I asked John if he had ever heard or seen a case of cancer of the
'Interesting question' was his response 'Why do you ask that?'
Alternative Cancer Treatments
'Well, carrying on from our previous discussion regarding
conditions of disease, you are aware that it would be impossible
for the heart to sclerose to the point of developing cancer -
before it reached that state, the heart would cease to function.'
'Ah yes!' he replied. 'I see what you mean.'
'And are you aware' he continued, 'that the cause of cancer is a
lack of oxygen? - that during my research I found that cancer cells
are deprived of oxygen.'
He went on to talk about mutant cells during the cancer stage and
that every cell had a point at which the amount of oxygen was
'fixed' within the cell and that was a determining factor in the
longevity of life for the cells.
At least I think that was the gist of his point because I had
started to drift during the conversation - thinking about the
'cause of disease' as it pertains to Naturopathic philosophy
If you will remember from previous articles - I have outlined the
process of disease - moving from irritation through to hardening
and cancer.
Move along the process in your mind - to the point of hardening -
at this point you will see the dysfunctional cell encapsulated
within a hardened case - a cyst or callous, if you will.
This hardened shell disrupts the normal free flow of blood, lymph
and nerve force - resulting in an aberration of cell development.
John's explanation was expanding my thinking - If the flow of blood
to a cell is disrupted - then of course, the oxygen contained
within the blood would also be disrupted.
The lesson contained within this line of thinking is that we must
always be aware of the cause/effect relationship within the health
and disease process.
Nothing ever happens without a cause - contrary to medical
philosophy which would like us to believe that there is no known
cause for any of the disease symptoms that fill the texts.
We can follow the relationship of cause and effect ad infinitum
within the disease process but I will bet my bottom dollar that the
initial cause in all disease will be found in an enervating symptom
of irritation.
Don't get rubbed the wrong way in your own health thinking.
All the best
Cancer and the Lack of Oxygen Alternative Cancer Treatments
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