor grows to have a diameter more than 2 inches and also affects the surrounding tissues of the breast (131). The patients is this stage, have to go through local and systemic both type of treatments to kill the tumor and to control the cancer growth, respectively. The systemic treatment might include chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, or both together.

The metastatic cancer or stage IV is implied by the situation, when the other organs of the body also got affected with cancer (ACS Breast). The stage IV patients go through the chemotherapy and hormonal therapy to reduce the size of the tumor. They also have to undergo radiation therapy for controlling the spreading all over the body. Researchers are trying to prove the effectiveness of the bone marrow transplant method for the patients in their stage IV.

Considering the negative factors of the breast cancer, there are effective ways to treat this deadly disease. Even White House has also taken a step to encourage on more research on this regard. President Bill Clinton has extended his financial support for the ongoing research projects and requested the insurance organizations for providing more coverage for mammograms. This support will definitely give rise to new hopes for finding new treatment methods for this disease, which might offer full recovery by the end of this century.

Breast Cancer And Possible Treatments

Cancer Treatments

Liver Cancer Alternative Treatments and Options

Cancer of the liver is a fairly rare disease, with approximately 16,000 diagnosed cases in the U.S. per year. Primary liver cancer occurs when the disease begins in the liver, which is actually very rare. The most common type of liver cancer is metastatic or secondary. Metastatic liver cancer occurs when cancer cells from another part of the body spread (or metastasize) to the liver. Because there is a tumor in the body that has already spread or metastasized, this disease is very deadly. Do liver cancer alternative treatments exist? Yes.

Natural and alternative treatments for cancer of the liver or any other cancer target the immune system and the whole body. This is because all cancer is a failure of the immune system, for some reason it has not done its job of finding and killing cancerous cells.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Everyone has cancerous cells in his or her body at all times, they occur when a cell has been damaged and its DNA mutates. When this damaged cell divides and replicates itself, the damaged DNA is also replicated, and the new cell is a cancerous cell. The immune system is programmed to find and destroy these mutated cells. and normally does this job very effectively.

If the immune system is weak or has also been damaged, some of the cancerous cells may not be destroyed, and they will continue to replicate. Eventually a tumor will form. So the first priority of alternative cancer treatment is to strengthen and boost the immune system so it can function properly. This is normally done through dietary changes and the addition of different types of supplements.

Many people do not know that there are also specialized alternative cancer clinics that use cutting edge equipment, drugs and procedures to treat cancer. These clinics are located mainly in Mexico and Germany, although there are a handful in the U.S. Liver cancer alternative treatments in these clinics can be very effective.

If you have been diagnosed with any this disease, especially secondary or metastatic liver cancer, start boosting your immune system by improving your diet immediately while you research your treatment options. Pay special attention to the treatments available at alternative cancer clinics, especially those in Germany and Mexico.

Liver Cancer Alternative Treatments and Options

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Monday, November 28, 2011

Stage 4 Lung Cancer Life Expectancy

This article discusses about stage stage 4 Lung Cancer Life Expectancy Variables. Cancer of lung is the foremost cause of cancer deaths in the United States, amongst both men and women. Yet the cancer is amongst the most preventable cancers as well. Smoking accounts for approximately 85 percent to 90 percent of cases of the cancer.

cancer ribbons

Even though the rate of mortality from lung cancer has been declining for men, the rate for women has raised. Early detection and treatment have an effect in life expectancy following diagnosis.


Stage 4 lung cancer life expectancy can be different to a great extent among some people. A number of these variables consist of:
- The certain type and location of cancer of lung: Stage 4 lung cancer includes some types of the disease, and encompasses cancers that have spread to simply one distant region or those that have spread widely
- The age: Younger people have a tendency to live longer than older people with the disease
- The sex: The life expectancy for woman with the cancer is higher at each stage.
- The general health at the time of diagnosis: Being healthy in general at the time of diagnosis is linked with a longer expectancy of life, and a greater capability to withstand treatments that may lengthen survival
- How someone respond to treatment: Side effects of treatments like chemotherapy, targeted therapies, and radiation therapy differ amongst some people, and might limit the ability to put up with treatment
- Other health conditions someone may has: Health conditions like emphysema might lower stage 4 lung cancer life expectancy
- Complications of cancer of lung - Complications like blood clots can lower the stage 4.

While stage 4 of the cancer is not typically curable, it is treatable. These treatments possibly will not just improve survival, but also assist with the symptoms of cancer of lung. A number of treatments are at present being evaluated in clinical trials, and offer expectation that stage 4 lung cancer life expectancy will improve in the future.

Stage 4 Lung Cancer Life Expectancy


Colorectal Cancer Information On Symptoms And Treatment

The incidence of cancer of the large bowel and rectum shows wide variation throughout the world.  It is one of the most common internal malignancies in the United States. The mean age for onset of colorectal cancer is 63 to 67 years old. The exact cause of this type of malignancy is unknown, but it is generally accepted that it occurs more frequent on urbanized, industrialized countries and less frequently in rural and underdeveloped ones. The causes are considered to be more due to environmental factors. However, family history is also a predisposing factor.

The high bulk diet of persons in less advanced areas permits the easy, rapid passage of several bowel movements per day which is one of the tips for colorectal cancer prevention. Researchers agree that more work needs to be done, but delayed motility and bacterial activity seem to be involved in developing carcinogens. Constipation predisposes to cancer of the bowel by permitting long exposure of the mucosa to external carcinogens in the stool.

Cancer Treatments

A thorough physical examination and questions about patient history are essential in determining the presence of carcinoma. The patient should be questioned about previous findings of polyps or colitis, and about a family history of colorectal and other cancers. The findings may be non-conclusive or highly suspicious. Rectal examination also reveals about 50% of cancers in the large bowel.  Iron deficiency anemia in the male and post menopausal female and the presence of blood in the stool should always be investigated.

Colorectal cancer symptoms include changes in bowel habits and bleeding. Pain is even felt depending on where the cancer cells are located on the part of the colon. When it includes the rectum and the recto-sigmoid for instance, local pain or pain in the lower back that radiates down the legs. It feels like you are being zapped with a stun gun at that area. Nausea and vomiting is also common and even anorexia and anemia.

One of the most confusing aspects of large bowel cancer has been related to staging or classification of the disease. The staging is based on examination of the specimen after surgery. Numerous staging systems have been developed. The Dukes classification with three stages is simple and easy. Stage A involves the spread of the mucosa and sub-mucosa. Stage B includes the invasion through the entire muscle wall with no node involvement. Lastly, stage C includes the metastasis to regional lymph nodes.

The treatment for colorectal cancer may involve one or a combination of surgery, including laser surgery, radiation therapy which includes isotope implants and chemotherapy which also involves immunotherapy. Electric sparks almost similar or higher than the voltage used on tazer gun is applied to destroy tissues or it is medically called as fulguration. The choice of the particular modality or combination is dependent upon the type and location of the tumor, degree of metastasis and the condition of the patient.

The prognosis is dependent upon the time of detection and the treatment. That is why you must know and be vigilant when it comes to the warning signs and symptoms of this type of cancer for earlier detection and prevention.

Colorectal Cancer Information On Symptoms And Treatment

Cancer Treatments

The One Minute Cancer Cure - Treatment for Cancer The Natural Way

Suffering from cancer is painful and even more so because may a times the victim does not get cured and is left to die. What if you had a one-minute cure (which costs only 1.5 cents a day to self-administer) that could get rid of virtually any type of cancer?

cancer awareness bracelets

I know you're probably thinking, "That just can't be true! How could one simple remedy possibly cure all types of cancer? Well, you have reason to be doubtful. I know I was. But if you're willing to suspend disbelief for an instant, you're about to learn the most amazing health secret anyone could ever possess. Your life could actually depend on this interesting information. You must cash in on the first opportunity to find out about the one minute cancer cure therapy before this information is banned by various pharmaceutical companies.


Doctor Otto Warburg, a Noble winner, stunned the globe when he revealed that cancer is caused by inadequate oxygen level in the body. In fact, his researches revealed that if you deny a cell 35% of its required oxygen for 48 hours, the cell is liable to become cancerous. That is why cancer is so widespread in our modern society -- because most people suffer from oxygen deprivation. Clearly, the primary physical cause of cancer is linked to oxygen deficiency. When any human body is abounding in oxygen, all cancer cells are eliminated because they cannot endure a high-oxygen atmosphere.

Natural remedies to cure cancer emphasizes on providing more oxygen to the cells of the body. The one minute cancer cure therapy is based on the theory of increasing blood flow in the cells of the body by increasing the hemoglobin and oxygen dissociation. Let us find out the process in which it functions. This natural cure to cancer works by increasing the levels of oxygen in the cells and tissues of the body. Any kind of pathogens cannot exist in such an environment due to their anaerobic nature. Therefore, they get eliminated.

One minute cancer cure method according to researchers is amazingly effective and that too without any side effects. Among all the other treatments to cancer, this new cure to cancer has been selected as one of the best natural cures for cancer because it works on the idea of increasing oxygen inside the body.

Oxygen cannot cure disease unless it is delivered to the cells and tissues of the body.

Most humans are unable to obtain suitable amounts of oxygen in their tissues and cells due reasons like poor air quality, oxygen-depleting actions and poor breathing habits. Moreover, the human body is unable to carry oxygen to the cells.

If the disease has to be eradicated by oxygen, then it must reach not only to the lungs and not only to bloodstream, but also to the cells of the body. That is why other oxygen-based therapies like food or supplements rich in oxygen, oxygenated water or healing procedures releasing oxygen in the bloodstream are not always recommended in treating cancer.

While oxygen based therapies can supply oxygen to the body, they don't involve a useful mechanism for breaking oxygen free from hemoglobin molecule. Therefore, oxygen based therapies may not deliver oxygen to the tissues and cells. One minute cancer cure therapy is an exception and does this in an effective way. This simple therapy includes natural oxygenating substance that stimulates movement of the oxygen atoms from bloodstream to cells.

The One Minute Cancer Cure - Treatment for Cancer The Natural Way


Mesothelioma Cancer Patients Do Have Treatment Options Available To Them

Mesothelioma Cancer is a very rare and extremely deadly form of cancer. In most cases the people that contracted it came in contact with a manmade substance called asbestos. This material was widely used in many products only a few short decades ago. It is still prevalent in many older buildings that were built during that period. When somebody happens to contract cancer, they usually do not know where to turn, or what their treatment options are. Below, you will find out about the few things that a person can do if they do come down with this horrendous disease.

Most if not all of us, have heard of a form of cancer treatment called "Chemotherapy". It is very widely used today with varying rates of success. It does cause certain side effects, which are hair loss, vomiting, weight loss, physical fatigue, and nausea. It can be administered in the form of a pill or an injection, and often causes the patient to get quite sick, before they recover from the cancer.

Cancer Treatments

Palliative Therapies treatments work by draining the surplus fluids out of a patient's body by using suction and a needle. After it is completed, the doctor might recommend following up the treatment with a drug of some type, that will stop the fluids from accumulating in the future.

In certain instances a doctor could recommend surgery for an individual that has Mesothelioma Cancer. The main types of surgery performed under these circumstances are called Pneumonectomy and Pleurodesis, Thoracentesis and Extrapleural, Pleurectomy/Decortication, and Pneumonectomy. It depends on the form of Mesothelioma Cancer that you have, which will determine which surgery is performed.

Another widely used treatment for people that have this disease is called radiation therapy. It is often the preferred treatment, since it allows the physician to target only the effected cells, and not damage any of the healthy cells. Only one treatment can continue to destroy the infected cells for up to a one year period.

Above are the most widely used treatments designed to extend the lives of the patients that have come down with Mesothelioma Cancer. Presently, there are no known cures for the cancer, just like most other forms of this deadly disease. However, doctors and scientists are always working on better ways to treat the patients, as well as trying to find a cure for it all together.

Of course, for the people that already have it, any hopes of cures in the future just might come too late for them. What makes this form of cancer so disheartening for so many, is that in the majority of the cases it could have been prevented if the people who got it, only knew what to look out for.

That was of course, not coming in contact with asbestos in anyway. If you or a loved one happens to have come down with Mesothelioma Cancer, there is still hope, and you should seek immediate treatment from the most highly qualified specialist you can find.

Mesothelioma Cancer Patients Do Have Treatment Options Available To Them

Cancer Treatments

Side Effects, Increased Cancer Risk Top List of Why More Women Are Using Natural Menopause Cures

Recent warnings and advisory reports by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) combined with medical reports by groups such as the Women's Health Imitative, have concluded that women who are using prescription menopause drugs are placing themselves at a greatly increased risk of contracting breast cancer. According to the recent studies, the women who are using prescribed hormone replacement therapy drugs are at more than double the risk of contracting breast cancer than women who seek natural cures for menopause.

Side Effects and Increased Cancer Risk Deter Many Women from Drugs
Considering that women already have a one in three chance of contracting ovarian and breast cancers during their lifetime, perhaps the recent declines in women who are using prescription drugs can be directly linked to these risks; women just don't want to increase the odds that they can be diagnosed with a terminal illness, simply from taking a drug to treat the symptoms of menopause. Similarly, recent studies have also concluded that the main reason why breast cancer rates are dropping in women who are over the age of forty five is because many have ceased taking drugs, like menopause drugs, that increase their risks of contraction.

Alternative Cancer

What Alternatives are Available?
There are plenty of alternatives that are readily available for women who wish to cease taking hormone replacement therapy drugs. The studies have also shown that when women who are taking estrogen pills stop, about a year later their risks of contracting cancers associated with the usages of these drugs returned to normal risk levels for their age group. Alternatives currently on the market include soy-based supplements and entirely natural cures for menopause. Many women are choosing to go with natural cures because unlike their soy-based counterparts, that only address a few of the symptoms, natural cures of menopause treat virtually all known symptoms without causing any known side effects.

Side Effects, Increased Cancer Risk Top List of Why More Women Are Using Natural Menopause Cures

Alternative Cancer

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cancer and the Lack of Oxygen

I asked John if he had ever heard or seen a case of cancer of the

'Interesting question' was his response 'Why do you ask that?'

Alternative Cancer Treatments

'Well, carrying on from our previous discussion regarding
conditions of disease, you are aware that it would be impossible
for the heart to sclerose to the point of developing cancer -
before it reached that state, the heart would cease to function.'

'Ah yes!' he replied. 'I see what you mean.'

'And are you aware' he continued, 'that the cause of cancer is a
lack of oxygen? - that during my research I found that cancer cells
are deprived of oxygen.'

He went on to talk about mutant cells during the cancer stage and
that every cell had a point at which the amount of oxygen was
'fixed' within the cell and that was a determining factor in the
longevity of life for the cells.

At least I think that was the gist of his point because I had
started to drift during the conversation - thinking about the
'cause of disease' as it pertains to Naturopathic philosophy

If you will remember from previous articles - I have outlined the
process of disease - moving from irritation through to hardening
and cancer.

Move along the process in your mind - to the point of hardening -
at this point you will see the dysfunctional cell encapsulated
within a hardened case - a cyst or callous, if you will.

This hardened shell disrupts the normal free flow of blood, lymph
and nerve force - resulting in an aberration of cell development.

John's explanation was expanding my thinking - If the flow of blood
to a cell is disrupted - then of course, the oxygen contained
within the blood would also be disrupted.

The lesson contained within this line of thinking is that we must
always be aware of the cause/effect relationship within the health
and disease process.

Nothing ever happens without a cause - contrary to medical
philosophy which would like us to believe that there is no known
cause for any of the disease symptoms that fill the texts.

We can follow the relationship of cause and effect ad infinitum
within the disease process but I will bet my bottom dollar that the
initial cause in all disease will be found in an enervating symptom
of irritation.

Don't get rubbed the wrong way in your own health thinking.

All the best


Cancer and the Lack of Oxygen

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Skin Cancer - Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)

In the United States, Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) accounts for 90 percent of all skin cancers in the southern states, and 47 percent in the northern states. Basal Cell Carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer in Australia and New Zealand, representing 70-80% of diagnosed skin cancers. Occurrence of Basal Cell Carcinoma mainly occurs on the head and neck. It occurs less often in Asians and rarely among darker skinned races. As with all skin cancers the risk is considered to be related to sun exposure. The positive about Basal Cell Carcinoma is that it is slow-growing and rarely metastasizes throughout the body. However, it is locally destructive and can invade neighboring bone and nerve tissue.

Description - BCC is a malignant epithelial cell tumor that begins as a papule (a small, circumscribed, solid elevation of the skin) and enlarges peripherally, developing into a crater that erodes, crusts and bleeds. BCC originates in the basal layer of the epidermis, the lowest layer of skin.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Signs and Symptoms of Basal Cell Carcinoma - There are five typical characteristics of basal cell carcinoma that are quite different from each other. Two or more features are frequently present in one tumor. BCC sometimes resembles non-cancerous skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema and requires diagnosis by a trained person. The five warning signs of basal cell carcinoma are:

An open sore that bleeds, oozes or crusts, and remains open for three or more weeks. A persistent, non-healing sore is a very common early manifestation. A reddish patch or an irritated area, frequently occurring on the chest, shoulders, arms or legs. Sometimes the patch crusts. It may also itch or hurt. At other times, it persists with no noticeable discomfort. A smooth growth with an elevated, rolled border and an indentation in the centre. As the growth slowly enlarges, tiny blood vessels may develop on the surface (telangiectases). A shiny bump (nodule) that is pearly or translucent and is often pink, red or white. The nodule can also be tan, black or brown, especially in dark-haired people, and can be confused with a mole or melanoma. A scar-like area (white, yellow, or waxy in appearance) which often has poorly defined borders. The skin itself appears shiny or taut. Although a less frequent sign, it can indicate the presence of a more aggressive tumor.

Diagnosis of Basal Cell Carcinoma - Diagnosis is almost always by biopsy. Tissue is cut away from the site and examined under a microscope.

Medical Treatment of Basal Cell Carcinoma - Allopathic treatment depends on the size and type of tumor. There are various types of surgery or non-surgical treatments chosen from.

Non-surgical treatment of BCC - Allopathic non-surgical treatments have low success rates.

Topical application of 5-fluorouracil for 2 to 12 weeks is only beneficial for superficial BCC. Fluorouracil is used to prevent excess cell proliferation as found in skin cancer and psoriasis. It prevents the formation of RNA which in turn prevents the formation of DNA. Imiquinoid cream -currently the use of Imiquinoid cream is considered experimental. It is an immune response modifier that stimulates the immune system to release cytokines that destroy cancer cells. Treatment causes significant skin irritation. Not all types of BCC are affected. Ionizing radiation: Superficial x-ray. It results in radiation damage, therefore it is used more with older patients. Impaired immune function and general malaise also usually results. Used for facial BCC and appears less effective for BCC occurring elsewhere.

Surgical Removal of BCC - Surgery is the most studied, and most used treatment for removal of a BCC in allopathic medicine. The effectiveness of surgery depends very much on the skill of the surgeon. Various surgical methods:

Electrodessication and Curettage - the BCC is burned and removed with a scalpel. The main disadvantage of this method is that the tumor often tracks down hair follicles. (9) Cryosurgery - liquid nitrogen to freeze burn the BCC. Excision surgery- the BCC is cut from the skin with a scalpel. To increase the likelihood of complete removal of the tumor, a portion of normal-appearing skin surrounding the BCC is removed. Microscopic or MOHS surgery - the BCC is cut from the skin, along with some of the healthy surrounding tissue. This is examined under a microscope to check for any remaining cancer cells. Tissue is then taken in increments of thin layers of skin, until no more cancer cells are detected. Mohs is the most effective allopathic medical treatment (99% cure rate for primary BCC, 90-95% for recurrent BCC). Laser surgery. Lasers are also used as a secondary therapy when topical medications or other techniques are unsuccessful.

Recurrence of BCC - Once a basal cell carcinoma has been removed, another growth can develop in the same place or nearby area. It has been found that 36% of people who develop a basal cell carcinoma will develop a secondary primary BCC within the next 5 years. Radiotherapy can result in more aggressive and invasive cells in a recurrent BCC.

Effective Alternative Treatments - Allopathic medicine is often successful in completely removing BCC's but obviously also often fails, given the high number of recurrences suffered by many people with repeat visits to the doctor and then specialist. These treatments don't always work as well as expected or hoped.

But there are natural treatments that are worth trying and have proven to be safe and effective. You can read the full text of this article in the e-book entitled "How to Treat Skin Cancer Naturally". The book includes descriptions of different types of Basal Cell Carcinoma as well as images and additional text. It covers other types of skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma) with helpful information on various methods and herbs such as bloodroot applications. Real cases of people who have successfully used these methods are included.

Skin Cancer - Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Treatment of Metastatic Stage IV Or D2 Prostate Cancer

Malignant neoplasm of the prostate that has scattered to remote organs and bones can be treated but can not be cured by means of the present standard therapies. Therapy through hormonal removal has been considered the usual treatment of D2 prostate malignancy for several years.

Some patients having metastatic tumor of prostate may not observe any symptoms from the malignancy. Formerly, a lot of these patients were experimented and were treated only when problems eventually developed. Problems from metastatic tumor of prostate were also less common in men getting instant treatment. Patients having metastatic cancer of the prostate are presently treated by means of hormone therapy by the use of medication after detection of ailment.

Cancer Treatments

Patients having advanced malignant neoplasm of the prostate may have tumor cells which have scattered to the bones, known as bone metastases. These metastases usually cause the pain, add the danger of fractures and may lead to life-threatening situations characterized with improved quantity of calcium found in the human blood called hypercalcemia. Treatment for complications of bones might include radiation therapy or use of Bisphosphonates.

Treatment for Bone Complications

Bisphosphonate drugs: These drugs effectively prevent the loss of bone which happens from metastatic injury, lessen the danger of fractures and reduce pain. These drugs also work by reducing bone breakdown or resorption. Bone is always remodeled by two kinds of cells: the osteoclasts, they are cells that breakdown the bone;' and osteoblasts, the cells which rebuild the bone. Even though the accurate procedure in which Biphosphonates work is not totally realized, it is considered that these drugs inhibit osteoclasts and stimulate apoptosis (death of cell) in the cells, thus decreasing bone loss. It is confirmed that the drugs attach to the bone, thereby jamming osteoclasts from resorption of bone. Tumor cells discharge assorted features that motivate activity of the osteoclasts, which cause improved collapse of bone. By holding back osteoclasts, Biphosphonates effectively decrease the damaging impact which tumor cells have on density of bone.

.Radiation Therapy: Pain from metastases of bone can be relieved also by radiation therapy intended to the bones affected. The utilization of radioisotopes, like Srontium-89, this medication is given through the veins and accumulates inside the bones wherein it eradicates malignant cells of the prostate by distributing small quantities of radiation. Clinical studies discovered that Strontium-89 is extremely effective because it is dispensed intravenously so it involves all bones, whereas radiation therapy which external in nature, the healing is limited only to tiny parts of the human body. The principal complication of Strontium-89 is the decrease in the total count of blood cells.

Strategies to Improve Treatment

The development that was done in the therapy of prostate tumor has been the result of the development of improved treatments in patients having advanced cancer and involvement in some clinical studies. While several progress were made to cure metastatic tumor of the prostate, most patients still submit to malignant neoplasm and better healing strategies are obviously necessary. Future development in therapy of prostate tumor may result from persistent participation in accurate clinical studies. At present, there are numerous areas of dynamic searching aimed in improving the therapy of prostate tumor.

Treatment of Metastatic Stage IV Or D2 Prostate Cancer

Cancer Treatments

Lung Cancer and Melanoma

Skin cancer is one of the most common of all cancers. Though melanoma is the least common kind of skin cancer, it is the most serious type of the disease. Melanoma happens in melanocytes, a sort of cell in the skin that creates the pigment that provides skin its natural color. Melanoma starts when melanocytes become malignant, which could take place on any skin surface.

In men, it is frequently found on the trunk or the head and neck. In women, melanoma frequently grows on the lower legs. The possibility of developing melanoma raises with age, but it has an effect on people of all age groups and is one of the most widespread cancers in young adults.

Cancer Treatments

Melanoma could spread rapidly and create large malignant tumors in the lung, brain, liver, or other organs. Sometimes melanoma that has extended to another organ is confused with primary cancer of that organ. Primary cancer is cancer that begun in that organ. Melanoma that has extended to other areas of the body might not be detectable until long after the original melanoma was removed from the skin.

There are special tests that could be made on biopsy samples that can tell whether it is a melanoma or some other type of cancer. This is significant for the reason that different cancers are frequently given different treatments. Treatment of a primary lung cancer is really different from treatment of melanoma that has extended to the liver or lung. That's why it is significant to observe if cancer in an organ is primary cancer or a malignant melanoma that has extended there.

Lung Cancer and Melanoma

Cancer Treatments

Stage 4 Lung Cancer - Learn About Cancer Life Expectancy

Stage 4 lung cancer or metastatic lung cancer is the stage that forty per cent of patients reach when diagnosed as having the illness. The major question asked at this stage is if there is yet some hope and what is the life expectancy.

Cancer stages depend on the type of the cancer. Small cell cancer stages are limited stage, extensive stage and recurrent. Occult, stages 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 in addition to recurrent stage, concern the non-small cell type.

Alternative Cancer

Stage 4 lung cancer is not curable but scientists are up to date with clinical experiments to improve life expectancy of patients. Metastatic lung cancer indicates a malignant tumor of any volume, with or without nodes, that has spread to other sections of the lung or to a different area of the body. Oncologists define cancer stages by the size of the tumor, lymph nodes and how wide is the progression of the disease to organs other than the lung itself.

The survival rate for Stage 4 lung cancer depends on many factors such as age, the health background and how the illness has developed in the body. Only a few victims would stay among us farther than eighteen months after the diagnosis. Life expectancy at this stage is eight to twelve months.

Eliminating all the tumors using surgery is impossible. However, treatment is still to be considered although the survival rate is very limited at this stage. Chemotherapy and targeted chemotherapy are recommended, if the patient can bear them. At this stage treatment would improve the life quality of the victim and help tolerating lung cancer symptoms. Radiation therapy would act as palliative more than curative. Accordingly, this therapy is helpful in relieving symptoms such as breath difficulties, bone pain due to the disease infecting the bones and headaches or weaknesses, in the case of a brain metastasis.

Psychological support is very recommended when the patient reaches the stage 4 lung cancer, once patients discuss about the options they have at this stage and make a choice, whether to follow a treatment or not. They have a better attitude towards their situation despite the end of life concerns and survival matters. By doing so, patients feel supported by both the doctors and family members in addition to the friends. To help a cancer victim at this stage relatives should be a good listener, notwithstanding the difficulty of the situation.

Family members of a patient in stage 4 lung cancer should deal with their own emotions and fears concerning their beloved one to be sufficiently helpful.

Stage 4 Lung Cancer - Learn About Cancer Life Expectancy

Alternative Cancer

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Metastatic Prostate Cancer Prognosis

Prostate cancer is common among American men. In 2004, nearly 300,000 American men were diagnosed with prostate cancer and among these, approximately 30,000 died. If anything, these statistics show that prostate cancer, for most patients, actually does have a good prognosis.

As with any other form of cancer, early detection plays an important role in the outcome of the treatment that has been administered, the prognosis of the disease, and the life span of the patient. This is why it is highly recommended that you get screened annually by your physician. Catching cancer in the earliest stages will make the prognosis much better.

Cancer Treatments

Metastatic Cancer
Metastatic cancer is cancer that has spread from the initial area to other parts of the body through the bloodstream or the lymph system. This happens because a cancerous cell has broken away from the mass where it was initially located and has migrated to another part of the body where it has continued to grow.
Metastatic cancer is actually later stage cancer. Cancer that is not detected until, the later stages can be difficult to treat and the curability rate lowers, as does the survival rate.

Survival Rate
Men who experience metastatic prostate cancer have less than a 10% chance of surviving for another five years after the diagnosis has been made. However, cancer is different in every patient, and each patient is also different from every other patient. So every person who has metastatic prostate cancer will not necessarily experience the same prognosis. Studies have shown that the location of the tumors, among other things, can affect the prognosis and that some men who have metastatic prostate cancer have a 20% to 30% chance of survival after the first five years of diagnosis.

Treatment options are available for late stage of this cancer; however, it is harder to treat than the earlier stages where the cancer is more localized. Even if this cancer can be treated through radiation therapy or chemotherapy, the chances for recurrence are high. Recurrence is usually when you experience metastases. Patients who experience metastases are likely to receive a bad prognosis. When cancer metastasizes, sometimes there are just too many cancerous cells and they end up disrupting the body's metabolism, eventually resulting in death. At other times, the cancer can metastasize into vital areas of the body, such as the brain, and then result in death.

The surgical treatment option is usually thrown out the window in cases where the cancer has metastasized, but not in all cases. If the cancerous cells are large in number, push on vital organs, or intertwine themselves around delicate structures, surgery is not an option.

Late stage cancer can be treated; however, the prognosis is not good. Metastatic prostate cancer is late stage cancer and the prognosis of survival after the first five years after diagnosis is very low compared to the other stages.

Metastatic Prostate Cancer Prognosis

Cancer Treatments

Colon Cancer Survival Rates

Colon cancer survival rates indicate the chances a cancer patient has of surviving the disease for a specified length of time. The rates are by no means a definite indicator of what will happen to a patient; they can at best predict a patient's chances of what might happen to him, if a type of treatment plan is opted for, based on what has happened to other patients in similar circumstances. They serve as a guide to a patient and his family to know what they can expect if they choose a particular type of treatment or if they should consider one at all rather than just opt for pain relievers and sedation.

cancer bracelets colors

Colon cancer is a disease of the lower part of the digestive system affecting the colon, rectum and appendix. It is also called colorectal or large bowel cancer. It is the 2nd leading cause of cancer related deaths in the Western World.


Colon cancer when detected in the early stages is one of the most curable of cancers, by as much as 90%. Happily, the colon cancer survival rates have been steadily improving over the past 20 years, because of improved screening that makes treatment possible at the early curable stages. There are over 1 million survivors of the disease in the US today.

As with most cancers, prognosis is determined by the stage at which the disease is diagnosed, the later the stage at which the disease is diagnosed, the lower the survival rate. The Journal of the National Cancer Institute gives these overall survival rates for colon cancer in the US: 93% at stage 1, 85% at stage 2A, 72% at stage 2B, 83% at stage 3A, 64% at stage 3B, 44% at stage 3C and 8% at stage 4.

Colon cancer survival rates also vary depending on where the tumor is located. If the cancerous growth is located in the ascending colon, the 5 year survival rate is 63%, for the transverse colon it is 59% and for the descending colon it is 66%.

Treatment is mainly surgical in which the cancerous section of the bowel is removed and the two open ends are joined. If they can't be joined, a colostomy bag is necessary, in which case the bowel is brought outside the abdominal wall for the bag. Surgery is followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy which improves the survival rate by a further 5-6%.

Overall colon cancer affects men and women of all races equally however, women are more prone to developing colon cancer and men rectal cancer. Being over the age of 50 presents an increased risk factor with the risk for developing the disease increasing with each passing decade. Over 75% of cases are diagnosed in people over the age of 50 however; younger people too are at risk and cannot afford to ignore screening. Smoking, consumption of alcohol, being overweight and living sedentary lifestyles is risk factors as are having a family history of the disease and diabetes.

Since it has been proved that colon cancer survival rates have increased due to increased and improved screening techniques, it is highly recommended that the survival rates be further improved with people over the age of 40 having regular colonoscopies and rectal exams to increase the chances of early detection and treatment.

Colon Cancer Survival Rates
