Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Natural Pill That Kills Cancer - Is There a Natural Pill Or Drug to Kill Cancer? Yes & No

Is there a natural pill that kills cancer? Not quite, however there are numerous herbs, foods and cleanses you can do that have been proven to reduce cancer growth and in many cases cause a complete remission and elimination of the cancer. Some of these natural supplements can be found in pill form as well. Today I will discuss what 3 things you can do to eliminate cancer naturally & successfully. Don't be a victim to the lies that say there is no cure! 3 Ways to Kill Cancer

#1 - Gerson Therapy: This is more of a treatment plan than a single treatment itself. It involves a few select natural therapies, the one in particular known as a coffee enema has been shown to significantly increase the most powerful antioxidant in the body SOD. As a result cancer can rapidly be reduced through this one treatment, if that weren't enough though you have multiple other powerful therapies to follow as well.

Alternative Cancer

#2 - Herbs: There are too many to list, but go online and buy in bulk the following herbs, Pau D'arco, Red Clover & Burdock. These 3 herbs are some of the most potent anti-cancer herbs known to man. Not only that but they will purify your blood and liver while detoxifying other parts of your body as well!

#3 - Diet: Of course you may wonder, what can diet possibly do to kill cancer. There are many foods that can definitely assist in this process such as leafy green vegetables and fruits which contain a great deal of vitamin C. The most important aspect of diet though in regards to cancer is the avoidance of the foods and synthetic ingredients which have been proven to help cancer grow.

The most important things to avoid are artificial ingredients such as MSG, Aspartame, Sucralose, Acesulfame-Potassium to name a few. All have been proven to cause dramatic shifts in the internal body chemistry and although long term results have yet to be accumulated the early reports are that they all increase the prevalence of disease, specifically cancer!

Natural Pill That Kills Cancer - Is There a Natural Pill Or Drug to Kill Cancer? Yes & No

Alternative Cancer

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