Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Effective Alternative Cancer Treatments For Dogs

Cancer is essentially a failure of the immune system. When the body's natural healing and scanning system is unable to get rid of the cells which develop damaged DNA, things quickly go out of balance. The damaged and altered cells grow uncontrollably and begin to spread to other parts of the body. Alternative cancer treatments for dogs can counter the effects of the polluted environment we live in, and which seems to contribute to a large extent in causing cancer.

Traditional Western treatments for cancer are a process of surgery radiation, and chemotherapy. However, remission rates have a lot to do with the immune system, and a noticeable difference can be caused by a strong immune system stepping in to clear the cancer. Alternative cancer treatments for dogs follow the principle of restoring and strengthening the natural defenses of the body. They aim to restore the state of balance that existed before the disease took over, and give the immune system the strength to fight the disease from within.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

These methods and remedies have been successfully used, in many parts of the world, in cancer treatment, for decades and centuries. Regardless of whether you believe in western medicine, these alternative cancer treatments for dog have something to offer you. Choose to go with western drug therapy, if you must, but alternative therapies and remedies can serve as a support for those treatments. Barring that, these therapies can be used on their own, for the treatment of dog cancer.

Alternative cancer treatments for dogs include cancer-fighting diets, dietary supplements, and herbs. Among the herbs best known for cancer treatment are Red clover, with tumor-inhibiting properties and the ability to strengthen the functioning of the lymphatic system. Alfalfa is a preventive that reduces the risks of cancerous growth.

Astragalus works as an immuno-stimulant, boosts the immune system, and inhibits the spread of skin cancer. Burdock root stimulates and strengthens the liver for better waste and toxic removal. Milk Thistle protects against toxins and minimizes the liver damage caused by chemotherapy. Echinacea is also an effective immuno-stimulants system. A good quality remedy that contains these ingredients can be used with other alternative cancer treatments for dogs and strengthen the immune system.

Other herbs known for their effects as cancer remedies include ginger which effectively blocks the growth of cancerous tumors. Turmeric extracts are known to inhibit further growth and spread of cancer cells, and mistletoe helps to maintain normal blood pressure and a strong immune system. Purple coneflower has shown excellent properties for immune function and is a tonic for the lymphatic system because of its immune-support. Indian ginseng also supports health and vigor, supports healthy hemoglobin levels, and enhances the immune system.

Some common, and not so common, foodstuffs also have properties in the retardation of the growth and spread of cancer. Such alternative cancer treatments for dog include garlic which enhances the immune system and stimulates the growth of normal and helpful cells. Green tea helps to strengthen canine immunity and retards cancerous tumor growth. It also boosts and stimulates the immune system, and is a powerful antioxidant.

Mushrooms like Reishi, Shiitake, Maitake enhance the immune system, and their high polysaccharide levels aid white blood cells. Mushrooms also have anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, as well as antioxidant properties.

Supplements to help fight cancer include Vitamins C, E, and selenium, flax or flaxseed oil, Wheatgrass extract, Soybean Concentrate, and Chlorella.

Therapies like acupuncture and massage can also be useful as alternative cancer treatments for dogs as they promote better health and holistic balance. The only downside is that long term use is needed to gain optimal benefits from these therapies however, some may see that as a small price to pay for the long term health and well-being of a treasured companion.

Effective Alternative Cancer Treatments For Dogs

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Alternative Treatments for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the second-leading cause of death by cancer among women. Most women realize the importance of knowing about this type of cancer, finding out early if they have it, or if they are at risk of contracting it in the future. Knowing all the available options when it comes to treatment is also key since finding the right treatment will help immensely in fighting breast cancer effectively.

Because the earlier breast cancer is detected, the sooner and more effective the treatment is going to be, the first step is prevention and pre-screening. A monthly self-breast exam is the easiest way to screen for breast cancer. This can be done at home after getting the proper instructions from your doctor. In this type of self-examination, particular attention is given to any changes in the breast: color or size changes, the appearance of lumps or bumps, and pain or tenderness in particular areas. Once any of these problems is found, you should immediately notify your physician or gynecologist. They can then order more tests to confirm if it is indeed cancer.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

A mammogram, typically recommended for all adult women, is another way to check for breast cancer. The age when you begin getting mammograms will depend on your risk factors for contracting breast cancer. The procedure will also aid in the detection of any changes in the breast, such as the formation of tumors or cysts.

There is the possibility that the tests described above could result in a positive diagnosis for breast cancer. If this scenario should ever occur, the important thing is to NOT lose hope. Unlike in the past, a variety of treatment options are now available. The first ones that will be offered will most probably be the traditional treatments. These include chemotherapy, radiation, hormone therapy, and mastectomies. These, however, do come with risks, are invasive, and often have serious side effects.

It is important to realize that there are now options beyond these traditional cancer treatments. A number of holistic approaches are available. There are now even clinics that cater to individuals seeking alternative treatment methods for breast cancer. Should you decide to pursue this option, the first thing that needs to be done is to find a medical practitioner who will support you. The guidance of a licensed physician to oversee your care remains a must. Finding someone who is willing to try other treatment modalities will make the process both easier and safer for you.

Nutrition is increasingly being recognized as one way of helping treat breast cancer and its symptoms. These include certain food types, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Haelan is a type of liquid soy bean extract that has been shown to help block cancer-cell blood supplies, boost the immune system, and help reduce the size of tumors. Another is flax seed oil, which has been credited with slowing cancer-cell growth and improving the condition of the immune system. Also, the removal of certain things from a person's diet has been shown to help. For example, studies have shown that a diet that is low in sugar can help in preventing cancer or in stopping cancer growth. Moving to a low-sugar diet may also aid in "starving" cancer.

Electronic or magnetic therapies are modalities that are also showing promise in treating various types of cancer, not just breast cancer. These types of treatments include electrotherapy and magnetic resonance. Electrotherapy is used to treat tumors in the breast with the aid of electrical stimulation. This technique works by destroying the tumor in a gentle manner. The procedure is typically done with local anesthesia and is not very invasive. Magnetic resonance, meanwhile, uses radio waves. These are set at a frequency that specifically resonates with cancer cells, which have a different frequency compared to normal, healthy cells.

These are just a sampling of all the alternative options that are currently out there for the treatment of breast cancer. Always bear in mind, however, that your particular treatment needs to be based on your beliefs, your cancer's aggressiveness, and your body's condition. Also, I cannot stress enough, the importance of finding a medical practitioner who is going to listen to your wishes, and go with the therapy that feels right for you.

Alternative Treatments for Breast Cancer

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Apricot Seeds: Are Apricot Seeds a Natural Alternative Cancer Treatment?

My best friend and life partner, Colleen, is a cancer survivor. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2000. Doctors used traditional cancer treatments on her, including radiation, multiple surgeries, and drug therapy, which lasted several years. She didn't enjoy any of this. In 2005 she was diagnosed terminal. This time, she decided to research more of her options. She landed on an alternative cancer treatment program which included a heavy focus on cancer nutrition. She is alive today because of this decision. She has devoted her life to helping others with their cancer treatment journey. My goal is to help Colleen help others. I truly do believe that cancer is preventable in most cases.

Cancer is on the increase and cancer survival rates have improved slightly, only because cancer symptoms are recognized and diagnosed sooner. And many people diagnosed or who have loved ones diagnosed with cancer are choosing to become more informed about alternatives to traditional cancer treatments. Many are realizing that treating cancer traditionally through the practice of burning with radiation, poisoning with chemotherapy, or removing with surgery may not be what is right for them. However, one thing that is common to both the traditional cancer treatment and alternative cancer treatment worlds is that a healthy diet is essential.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

In the world of alternative cancer treatments, one of the best cancer fighting foods that stands out as having some of the strongest anti-cancer properties is the apricot seed, or apricot kernel as it is also called. The apricot seeds are actually the soft almond shaped, bitter tasting kernels from inside the pits. Apricot seeds contain something called amygdalin.

In 1952, a biochemist from San Francisco named Dr. Ernst Krebs, Jr. suggested that cancer was a metabolic reaction to a poor diet, and that a missing nutrient from the modern day human diet could be the key to cancer prevention and treatment. He believed that poor diets based on unnatural or processed food products were a primary cause behind compromised human immune systems. His research led to a compound called amygdalin that is found in over 1200 edible plants throughout nature. It is also commonly called vitamin B-17 and its extract is known as laetrile.

Amygdalin is found with the highest concentration and necessary enzymes in apricot seeds. A primitive tribe, the Hunzas in the mountains of Pakistan, were known to consume large amounts of apricot seeds and those who lived on their natural diets containing apricot seeds as well as several other organically grown foods had no recorded incidents of cancer and they lived long, healthy life spans. Many other groups with similar diets containing apricot seeds also have low or no cancer rates.

Apricot seeds are more available to consumers now than laetrile because in 1971 the US government's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned laetrile. Many believe that this ban was put in place because the laetrile was from a natural food source that couldn't be patented or controlled by the large pharmaceutical companies for profit like they do for cancer drugs and traditional cancer treatments. There has been much misinformation published about apricot seeds.

The most common belief promoted by the pharmaceutical companies and medical profession is that apricot seeds are poison. That is true to a point. Apricot seeds contain organic cyanide and benzaldyhide but then so do many other foods such as almonds, lima beans, soy, spinach and bamboo shoots to name a few. Many foods containing organic cyanide are safe because the cyanide remains bound and locked as part of another molecule and therefore cannot cause harm.

There is an enzyme called rhodanese which is found in normal healthy human cells but not in cancer cells. It basically catches any free cyanide molecules and renders them harmless by combining them with sulfur naturally. They are converted to a cyanate which is a neutral substance and easily passed through the urine with no harm to the normal cells.

But there is an enzyme called beta-glucosidase that is found only in cancer cells, and is considered the "unlocking enzyme" for amygdalin molecules. It releases both the benzaldyhide and the organic cyanide to work with the protective enzymes in healthy cells to attack and destroy cancer cells. The healthy non-cancerous cells are not destroyed in this natural process.

When considering what is right for you, the world of natural alternative cancer treatments offers a wide range of options. Apricot seeds are used by many people as part of their natural cancer treatment or cancer prevention plan. For more information about using apricot seeds as a natural alternative cancer treatment, please come visit my website.

Apricot Seeds: Are Apricot Seeds a Natural Alternative Cancer Treatment?

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Monday, October 24, 2011

Why Can't We Cure Cancer

There has been a "war on cancer" for over five decades now, and it seems little has changed, and more and more people are diagnosed with cancer and die from cancer each day. Actually we have made great advances our understanding of the disease and in diagnosis and treatment.

Unfortunately, the complexity of the problem seems to grow with our understanding. Consider this; Cancer is over one hundred diseases, which are all different but all the same. Saying a disease is a cancer is like calling a vehicle an automobile. All cars have four tires, windshield wipers and a steering wheel, etc., but a dune buggy has very different parts than a Volvo. Likewise, breast cancer is different from prostate cancer, and colon cancer is different from lung cancer. Thus their symptoms of presentation, patterns of spread, and treatment are different. It is unlikely there will be one simple solution for all these different diseases we call cancer.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Consider what we are trying to accomplish when we try to analyze all the different kinds of cancer. You are looking through a telescope at the parking garage at Yankee Stadium, 100 miles away. There are two identical looking red cars. From your vantage point, you have to tell what kind of cars they are, and what kind of engines the cars have. And you have to be able to look deeper, what color is the interior, and what type of sound system does it have?

Now look at the CD player and see there is a Billy Joel Album, maybe Piano Man. Is it playing? What track is it on? Look at the third track and the 405th note in that track, there is a scratch altering the machines ability to render the song and changing the melody to a repetitive cacophony. Now fix the scratch and change the disc back to normal, without hurting anything in the car or other cars around it. Oh, and remember that you must be able to do this from 100 miles away.

The research conducted has given us tremendous insight into the molecular function of the cell, and chemical pathways which are damaged in a cancerous cell. We have demonstrated how cancer cells can be inactivated or turned back to normal by changing these chemical pathways. Here is the "Holy Grail" - just repair the damage that causes a cell to behave wrong, and cure the cancer. Fix the scratch on the CD, from 100 yards away, so to speak. We have used this new knowledge to establish the basis for a host of new drugs and the timing of treatments. In some cases the results have been very encouraging, and in others, we have learned how rapidly nature adapts and finds ways around our chemical roadblocks.

While we continue to apply these new tools to treat cancer, we should keep in mind that the best way to approach this problem is probably not to become a cancer patient in the fist place. Don't get a scratch on your CD. Does that sound too easy? Well for some cancers like brain tumors, breast cancer and prostate cancer it is not that simple because we don't know the cause of these cancers. But for others, it is and we do. We know that 40% of all cancers are related to lifestyle choices such as smoking, exercise, diet, sun exposure and personal habits.

That means theoretically over 400,000 cases of cancer per year could be avoided with our individual effort to live differently. That is a huge number of people. All it takes is a bit of effort on our part. So, let's get started, what are you doing tomorrow? Would you to take a 30 minute walk with me?

Why Can't We Cure Cancer

Alternative Cancer Treatments

How Cancer Affects the Body

Cancer is the second-highest killer in the United States, beaten only by heart disease. However, there are many types of this disease, all with their own mortality rates and areas affected. No matter what type of cancer you contract, it can be a debilitating and life-threatening disorder that causes great harm to your body.

People are not usually born with cancer, nor can you catch cancer from someone else. It is a disease that arises from genetic mutations within our own cells. Thus, when you learn that you are predisposed for a certain cancer, it just means that your genetic makeup passed down from your parents is slightly closer to being dangerously off than that of other people. While there are proven causes of cancer, such as asbestos and radiation, someone may develop this disease with absolutely no warning.

Alternative Cancer

What characterizes cancer is the unregulated growth of cells, which leads to a tumor. Normally, your cells have specific proteins that tell them when to grow and divide. This process of division is called mitosis in your regular body cells. However, when these proteins are constantly being produced or other such mutations occur, your cells can be prompted into a constant cycle of growth. Unrestricted cell growth can quickly lead to masses of cells since mitosis causes an exponential increase (one cell becomes two, two cells become four, four cells become eight, etc.).

Tumors either suck nutrients from other parts of the body via the bloodstream, or they promote the growth of their own blood vessel to supply oxygen and nutrients to the mass of cells. As they grow, they can cause harm to the body in the following ways:

Releasing substances that kill surrounding healthy cells

Placing pressure on nearby organs as the tumor grows

Invading and disabling nearby tissues

Making surrounding tissues susceptible to infection

Besides harming the normal bodily tissues around them, a major problem with tumors is that some can metastasize. This occurs when the abnormal mass of tissue releases a blob of cancerous cells, which can travel through the bloodstream. If these cells make it past the immune system cells, they can adhere somewhere else in the body and resume their unrestricted growth. Metastasizing tumors is what can cause the spread of cancer throughout the body.

One dangerous, metastasizing type of cancer is mesothelioma. This cancer attacks the serous linings of the body, which can harm the heart, lungs, abdominal cavity, and even testicles. Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos, which is now illegal.

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, caused by illegal asbestos exposure, you should speak to an attorney about your rights. For more information, check out the mesothelioma lawyers at the firm of Williams Kherkher today.

How Cancer Affects the Body

Alternative Cancer

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cancer is a Word, Not a Sentence - Different Ways of Looking at Cancer

The word cancer still strikes fear into peoples hearts. In 1971 then president Nixon declared a war on cancer with the aim of winning it by the bicentennial in 1976. Suffice to say this has not happened. In fact the death rate for cancer in the USA adjusted for age and population has declined only 5% in over 50 years. This is despite the spending of billions of dollars.

Yet there are people who have beaten cancer and lived long years to tell the tale. The question arises what is different about those people, as they have often received the same medical treatment as those who did not survive? In my opinion it will be in their attitudes and how they manage their condition.

Alternative Cancer

Those who see cancer as a word rather than a sentence, those who examine and change their lifestyles do best. I have heard many people describe getting cancer as a wake up call. These people have looked at what aspects of their life are not working and may be "cancerous." For some it is their diet, some are in toxic relationships, others are overworked. There is no one answer. There are answers though and that is the positive message of every person who has "beaten" cancer.

The key message though is that it is more to do with the individual than the treatment. This does not mean that cancer can be meditated away or replace the need for medical treatment. It does mean that those who take an active role in their recovery will do better than those who regard themselves as "victims."

Interesting too,is that questions continue to be raised about chemotherapy guidelines being too influenced by the pharmaceutical industry. Writing in the Internal Medicine Journal leading Australian oncologists have criticized drug company sponsored guidelines which encourage" aggressive and often futile treatment with expensive chemotherapy agents". In the US a trial last year on the drug Avastin failed to show a significant effect in preventing the recurrence of colon cancer. Sales of this drug in the USA were .7 billion in 2008.

It is not all doom and gloom. Take an active role in any treatment. Do not see yourself as a victim. Be prepared to look honestly at aspects of your life, which may not be serving you. Be prepared to make changes. Be accepting of your emotions and work through them without suppressing them.

Each person is on a journey in this life. There are lessons to learn and experiences to be had. Work with your body not against it. This does not guarantee recovery from cancer or any illness. It does mean you will get the most out of the days you have on earth however many they may be.

Cancer is a Word, Not a Sentence - Different Ways of Looking at Cancer

Alternative Cancer

Obesity and Liver Cancer - Is There a Link?

Liver cancer can be of different types. They are hemangiomas, hepatic adenomas and focal nodular hyperplasia. Hepatic adenoma is also known as primary liver cancer. They generally occur in the right hepatic lobe of the liver and are not very common in occurrence. This type of cancer is generally seen in populations of Asia and Africa. It is not common in western countries.

When it happens in developed countries, it generally occurs in middle age and elderly people. It is also found to be twice occurring in men than in women. Most of the patients with this type of cancer are the ones who have liver cirrhosis. This disease happens because of chronic alcoholism which results in nodal regeneration of hepatocytes.

Alternative Cancer

There may be other forms of cancer which happen because of any complication arising from hepatitis. Although it has been seen that in many cases in Africa and Asia, the cancer results in people who have no history of alcohol abuse.

There is a belief that there is possibly a link between obesity and liver cancer. Researchers from John Hopkins Medical School, the University of California, Los Angeles, believe that obesity is an even bigger causal factor for liver cancer than for cirrhosis. When the patients were observed, more than half of them had a higher BMI or Body Mass Index than what was normal. This happens more in elderly people, as with age the weight increases and the liver becomes more susceptible to being weak and losing its compensation ability.

Obesity and Liver Cancer - Is There a Link?

Alternative Cancer

Early Stage Prostrate Cancer Treatments - VERY Important Tips

It's worth repeating that early detection of prostate cancer (or any other type of cancer for that matter) can help a great deal in the survival of the victim. Most of the people who have survived prostate cancer attest to detecting it in good time and nipping it in the bud before it metastasized (spread) to other parts of the body.

If detected in good time, especially before it gets to the fourth and fifth stages, prostate cancer can be effectively treated. Below are the early stage prostate cancer treatments that a victim would have to undergo:

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Radiation Therapy: This is a special kind of treatment which is done with the main purpose of killing all the cancerous cells that are in the prostate.

This is a slow and gradual process that can span several weeks. Many victims have experienced side effects with this type of treatment - that's why it's always recommended to have a full discussion with your physician before going for this.

Surgery: Lots of people might not want to hear about this, but it's very effective in helping to get rid of the cancer in the early stages.

Also known as prostatectomy, it's actually surgical removal of part or all of the prostate gland. This gets rid of the cancer in most cases of the condition. There are options for this surgery - either the open surgery or the more recent less invasive surgery (laparoscopic approach).

Other types of early stage prostate cancer treatments include Robotic Surgery, Cryosurgery as well as HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound).

Like I have said elsewhere in this article, ensure that you discuss all these types with your physician to know which is the best for you and which would have the most effective results for you. Remember - what works best for one victim might not work best for another victim; that's why your physician's help is critical to helping you decide on the right type of treatment(s) to go for.

Early Stage Prostrate Cancer Treatments - VERY Important Tips

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Top 5 Cancer Causing Foods

Have you ever wondered which foods are best to avoid when trying to prevent cancer?

The secret is to be able to identify which foods contain ingredients that are carcinogens, or cancer promoters. Once you know which ingredients will end up giving you cancer, you can read labels and avoid those foods altogether.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

So, what are the ingredients to avoid?

Let's start with sugar. One of the ways cancerous tumors develop is by feeding on sugar in the bloodstream. If you are continuously overloading your body with sugar you're giving your body what it needs for cancer to flourish.

Next is sodium nitrite. This chemical is added to certain foods... mostly lunch meats and bacon...on purpose in order to make it look reddish and fresh. Once upon a time, meats were preserved with salt, but manufacturers eventually switched to this much more dangerous form of meat preservation.

Then there's hydrogenated oils. When oils are heated in the presence of hydrogen and metal catalysts, it makes them hydrogenated. this preserves the shelf life, but also creates trans fats. Aside from causing cancer, trans fats are bad for your heart and can even interrupt metabolic processes.

Finally, there's the acrylamide factor. Acrylamides are created during the frying process, when starchy foods are subject to high temperatures.

And so, taking all of the above into consideration...the top 5 cancer causing foods are:
Hot Dogs - Usually preserved with sodium nitrite and full of fat (among other things!) Donuts - These contain hydrogenated oils, sugar, white flour and acrylamides. Talk about the perfect cancer causing food! French Fries - Often made with hydrogenated oils. There would also be acrylamides present. Processed meats and bacon - Lots of saturated fat and nitrites. You can find some without, but you'll have to ask. Chips & crackers - Usually have white flour, sugar, and trans fats. many manufacturers also hide MSG in the form of yeast extract, and mess around with serving sizes so you actually take in a lot more bad stuff than you think.

There you have it. Avoid these foods most of the time and you're well on your way to avoiding that dreaded 'C' word altogether.

Top 5 Cancer Causing Foods

Alternative Cancer Treatments

The Future of Colon Cancer Treatment

Future study of colorectal cancer will refine our understanding of the genetics of the disease. This in turn will lead to earlier identification and treatment of high-risk persons. The future may possibly bring the use of genetic interventions to interrupt the adenoma-carcinoma sequence.

Increased awareness of colorectal cancer by the public and by private insurers, government agencies, and medical personnel will result in better use of available screening techniques. Development of preventive drug strategies against colorectal cancer, particularly with drugs that reduce polyp formation or prevent polyp progression to cancer, promises to be a fruitful field of endeavor.

Cancer Treatments

There is ample reason to expect refinement of diagnostic and staging tests for the disease, perfection of surgical and nonsurgical techniques for treatment of large bowel cancer and its complications, and improving chemotherapeutic treatment by means of more effective and less toxic drugs.

A number of molecular markers for colorectal cancer can be measured but it is not yet clear that they have prognostic value or therapeutic implications. Measures of DNA synthesis or cell division are of uncertain value as clinical decision-making tools. Measurement of thymidilate synthase activity in colorectal cancer tissue is one of several markers under investigation as a prognostic indicator.

This could be useful in making decisions regarding the use of adjuvant chemotherapy for certain patients, especially those with stage II or B tumors. Another goal would be to collect a set of markers for cancer risk for an individual who has adenomatous polyps. Presumably, such testing could reflect exposure to colon carcinogens and help define the outlook for an individual. This in turn could narrow the prospective use of screening and diagnostic procedures such as colonoscopy.

Techniques to identify micrometastases in lymph node tissue are in development. These include special stains for cytokeratin, which can identify small clusters or single malignant cells in lymph node tissue. Another method uses a technique known as PCR for detection of CEA in resected lymph nodes. PCR is a technique which permits rapid reproduction of large quantities of short segments of DNA or RNA.

Other techniques include the identification in lymph node tissue of oncogene, or tumor suppressor gene mutations, which occur in the primary tumor. Such techniques may be of use in reclassifying patients whose lesions are stages as II or B by conventional means and in selecting them for potentially life-saving adjuvant chemotherapy. Large clinical trials will be needed to determine if identification of micrometastases by these methods indeed leads to more appropriate treatment and improved progress.

Expression of the enzyme COX-2 by colorectal cancers is highly variable. Greater expressions of COX-2 by tumors are associated with lymph node metastasis, advanced stage of cancer, and poorer long-term outlook for patients. Thus, there could be potential future application of this test as a means of staging and prognostication.

The Future of Colon Cancer Treatment

Cancer Treatments

Friday, October 21, 2011

Cancer Fighting Foods and Diet

One of the important things to consider when battling cancer is that there are a number of holistic and natural things that you can do to fight the disease. Many of the herbal and supplemental treatments can be used to fantastic effect. One only needs to avail them of the proper information and they will be well armed to treat the illness.

Herbs in general are a fantastic way to get nutrients that are other wise not available in foods. While foods that are high in antioxidants are a fantastic way to get the benefits and the nutrients, many of the most powerful antioxidants and photochemical are only available in obscure herbs that one would never find in their supermarket.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

In addition to some of the super foods that are commonly talked about including garlic, parsley and onions, there are many other foods that you should be taking daily. Things such as almonds and berries. Peppers are also a wonderful addition to any cancer prevention diet. One should include these as well as cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflowers.

In the herbal category there are many supplements that one needs to incorporate into their diet. For starters, astragalus's and grape seed extract and amazing and helping aid in the treatment of cancerous tumors. Other herbal supplements that may be very good for you include bilberry and ginkgo biloba. These herbs are instrumental in preventing the oxidation at the cellular level.

Combining herbs and vitamin supplements with things such as fish oil and flax seed oil will be a fantastic way to improve your health. There are many additional things you may take such as coenzyme Q ten. This is one of the most important things you can supplement with. Remember to add alpha lipoic acid to your diet if you supplement with Co-Q ten.

Cancer Fighting Foods and Diet

Alternative Cancer Treatments

The Many Feelings of a Diagnosis of Cancer

If you have been recently been given a diagnosis of cancer you are probably experiencing a wide variety of emotions: fear, anger, sadness, guilt, helplessness and anxiety. It is important to deal with these feelings so that they do not hinder you in your fight against the cancer. At some time or another almost all people with cancer will have some or all of the following feelings:

Denial and Disbelief

Alternative Cancer

Newly diagnosed patients sometimes deny that they have cancer. After all, they think, I've not been that sick, how could I have cancer? Denial can be an obstacle to appropriate and timely treatment; you must accept the diagnosis to begin fighting the cancer.


The word cancer stirs up fears in everyone. Fears such as What is going to happen to me? Am I going to survive? Who is going to pay for all this medical care if I am sick? are very common in newly diagnosed cancer patients. Talking with others with cancer can help resolve some of the fears.


Anger may stem from feelings of Why did this happen to me? Anger also comes from the disruption of your life, goals and your dreams. Discussing your feelings with others who are in the same situation can help put these feelings into perspective.

Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are common reactions to a cancer diagnosis and may manifest with physical symptoms such as headaches, difficulty sleeping, and loss of appetite. The immune system may be affected so finding a means to relieve stress is very important. Go get a manicure or a massage, walk, read a good book. Attend a support group; ask your oncologist for a referral to a mental health professional for a consultation if you are not able to cope.

Loss of Control

A cancer diagnosis can make life seem out of control. You can help reduce these feelings of powerlessness by exercising the control you do have over your situation. Increase your knowledge and understanding of the cancer that you are diagnosed with, research your treatment options and the side effects of these treatments.


You may blame yourself for causing your family worry and grief. You may worry about becoming a burden to your family; physically and financially. Support groups and counseling for both the patient and the family, can be helpful in the ability to overcome the destructive impact these feelings can bring.


It is not uncommon for newly diagnosed cancer patients to want to shut out everyone and everything at times but the support from caring friends and family can be a tremendous resource. They may not know how you feel, but they do want to help you.


Many patients with cancer and their families can experience some level of depression. Feelings of dread, hopelessness and a sense that life has no meaning are not uncommon feelings. If you experience symptoms of depression, ask your doctor for a referral to a mental health professional.

It is important to remember that you are not alone in your fight against cancer and to not lose hope. Researchers are constantly making discoveries that one day might result in a cure for cancer. In the meantime, the best hope for successful treatment comes from learning all you can about the details of the cancer diagnosis and the treatment options available. First, find out the name of the cancer, its size and location, where it started and if it has spread. Find out if it's usually a slow growing cancer or an aggressive one. You need this information for get an accurate understanding of your options.

The Many Feelings of a Diagnosis of Cancer

Alternative Cancer

Do Bacteria Cause Cancer?

Microbes are all around us, on our skins, in our nasal passages and in our intestines, and even in our blood and tissues.

Usually they exist in harmless balance with the immune system. Some are even beneficent : bacteria in the human intestine help digest food, produce vitamins, and crowd out toxic pathogens. In fact, the human body contains more bacterial cells than somatic (body) cells.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Mitochondria, organelles which produce energy within human cells, have their own DNA and are thought to be descended from free-living bacteria. Bacteria are highly integrated into functions of the entire human body.

The mainstream medical community is now willing to accept that a few type of bacteria or viruses may indeed be responsible for a few forms of cancer, such as Kaposi's sarcoma, stomach and cervical cancer, but they are unwilling to recognize that infectious agents may be inextricably linked to the development of most other tumors as well.

Yet, there scientific evidence dating back more than one hundred years which points to an bacterial cause cancer, a pleomorphic (many-formed) bacteria, related to or resembling mycoplasma, which has been seen in microscopic slides of numerous tumors.

At the beginning of the 20th century, bacterial genesis of cancer was considered a mainstream theory, and papers about it were published in the Lancet. However, it was eventually sidelined despite a large body of substantiating evidence.

Over the past century hundreds of independent researchers have noted a link between bacteria and cancer in both animals and humans, but their findings were treated as a scientific curiosity and rarely followed up by the general medical establishment.

However, the theory never went away, and individual scientists continued searching for ways to identify and eliminate the suspect bacteria.

In 1890 the German physician and bacteriologist Robert Koch formulated a standard criteria still in use today for judging whether a given bacteria is the cause of a given disease.

"Koch's Postulates," while not always valid, provide a useful benchmark for disease investigators.

Koch's postulates are as follows:

The bacteria must be present in every case of the disease.

The bacteria must be isolated from the host with the disease and grown in pure culture.

The specific disease must be reproduced when a pure culture of the bacteria is inoculated into a healthy susceptible host.

The bacteria must be recoverable from the experimentally infected host.

However, Koch's postulates have their limitations, which even Koch recognized. They may not hold if:

The particular bacteria (such as the one that causes leprosy) cannot be "grown in pure culture" in the laboratory.

Animal test subjects are immune to the infection.

In addition, a usually harmless bacteria may cause disease if:

It has acquired extra virulence factors making it pathogenic.

It gains access to deep tissues due to trauma, surgery, an IV line, etc.

It infects a patient with a compromised immune system.

Not all people infected by a bacteria develop serious disease; subclinical, low-grade infection may be more common than clinically obvious, symptomatic infection.
The different species of infectious agents linked to various cancers fit fairly well within Koch's postulates, since they can be isolated from tumors and grown in a petri dishes or cell cultures, and they sometimes produces tumors when injected into test animals.

However, many are also found in lower concentrations in healthy subjects, and it appears that these microbes only cause disease when their host is weakened.

The host's immune system limits the amount of damage any infectious agent can cause. For instance, H. pylori stomach infections can lead to stomach ulcers and gastric cancer, but many people are asymptomatic carries. Not every woman who has been infected with HPV develops cervical cancer.

Similarly, we should not expect all carriers of other "cancer microbes" to become ill. Also, these bacteria may have the potential to produce diseases besides cancer, since H. pylori can cause stomach ulcers as well.


Probably the first official mention of "cancer microbe" occurred on December 3, 1890 when William Russell, a pathologist in the School of Medicine at the Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh, gave an address to the Pathological Society of London. He described histopathologic findings of "a characteristic organism of cancer" that he observed microscopically in fuchsine-stained tissue sections from all forms of cancer that he examined, and also from some cases of tuberculosis, syphilis and skin infection.

The microbe was seen both around and within tissue cells, and ranged in size from barely visible to one and half times the size of a red blood cell. Russell felt that the large size of some of these organisms was suggestive of a yeast or fungal infection.

Russell tentatively called the microbe a possible "blastomycete" (a type of fungus); and called the round forms "fuchsine bodies" due to their bluish-red staining qualities.
Nine years later in 1899, Russell published a report in the Lancet on "The parasite of cancer," and stated that finding the suspect bacteria present in diseases other than cancer presented a "stumbling block" to the idea of a definitive function for the organisms.

Cultures yielded numerous species of bacteria, and injection of the bacteria into animals gave ambiguous results. Subsequently, many scientists concluded that Russell bodies were merely the result of cellular degeneration.

In the 1920s and 1930s, the scientist Royal Raymond Rife pioneered the use of radiofrequency devices to kill bacteria. Rife discovered that a certain spectrum of radio waves was lethal to bacteria, while harmless to human tissue. He also invented a new form of microscope which used monochromatic light, and was accurate enough to see viruses without the use of electron microscopy.

Working from a laboratory in La Jolla in the 1930s, Rife claimed to have a 100 percent success rate in treating cancer. Rife's lab was shut down due to political pressure by the American Medical association , most of his papers were destroyed, and currently the only known example of his microscopes exists in a museum.

Rife's discovery of radiofrequency devices to kill bacteria was picked up by Hulda Clark, a Canadian scientist, who began her work in the 1960s. Clark also claimed that many other diseases, including diabetes, allergies, epilepsy, Crohn's disease, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, are caused by bacteria and parasites such as liver flukes.

She improved on Rife's technology, and invented a small raidofrequency device she called the "Zapper" that she claimed eradicated bacteria and other parasites from the body. Instructions on how to build the devices were made available to the public, and can be found on the Internet today.

Clark was harassed by the American authorities until she left to set up her cancer clinic in Mexico, where in 2001 the authorities forbade her from offering alternative treatment for cancer. Like Rife, Clark claimed an extremely high success rate in treating cancer, nearly 100 percent, but no independent analysis of her claims, or those of Rife, exist.

In the 1960s, Dr. Virginia Livingston antagonized the scientific establishment by claiming to have found the microbe responsible for causing cancer, naming it "Progenitor cryptocides", which means "hidden killer". She felt that that the microbe had an intrinsic, symbiotic function in the human body, that was responsible for initiating life and for healing of tissue, and that the microbe was ultimately responsible for eventual degeneration and death of all life.

When the cultured organism was injected into animals, it caused tumors to develop in some, but not all, of the test subjects.
In 1974, Livingstone became the first scientist to discover that both cancer bacteria and cancer cells produce the human hormone HCG. This hormone, normally secreted by the human fetus to protect it from the maternal immune system, also protects cancers from immune system attack.

Livingstone concluded that bacteria secrete mutagenic factors such as actinomycin-D with damage human cell DNA, and that they can also interchange genetic material such as bacterial growth factors with human cells. Vaccines targeting HCG-producing and cancer-promoting bacteria deprive cancer cells of a key source of HCG.. As the levels of HCG are lowered, the immune system's ability to launch an assault on cancer cells increases.

Livingstone cultured patients' own bacteria from blood and urine to create "autogenous" vaccines to stimulate the immune system. She published many articles and books, such as "Cancer, A New Breakthrough" (1972); "The Microbiology of Cancer" (1977); and "The Conquest of Cancer" (1984).

Her research has been confirmed by other scientists, such as microbiologist Eleanor Alexander-Jackson, cell cytologist Irene Diller, biochemist Florence Seibert, and dermatologist Alan Cantwell, among others.

Milton Wainwright, a microbiologist at the University of Sheffield, UK, has written extensively about the bacteriology of cancer in recent publications such as: "Nanobacteria and associated 'elementary bodies' in human disease and cancer" (1999); "The return of the cancer germ; Forgotten microbiology - back to the future" (2000); "Highly pleomorphic staphylococci as a cause of cancer" (2000); and "Is this the historical 'cancer germ'"? (2003).

Currently, one of the most well-known popular proponents of the link between cancer and bacteria is Dr. Alan Cantwell, who has written numerous articles and books on the subject. Cantwell isolated and reported cell wall deficient bacteria in breast cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma and Hodgkin's disease. He states, " If a disease like cancer is indeed caused by microscopic bacteria, it would indicate physicians have been unable to see what was quite plain for some nineteenth and twentieth century scientists to observe using simple light microscopy.

And with powerful electron microscopes there is now little excuse for not "seeing" bacteria."


Mycoplasma, the oldest suspect in the bacterial theory of cancer, has also been implicated as a direct cause or a signficant cofactoer in a host of other degenerative and inflammatory diseases.

Mycoplasmas are frequently found in the oral and genito-urinary tracts of normal healthy subjects, with females four times more frequently infected than males, which just happens to be the same gender-skewed incidence rate as rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and other related auto-immune disorders.

In 1997, the National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases, published the article, Mycoplasmas : Sophisticated, Reemerging, and Burdened by Their Notoriety, by Drs. Baseman and Tully who stated:

"Nonetheless, mycoplasmas by themselves can cause acute and chronic diseases at multiple sites with wide-ranging complications and have been implicated as cofactors in disease.

Recently, mycoplasmas have been linked as a cofactor to AIDS pathogenesis and to malignant transformation, chromosomal aberrations, the Gulf War Syndrome, and other unexplained and complex illnesses, including chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn's disease, and various arthritides."

The first strains of mycoplasma were isolated from cattle with arthritis and pleuro-pneumonia in 1898 at the Pasteur Institute. The first human variety was isolated in 1932 from a wound abscess.

The first connection between Mycoplasmas were identified as a cause of rheumatoid diseases in 1939 by Drs. Swift and Brown. In the late 1950's a specific strain was identified as the cause of atypical pneumonia, and named Mycoplasma pneumonia.

The association between immunodeficiency and autoimmune disorders with mycoplasmas was first noted in the mid 1970s in patients with primary hypogammaglobulinemia (an autoimmune disease) due to infection with four species of mycoplasma localized in joint tissue.

Since that time, more than 100 different mycoplasma species have been identified and recorded in plants, animals, and humans.
There are hundreds of studies from scientists all around the world linking various species of mycoplasma with cancer.

The research of Dr Shy-Chung Lo at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington, D.C., confirms the multistage, malignant transformation of embryo cell lines persistently exposed to mycoplasma infection as well as animal models so exposed.

According to research by P.J. Chan, published in Gynecologic Oncology (1996), "The oncogenic potential of mycoplasmas was only recently realized when they were shown to cause chromosomal changes and in vitro cell transformations through gradual progressive chromosomal loss and translocations." Chan and colleagues also report the prevalence of mycoplasma DNA in ovarian cancer.1

In 1993, a research team led by C. Ilantzis at the McGill Cancer Centre, Montreal, Canada analyzed cancer-related markers which are specific to various organs in the body. These markers, called "organ-specific neoantigens" (OSNs), elicit specific immune responses. After analyzing OSN proteins from human colon adenocarcinomas, researchers found the OSNs to be mycoplasmal in origin.2


(1). Chan P.J et al Prevalence of Mycoplasma Conserved DNA in Malignant Ovarian Cancer Detected Using Sensitive PCR-ELISA Gynecologic Oncology 1996 pp. 258-260(3)

(2). C Ilantzis, DM Thomson, A Michaelidou, S Benchimol Identification of a human cancer related organ specific neoantigen Microbiol Immunol, 1993;37(2):119-28

Microscopic Findings

The "cancer bacteria" have a variable appearance, both in tissue samples and in cultures. They can appear as cocci (spheres) 0.1 micrometer in size (a micrometer is 1/1000 of a millimeter), called "ultramicroscopic" since they can still be seen by an ordinary light optical microscope.

Scientists have used the term "nanobacteria" to describe extremely small bacteria which range from .05 to 0.2 micrometer in size. Viruses, which measure 0.01 to 0.02 micrometers, can be viewed only with an electron microscope. The smallest forms of bacteria pass easily through a standard viral filter with pores 0 .2 micrometers in size, which microbiologists assumed (until recently) would catch all bacteria, which tend to be much larger.
Once these tiny cocci are placed in a petri dish and the resulting culture is observed over time, the bacteria also produce larger rods and branching, fungus-like strands.

Mycobacteria are known to exist in different forms, and the tuberculosis microbe, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is a good example of this complex life cycle. Some forms of the bacillus are round "coccoid" forms; other forms are more typically "acid-fast" and "rod" forms. All mycobacteria form a phylogenetic link or bridge between the bacteria and the "higher" fungi. "Myco" is Greek for fungus. This is the origin of the term "mycobacteria." Mycoplasmas also have a flowing plasma-like structure without a cell wall - hence "plasma".

Unlike common bacteria, the suspected cancer microbe Mycoplasma has no cell wall. It invades tissue cells, and uses the cell to replicate itself, much like a retrovirus. When the Mycoplasma breaks out of the cell, it takes a piece of the host cell membrane with it. When the immune system attacks the Mycoplasma, it may also mistakenly attack the host cell, causing an autoimmune condition. It can invade the Natural Killer cells of the immune system, causing immune system disorders. Because it can hide deep within cells, it is extremely difficult to detect and eradicate.

Treating Mycoplasma With Antibiotics

Antibiotic treatment must be tailored to the specific bacterial infection. Many bacteria, especially mycoplasma, are unaffected by many common antibiotics. However, some targeted treatments which are known to kill specific cancer-causing bacteria have proven effective, at least in the early stages of disease.

Mycoplasmal infections are treatable with long cycles of high-dose antibiotics such as doxycycline and tetracycline, followed by a long period of low dose antibiotics. Due to their lack of cell walls, mycoplasma are unaffected by penicillins. Since the organism is a slow-growing, intracellular species with a long life cycle, several long term courses of antibiotics may be necessary. The infection may need to be treated for several months or years, much the same protocol as for Lyme Disease.
No clinical trials have been published in regards to the treatment of cancer with antibiotics against mycoplasma.

Vaccines Against Mycoplasma

Maruyama vaccine is similar to BCG vaccine, both of which are made from mycobacteria tuberculosis isolates. Both have been used extensively as immune system stimulants in cancer patients. Murayama vaccine is made from mycobacteria tuberculosis isolates, and BCG is derived from an attenuated bovine tuberculosis bacillus. However, BCG has more side effects than Maruyama vaccine.

Maruyama vaccine, invented by Dr. Chisato Maruyama more than 50 years ago, can be used by itself or in combination with standard therapies. Some Japanese physicians claim to have achieved complete remissions in poor-prognosis cancers, but no large scale clinical trials exist. No negative side effects from the vaccine have been reported.

Murayama vaccine is approved by the FDA to treat terminal cancer patients. Some forms of health insurance will cover the cost if the vaccine is used as part of standard therapy, because it is officially approved only as an immune system stimulant to counteract the side effect of bone marrow suppression caused by radiotherapy.

Maruyama vaccine is supplied by The Research Institute of Vaccine Therapy for Tumors and Infections Disease, Nippon Medical School Hospital in Tokyo, as long as the patient supplies a request from their physician. It is not expensive, approximately 9000 yen (100 USD) for a 40 day course of treatment.

According to an article published in Cancer Detection And Prevention, 2003, by Tetsuo Kimoto M.D., Ph.D., Maruyama vaccine does not have direct cytotoxic effects on tumors, but rather causes their encapsulation by collagen fibers.

This leads to the containment and sometimes necrosis (death) of tumors and their metastasis. Survival time increased in both animal and human subjects with tumors, and Kimoto stated that Murayama vaccine "may benefit patients in whom the tumor is inoperable and resistant to conventional chemotherapy." 1


(1). Tetsuo Kimoto M.D., Ph.D The antitumor effects of Maruyama vaccine (SSM) Cancer Detection and Prevention Volume 22 Issue 4 Page 340 - August 1998 .

Herpes Virus

Cervical cancer, caused by the human papilloma virus, strikes more than 10,000 U.S. women each year, killing more than 3,700. A new vaccine against the virus, Gardasil, was approved by the FDA in 2006. The vaccine is effective against HPV types 16 and 18, which cause approximately 70 percent of cervical cancers and against HPV types 6 and 11, which cause approximately 90 percent of genital warts.

Less well known is the fact that HPV is also implicated in squamous cell head and neck cancers, especially cancer of the tonsils. 1,2 Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Oncology Center tested tumor tissues from 253 patients with head and neck cancers and found 25 percent of the cases were HPV-positive. In 90 percent of those HPV-positive tumors, HPV16, the type of virus most often associated with cervical cancer, was present.3

Multiple studies confirm the link between HPV and head and neck cancer. Approximately 31,000 people in the United States are diagnosed each year with cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx, which causes 8,500 deaths annually.

The vaccine against HPV only works if it administered before infection, indicating the importance of immunization before potential exposure to the virus. Also, Gardasil does not protect against less common HPV types not included in the vaccine, thus routine and regular pap screening remain critically important to detect precancerous changes in the cervix to allow treatment before cervical cancer develops. It is a preventative measure, not a treatment for existing cervical or head and neck cancer.


(1). Paz IB et al., Human papillomavirus (HPV) in head and neck cancer. An association of HPV 16 with squamous cell carcinoma of Waldeyer's tonsillar ring. Cancer 1997 Feb 1;79(3):595-604.

(2) Klussman JP et al., Human papillomavirus-positive tonsillar carcinomas: a different tumor entity? Med Microbiol Immunol (Berlin) 2003 Aug;192(3):129-32. Epub 2002 Sep 14.

(3). Gillison ML, Koch WM, Capone RB, Spafford M, Westra WH, Wu L, Zahurak ML, Daniel RW, Viglione M, Symer DE, Shah KV, Sidransky D, Evidence for a causal association between human papillomavirus and a subset of head and neck cancers. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2000 May 3;92(9):709-20

Stomach Cancer

In the December 2000 edition of the Journal of The National Cancer Insitute, a research team led by Columbian pathologist Pelayo Correa reported that antibiotics, vitamin C, or beta-carotene (precursor of vitamin A) can reverse precancerous stomach conditions caused by Helicobacter pylori.

Stomach cancer is the second most common cancer worldwide, and is most common in countries such as Colombia and China, where H. Pylori infects more than half of the population in early childhood. In the U.S., where H. pylori is less common, stomach cancer rates have decreased since the 1930s.

The two main risk factors for stomach cancer are H. pylori infection, and a diet low in vitamin C and beta carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. There is also ample evidence that a diet including fresh fruits and vegetables, which are rich in those nutrients, protects against stomach cancer.
In 1992, the researchers studied 631 patients with aberrant gastric cell growth, which falls into one of three successive premalignant stages--multifocal nonmetaplastic atrophy, intestinal metaplasia, and dysplasia.

Patients received either a placebo pill, a vitamin C or beta-carotene supplement, or antibiotics against H. pylori. Some others received a combination of drugs and supplements.
The scientists took stomach biopsies of the patients after 3 and 6 years of treatment. Patients with atrophy were roughly five times as likely to experience regression of this premalignant cell growth as those getting a placebo.

Among those with metaplasia, the volunteers who were taking supplements or drugs were three times as likely to improve as those getting placebos were. However, patients with dysplasia, the last stage of stomach disease before cancer, showed no significant improvement with any of the treatments. "The earlier in the process [that we intervened] the better the chance of regression," Correa said. 1

This study is encouraging because it shows that treating carcinogenic bacteria produces clear benefits against precancerous conditions. However, once the tissue damage caused by infection had progressed to the premalignant stage, the antibiotics produced no benefits, and would likely produce no improvement in cases of outright malignancy either.


(1). Correa, P., et al. 2000. Chemoprevention of gastric dysplasia: Randomized trial of antioxidant supplements and anti-Helicobacter pylori therapy. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 92(Dec. 6):1881-1888


The common antibiotic doxycycline effectively treats a type of ocular lymphoma associated with chlamydia infection, according to a study published in the October 4 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

A team of researchers led by Andres J. M. Ferreri, M.D., of the San Raffaele H Scientific Institute in Milan, Italy, gave 27 patients with ocular adnexal lymphoma (OAL) a 3-week course of doxycycline therapy, whether they tested positive or negative for chlamydia.

The researchers observed for tumor progression every 6 months, and found that doxycycline caused caused lymphoma to regress in patients regardless of whether they tested positive or negative for chlamydia.
The study suggested that doxycycline is a useful therapy even in patients where other treatments have failed, and it is a valid alternative to chemotherapy and radiation without causing the same toxic side-effects. Patients treated with doxycycline had a 66% rate of disease-free survival. 1


(1). Andrés J. M. Ferreri, Maurilio Ponzoni, Massimo Guidoboni, Antonio Giordano Resti, Letterio S. Politi, Sergio Cortelazzo, Judit Demeter, Francesco Zallio, Angelo Palmas, Giuliana Muti, Giuseppina P. Dognini, Elisa Pasini, Antonia Anna Lettini, Federico Sacchetti, Carlo De Conciliis, Claudio Doglioni, Riccardo Dolcetti Bacteria-Eradicating Therapy With Doxycycline in Ocular Adnexal MALT Lymphoma: A Multicenter Prospective Trial Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2006 98(19):1375-1382

Cautionary Note On Indiscriminate Use Of Antibiotics

So far, no antibiotic treatment has been discovered that is successful in treating most types of cancer, and a study linking antibiotic use to an increased risk breast cancer appeared in the February 2004 Journal of the American Medical Association. The study, which examined 10,000 Washington state women, found that those who took more than 25 courses of antibiotics over an average of 17 years had double the risk of breast cancer compared to women who did not take antibiotics. Women who took between one and 25 prescriptions over the same period had a one-and-a-half times increased risk for breast cancer. 1

Correlation does not always imply causation, and this study raises intriguing questions as to the mechanism of this effect. Perhaps it is due to direct cellular damage by the antibiotic. Maybe the disruption of the body's normal bacterial homeostasis by antibiotics causes proliferation of pathogenic bacterial species.

It could be that women with poorly functioning immune systems (due to genetics or poor living conditions) are more prone to infections as well as cancer. A need for antibiotics may indicate an underlying inflammatory or infectious condition which is responsible for the development of cancer.

However, the study illustrates the perils of using broad spectrum antibiotics indiscriminately. This practice evidently does not ward off cancer, and cannot be recommended.


(1). Roberta B. Ness, MD, MPH. Jane A. Cauley, DrPH Antibiotics and Breast Cancer--. What's the Meaning of This? Journal of The American Medical Association Feb 2004 291:77, 880-881

Antibiotics To Treat Cancer

In 2006, researchers at the University of Illinois discovered that siomycin, a poorly known antibiotic first discovered in the 1960s, caused cancer cells to undergo apoptosis (cell death) while leaving normal cells unharmed. This is due to a direct effect on the FOX M1 gene, which is activated in tumor cells and causes their rapid growth. Siomycin is currently being evaluated for possible clinical trials. 1

Neomycin, another old antibiotic first discovered in 1949, inhibits angiogenesis (development of blood vessels) of prostate tumors, and prevents them from growing and spreading in animal subjects, according to researchers Hu and Yoshioka in the Sept 2006 edition of the Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences. 2

In both cases, the action of these antibiotics is due to a direct chemotherapeutic effect, not antibacterial action. However, both of these agents show promise for the development of chemotherapy without the current horrendous side effects.


(1). Senthil K. Radhakrishnan, Uppoor G. Bhat, Douglas E. Hughes, I-Ching Wang, Robert H. Costa and Andrei L. Gartel Identification of a Chemical Inhibitor of the Oncogenic Transcription Factor Forkhead Box M1 Cancer Research 66, 9731-9735, October 1, 2006

(2). Hu G-F. Neomycin inhibits angiogenin-induced angiogenesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95: 9791-9795, 1998

Integrated Treatment Clinics

Livingstone-Wheeler claimed an 82% success rate in her book "the Conquest of Cancer".

One of the largest clinics offering treatment based on the bacterial hypothesis of cancer is the Livingstone Wheeler Foundation Medical Center, San Diego, California. Livingstone-Wheeler claimed an 82% success rate in her book "the Conquest of Cancer". Here, patients are given vaccines and other measures purported to enhance immunity to the pleomorphic bacterium believed to be the cause of cancer.

BCG vaccine is used along with a multifocal treatment program: vegetarian diet, vitamins, antioxidants, detoxification, nutritional counselling, support groups. Patients are monitored with tests of immune function and vitamin levels.

However, a 2001 study by the Centre for Alternative Medicine Research at the University of Texas found poor outcomes the 191 clinic patients followed, approximately half of whom had metastatic cancer. Only 28 patients out of 193 were found to be still alive five years later, giving a five-year survival rate of 14.5%, no better than conventional therapy for advanced cancer. These results refute Livingstone's claims of success.

However, other practitioners have had better results. The Issels Clinic, founded in 1951 in Germany by Dr. Josef Issels, specializes in immunotherapy (along with other alternative treatments) and and has a significant success rate documented by independent studies.

Since the late 1960s, German public health insurance has covered treatment at the Issels Clinic. From 1981 until his retirement in 1987, Dr. Issels served as expert in the Federal German Government Commission In The Fight Against Cancer.

In the Clinical Trials Journal (London 1970) a peer-reviewed study showed that Issels treatment plus standard therapy (chemo and radiotherapy) improved the five-year survival rate of patients with metastatic cancers to 87%, as compared to 50% with standard therapy alone.

In 1959, A. G. Audier, M.D., from the University of Leiden, Holland, reported that Issels therapy produced a 16.6% cure rate in 252 patients with metastatic malignant melanoma, which has only a 2% cure rate by conventional therapy.

This was confirmed by a study in 1971 by John Anderson, M.D., from King's College Hospital, which found a 17% cure rate for metastatic melanoma. The Issels clinic has documented long term cures (greater than 10 years) of advanced metastatic cancer, including astrocytomas (malignant brain tumors) and melanomas, which are virtually incurable by conventional treatment.
There are two Issels Medical Centers in the United States, in Phoenix, Arizona, and Santa Barbara, California.


Evidence for a causal link between infection and cancer appears to be overwhelming, but so far no universally applicable treatment has been developed from this knowledge.

In some cases, such as intraocular lymphoma, eradication of infection cures cancer; but in other cases, such as gastric cancer, it has no effect once the disease has progressed from pre-malignant to cancerous. So far, some success has been achieved by immunotherapy, but be sure to look for a reputable clinic with proven results, since patient outcomes vary greatly between practitioners.
This is definitely a field to watch closely, since new discoveries are being made constantly.

Do Bacteria Cause Cancer?

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Colon Cancer Cures - Finding Natural Cures For Cancer

Recognizing and understanding your cancer and how it affects your body .... will help in finding natural colon cancer cures.

There are many documented testimonies of finding help with alternative and natural remedies for colon cancer... If you are suspicious that you may have to hear those fateful words, here are a few signs of colon cancer. this is just for reference sake, please seek professional advice before taking any drastic steps!

Alternative Cancer

Some of the most common signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer include:

Changes in bowel habits Constipation or Diarrhea, and feeling like the bowel is not emptying completely... Either dark or bright red blood in the stool Smaller and narrower stools than usual Abdominal discomfort (frequent gas pains, bloating, fullness, and/or cramps) Losing weight and not understanding why Always feeling tired Feeling like vomiting or actual vomiting

No one knows exactly what is causing the increasing numbers of cancer in the colon, however there are several factors that seem to be possible risk factors.

Age: It is more likely to appear in people over the age of 50, however there have been cases as young as in their teens.

Diet: Cancer seems to be more associated with diets that are high in fat and calories and low in fiber. Researchers are saying that Having a diet high in fiber is very possibly a preventative when it comes to any kind of cancer.

Family Medical History: People with a family history or family members that have had colorectal cancer or breast cancer seem to be at a higher risk of getting it, too.

However, it seems like there is really no known rhyme or reason for who gets targeted and don't let anyone tell you there is no cure other than chemotherapy, radiation or being robbed of parts of your insides!

There are too many stories of natural cancer cures that have helped people and too much evidence of survivors of colon cancer.

Colon Cancer Cures - Finding Natural Cures For Cancer

Alternative Cancer

Prostate Cancer - Treatment With Supplements

Prostate cancer has become a common health related problem among men. Luckily, advancement in the medical field has come up with several solutions which might be effective. Today, you would find many herbal remedies options to facilitate prostate health.

Lycopene is one of the most famous and widely prescribed supplements for good prostate health. It is a pigment widely found in most of the vegetables. It is found in high amounts in tomatoes. However, it is also found in certain other vegetables such as carrots and watermelons.

Cancer Treatments

Lycopene cannot be produced by human body. Hence, it needs to be supplemented from foreign sources. Lycopene is also said to reduce the risks for many types of cancer and heart disease. It should work efficient for prostate health.

Pygeum Africanum is another supplement for good prostate health. It is found in the trees in Africa. The pygeum bark is widely used for prostate health conditions.

Beta sitosterol is also a supplement that's widely used. It is herbal and more powerful than pygeum africanum.

Stinging nettle is friendly very common used supplement. This remedy is great for an enlarged prostate.

There are several benefits of using prostate supplements. Prostate problems may be solved via taking natural dietary supplements. Prostate supplements are available at different medical stores. Some of these include Poria Fruit, nettle leaves, nettle roots, cinnamon bark, alisma rhizome, prepared rehmannia root and cornus fruit.

a) Saw palmetto

Saw palmetto is considered to be one of the leading prostate supplements. This is a fat-soluble extract of saw palmetto berry. It includes essential biological chemical in order to check all sorts of prostate problems.

b) Pumpkin Seeds

These have high quantities of zinc. It works towards nourishing and healing many types of disorders related to the prostate. It is helpful in problems that exist in the urinary tract and increases the flow of urine and reduces problems related to an irritating bladder.

c) Nettle roots

Nettle roots and leaves in your diet would increase the flow of urine. It provides great results when combined with saw palmetto and pygeum bark. The supplement is high in chlorophyll and contains several alkaloids. These alkaloids tend to neutralize uric acid, which is the main cause for many types of problems related to the prostate.

d) Pygeum Bark

It reduces urination and enhances and regulates the flow of urine during the day time. Most herbal remedies for prostate gland ailments contain pygeum bark as an active ingredient.

e) Alisma Rhizome

This supplement is great for improving the functioning of bladder. The health of liver and kidney is improved and this contributes to the overall health of prostate gland. It is prepared from rehmannia root and works towards purifying blood. It is also a stimulant for kidney.

Prostate Cancer - Treatment With Supplements

Cancer Treatments

Natural Cancer Fighting - How to Fight Cancer Naturally by Making One Simple Dietary Change

One way to fight cancer naturally is by removing excess sugar from your diet. High blood sugar levels support the growth of cancer because the malignant cells get almost all of their nourishment from sugar. If blood glucose levels are elevated, cancer growth will be accelerated.

According to Patrick and Noreen Quillin in Beating Cancer With Nutrition (2001), Cancer cells mainly feed on glucose with lactic acid as an anaerobic by-product. This causes fatigue (from lactic acid build-up), a low pH and an enlarged liver. It takes energy away from the rest of the body which is "why 40% of cancer patients die of malnutrition or cachexia."

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Another reason to avoid excess sugar is that it decreases the effectiveness of the immune system which plays a very important part in fighting off viruses and diseases such as cancer.

Eating the right foods is a way to help you regulate your blood sugar. Avoid refined carbohydrates such those found in soda, cookies, candy bars, potato chips etc. Eat plenty of high fiber foods such nuts, beans, oats and certain fruits and vegetables.

Another way to manage blood sugar levels is by exercising regularly. It recommended that you get 30-60 minutes of moderate exercise such as brisk walking, swimming or bike riding. Consult with your doctor before starting an exercise program. He can advise you on how often and how long to exercise.

While keeping your blood sugar evened out is a great way to help fight cancer, it will probably not be enough to totally eradicate cancer from your life.

Natural Cancer Fighting - How to Fight Cancer Naturally by Making One Simple Dietary Change

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Prostate Cancer Patients Have A Brighter Future With Ketoconazole

No doubt, you are confused and feel helpless when you are diagnosed with cancer of the prostate gland, but today there's hope for millions suffering from this type of cancer in the form of the wonder drug Ketoconazole. Earlier the fear of surgery and castration had huge psychological effects but now it has been found that therapy depriving the patient of androgen can be administered in a much more humane way. Ketoconazole can work magic by way of combating prostate cancer.

To lower androgen levels, what medical specialists now prescribe is the application of HDK or High-Dose Ketoconazole. The substance acts as a barrier and controls secretions from the endocrine glands. In this way, the production of testosterone is diminished and logically it works like Androgen Deprivation Therapy or ADT, as it is commonly called. The previous custom of performing surgery on the genital area to deprive the prostate of the hormone androgen can thus be avoided.

Cancer Treatments

Ketoconazole hinders the enzyme P450. Laboratory experiments have proven the ability of Ketoconazole to kill cancer cells. However, a more complete treatment is to administer doses of the combination of Ketoconazole and Hydrocortisone. They complement each other. While the Ketoconazole hinders the secretion of testosterone, the synthetic Hydrocortisone is a substitute for the cortisol in the body.

If the body rejects High-Dose Ketoconazole, LDK or Low-Dose Ketoconazole may be administered instead. This, as the name suggests, is a lower dose of Ketoconazole. It has been found that the results are as good as those after treatment with HDK.

Medical specialists advise HDK to be taken three times a day in the first week. The recommended strength is 200 mg. The dosage of HDK is then raised to double the strength. However, the timings don't alter. To be efficacious, Ketoconazole is best taken on an empty stomach. The ideal time is midway between meals. That would be approximately two hours after one meal and two hours before the next. The reason is that absorption of Ketoconazole is much faster on an empty stomach, without the interference from other substances in medications such as histamines.

Hydrocortisone on the other hand is best taken with food. Take great precautions as to the dosage. Stick to what the doctor has prescribed. An overdose of Hydrocortisone could result in edema, especially around the ankles. If such a manifestation should occur, don't under any circumstances stop taking the drug abruptly. The dosage should be gradually tapered off.

Ketoconazole is the answer to the prayers of millions of people suffering from prostate cancer. It has the potential to give the sufferer another chance at life, as it curbs the malignant cells through efficiently preventing enzymes from degenerating. Medications that have the generic name Ketoconazole is what you should talk to your doctor about.

Prostate Cancer Patients Have A Brighter Future With Ketoconazole

Cancer Treatments

The History of Cancer

Ancient Egyptians described the earliest record of Cancer, between the ages of 3000 BC to 1500BC. Theorists acknowledge the fact that cancer has probably been around for as long humans have been, however, the Ancient Egyptians where the first to record it. They described it on seven papyri. The two more famous ones, known as “Edwin Smith” and “George Ebers” hold descriptions that perfectly describe modern day cancer. They go into details about tumors and ulcers in the breasts.

Unfortunately, back in those days, common treatment was more religious then scientific, and contained compounds of barley, pig’s ear, animal parts, castor oil and various other materials. However, their observations lead them to diagnose tumors and recognize benign abnormal cells, and malignant tumors.

Alternative Cancer

Scientists have managed to find (to-date) the oldest specimen of human cancer on the remains of a skull. The skull is believed to have belonged to a woman who lived during the Bronze Age (1900 – 1600BC). It is suggested she had head and neck cancer. Surprisingly, she is the only specimen found that dates back to this time period. A mummified skeleton shows signs of malignant melanoma, which is a type of skin cancer. The skeleton dates back to about 2400 years ago.

Louis Leakey [], so far, has found the oldest specimen of cancer on a body of a Homo Erectus or a Australopithecus. The body seems to have suffered from a tumor, possible of type Burkitts Lymphoma. The actual word “Cancer” comes from the Greek Physician, Hippocrates. He is well known to have investigated in the medicine, especially in cancer. Originally he named it after the word “Crab” in greek “Karkinos” as the blood vessels around the tumor, to him, looked like the claws of a crab.

It was only in the Renaissance Period, that cancer started getting clinical treatment. They still believed the theory that cancer was created from an excess amount of black bile. This carried on till the 16th century. It was only in the 17th century when Gaspare Aselli discovered the lymphatic system that the rumour came to an end. It was a French Physician, Claude Gendron, who recognized that cancer had to be surgically removed.

In the 18th Century, physicians, spurred on by Jean Astruc and chemist Bernard, started doing autopsies on cancer patients to find a better way of diagnosis and treatment. Surgery had to wait until Wells, in 1844, discovered anesthesia, which allowed the physicians to operate. The study of the cancer cells took on a turn for the better when Leeuwenhoek, in the late 17 century, created the microscope.

By the early 20th century, doctors where well on their way to understanding the dynamics of cancer and the cellular mechanisms related to the cell growth and division of it. However, some types of cancers have taken longer then others. The reason behind cervical cancer only becoming known in the 1970’s was due to the cells, which created it, papillomavirus (HPV) was only identified then. Today, modern scientist realize that it’s not the cell that should be the concern, but the DNA within the cells, which is a long way away from the diagnosis of the Ancient Egyptians.

The History of Cancer

Alternative Cancer

Kidney Cancer Alternative Treatment - 2 Natural Cures

Kidney is used for vital functions like filtering of blood and removing impurities in them, removal of surplus water, minerals and other salts. Kidney cancer is defined as a type of cancer that is developed in kidney. Kidney cancer is classified into 2 types based on the location of the cancer within the kidney. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and Urothelial cell carcinoma (UCC) are the two types. This type of cancer is not only present in adults, rather in children too. Wilm's tumor is present in children. The origin of this disease is mainly from renal tubule and the renal pelvis.

Though there are many reasons for developing this disease, some of the common reasons are smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, long term dialysis. Some of the symptoms of kidney cancer are loss of appetite, anemia and blood in the urine. Though surgery is a prevalent treatment, there are also many this disease alternative treatments available these days.

Cancer Treatments

Nutrition therapy: One of the most prominent ill-effect of kidney cancer and its medicinal treatment is loss of appetite. Providing all the vital nutrients is important for all the cancer patients. Cancer and its medicinal treatment can finally lead to weight loss if proper nutrition is not provided. In this therapy, a registered dietician provides a meal plan to the cancer patient. Fruits, vegetables, fish, yogurt, grains and cereals are the main sources of proper nutrition.

Naturopathic therapy: Naturopathic therapy deal with methods and medical substances to reduce any harmful effects on human body and bring back the good health. Naturopaths deal with power of nature to cure human illness. Botanical medicine, homeopathic medicines are considered few forms of naturopathic therapy.

Kidney Cancer Alternative Treatment - 2 Natural Cures

Cancer Treatments

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Proven and Effective Natural Cures For Cancer

Anyone who tries to learn about alternative and natural cure finds it very difficult. The information is scattered all over and finding out what really works and what does not is very difficult. Of course the pharmaceutical industry is not interested in any kind of natural cures because they would lose a lot of money. But anyway in this article I will talk more about one natural cancer cure that I found in the "Natural Cancer Treatments That Work" e-book.

Dr. Johanna Budwig[ Flaxseed Oil & Cottage Cheese (FOCC) program

Alternative Cancer

Dr. Budwig, who is a six time Nobel Prize nominee, found out after 30 years of research that the blood of seriously ill patients was always deficient of certain important and essential ingredients like lipoproteins and phosphatides. The blood of normal healthy people has sufficient levels of these essential ingredients. Cancer cells literally grow wild without these ingredients.

A greenish-yellow substance was found in the blood analysis of cancer patients in place of healthy red oxygen carrying hemoglobin that is suppose to be there. That is why cancer patients often become anemic and weakened. She found out that this greenish-yellow substance were replaced with healthy red blood cells and the tumors gradually receded, when the natural ingredients were replaced over a three month period approximately. The symptoms of cancer, diabetes and liver dysfunction were alleviated.

If flaxseed oil & cottage cheese are eaten together then those essential ingredients in their bodies are replaced. but they have to be eaten together. In the 1950-s Dr.Johanna Budwig started a long research on the importance of essential fatty acids in the diet. Of course the German manufacturers of dietary fats were not happy with her research and tried to prevent her from publishing her findings. Dr. Budwing said that to extend th shelf life of their products, the manufacturers use chemical processes that make their food products harmful to the body.

The processing of chemical fats destroys the vital electron cloud within the fat. The fats can´t no longer bind with oxygen after the electrons are gone and they become harmful substance deposited within the body. Chemically processed fats end up damaging heart action, blocking circulation, inhibit cell renewal, and impede the free flow of blood and lymph fluids. If you want to learn more about this treatments and many others than click the link in the Resource box.

Proven and Effective Natural Cures For Cancer

Alternative Cancer

Cesium Chloride: One of the Most Proven and Potent Cancer Cures

Cesium is a highly alkaline mineral that has proven to be effective in treating various forms of cancer. In fact, cesium chloride is so effective that it has been used to successfully treat stage four cancer patients as well as those who suffer from cancers like lymphoma and leukemia, even though the cancer has already metastasized throughout the entire body.

Best of all, it is one of the least expensive cancer cures in the world, unlike chemotherapy and radiation treatments that can leave patients and families financially ruined.

Alternative Cancer

Brief History of Cesium Chloride

Cesium chloride's cancer fighting properties were discovered back in the 1930s when A. Keith Brewer, a physicist, became involved in cancer research and developed a treatment protocol that was based on the potent alkaline mineral. The cancer treatment he developed was so effective that all 30 patients in his trial survived various forms of cancer.

Later trials conducted by another cancer researcher, Dr. H.E. Sartori in 1981 also delivered similar results with one notable exception - all of his patients were considered terminal or "end of life" - in other words, doctors had already written them off, yet Sartori's cancer treatment protocol helped half of his patients survive when modern medicine and all of the supposed advanced cancer cures had failed!

How Cesium Chloride Works

Cancerous cells in the body do not receive enough oxygen because they have a hardened outer membrane that is all but impenetrable. Without sufficient oxygen, these cells cannot oxidize glucose for energy but must instead rely on fermentation to generate the fuel they need to survive. Unfortunately, this process increases the presence of lactic acid, which short-circuits the cell's ability to control cell growth, leading to the rampant, uncontrolled cell growth that is associated with cancer.

Fortunately, cesium chloride has the unique ability to penetrate the hardened membranes of these cancerous cells. After breaching the outer defenses of cancer cells, cesium chloride, with its high alkalinity, raises the cell's pH levels back to normal and prevents the cell from fermenting glucose for energy, which effectively causes the cancerous cells to starve.

Best of all, this treatment protocol only targets cancer cells, not healthy ones unlike the widespread, untargeted devastation that chemotherapy, radiation and other supposed cancer cures cause to any and all cells in their path.

The Most Potent Cancer Cure You Never Heard About

There's a reason why most cancer patients have never heard of cesium chloride, despite the fact that its effectiveness has been known for 80 years - the medical community and drug companies are greedy! They would rather continue pushing ineffective and outrageously expensive toxic chemical treatments rather than accept the fact that an effective, inexpensive cure was found decades ago.

Health practitioners using cesium chloride protocols on their patients have even been attacked by the Medical Community, which means that many patients end up treating themselves. Fortunately, unlike other cancer cures, cesium chloride is a treatment protocol that requires very little supervision or knowledge, which makes it an attractive alternative to the treatments currently being pushed by the mainstream medical community.

Cesium Chloride: One of the Most Proven and Potent Cancer Cures

Alternative Cancer

The Benefits of Raw Food Diet For Cancer Patients

There has been a lot of talk about how raw foods help beat various diseases such as cancer. Such treatments make the immune system stronger, a lot of raw foods contain nutrients that destroy cancer etc. But before we get into all of that, it is important to understand what a "raw diet" exactly is.

The term "raw food" means the food is eaten without cooking and a "raw food" diet for cancer is a vegetarian type diet. The vegetables and fruits that are consumed are known to destroy cancer directly or indirectly. The foods that are in the cancer "raw food" diet are not random uncooked foods, they are carefully selected to fight against cancer specifically.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

A lot of foods contain very important enzymes and cooking the food can destroy 100% of the enzymes. Cooked food does not contain as much nutrients as raw foods. Of course some vegetables are better to be eaten cooked like green beans and peas but generally it is better to consume raw foods not broiled, boiled or cooked.

Juicing vegetables and fruits makes the nutrients of the foods more digestible for the body, so more essential nutrients are extracted from the fruits or vegetables with much less of the obstructing fibers. You can also consume a lot more fruits and vegetables in a much shorter period with juicing.

As I mentioned before not all fruits and vegetables have the ability to treat cancer. If your goal is to cure cancer then your diet has to consist of massive amounts of the best cancer-killing nutrients. Just eating random fruits and vegetables is far less effective than eating carefully selected foods.

If you want a cancer-killing vegetable juice then your juice has to contain these ingredients: carrots (carrots may be the best cancer-fighting vegetable of all), broccoli. cabbage, red beets, green asparagus, cauliflower, beet tops etc. By the way pepper also has some cancer fighting substances. Consuming refined flour products, milk, milk products and meat should be stopped.

The Benefits of Raw Food Diet For Cancer Patients

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Nutrition During Cancer Treatments - Combating Nausea and Diverting Taste

Nutrition during cancer treatment is very important. This is because treatments like chemotherapy, radiotherapy and even surgery can have side effects. Most of the time, some patients can adapt. Some cannot.

You may find that cancer or cancer treatment has affected your sense of taste. Food may lack flavour or taste too sweet, salty or metallic. Usually these changes are temporary or will improve in time. However, there are some suggestions for this:-

Alternative Cancer Treatments

- Cleaning the tongue allows the taste buds to function better

- Try different sauces, marinades, seasonings, spices, herbs and flavourings and other ingredients in your cooking

- Experiment with different foods and different methods of preparation. This gives a wider choice of meals. What your or the patient may have disliked in the past could now well be a new found favourite meal. Keep trying and never stop experimenting

Cancer treatments can also alter the sense of smell in a patient. Strong scents during food preparation might induce nausea in the patient. These steps are therefore necessary and should be taken in avoiding the nausea:-

- Keep the patient or yourself in a room where it is farthest away from the kitchen (or which ever places where the food is usually prepared)

- For pungent or strong smelling foods, reduce the amount of ingredients that contribute to the smell and taste. This may make the food taste bland. But for your own health and good, do it. If a cancer patient cannot tolerate the scent or taste, avoid using the particular ingredient and experiment with every other alternatives possible

Nutrition During Cancer Treatments - Combating Nausea and Diverting Taste

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Smoking, Cancer, and Chemotherapy

Adverse Effects Tobacco Has ON The Brain:

Like cocaine, heroin, and marijuana, nicotine increases levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which affects the brain pathways that control reward and pleasure. For many tobacco users, long-term brain changes induced by continued nicotine exposure results in addiction, a condition of compulsive drug seeking and use, even in the face of negative consequences. Studies suggest that additional compounds in tobacco, such as acetaldehyde, may enhance nicotine's effects on the brain. Studies indicate the adolescents are especially vulnerable to these effects and may be more likely than adults to develop an addiction to tobacco.

Alternative Cancer Treatments


When people think of cancers caused by smoking, the first one that comes to mind is lung cancer. Close to 90% of lung cancer deaths are in men, with about 80% in women caused by cigarette smoking. There are several other forms of cancer.

· They include the oral cavity
· Pharynx
· Larynx
· Esophagus
· Bladder
· Stomach
· Cervix
· Kidney
· Pancreas
· And acute myeloid leukemia
· Head and neck
· Tongue
· Lip
· Mouth

Lung Cancer-The Big One:

The association between tobacco use and lung cancer stands as a classic in public health. On average, smokers increase risk of lung cancer between 5 and 10-fold and in developed countries, smoking is responsible for upwards of 80% of all lung cancers. Using American data 24% of men who smoke can expect to develop lung cancer during their expected lifetime.

Lung cancer remains a disease with a dismal prognosis. Although one-year all-stage survival is reported to have increased from 32% in 1973 to 41% in 1994, five year survival has remained unchanged at 14%.

Chemotherapy- One Form of Treatment for Cancer:

Chemotherapy is in general a way of treating cancer. People diagnosed with cancer undergo this therapy for their treatment. It is the most popular way of treating cancer worldwide. Chemotherapy is applied to treat leukemia and lymphoma.

Under chemotherapy, use of chemotherapy drugs or medicines is made to kill the cancer-causing cell or reduce their growth. Chemotherapy drugs are known as cytotoxic drugs.

Whenever a person is diagnosed as suffering from cancer, the possibility of he or she undergo some form of chemotherapy treatment is seemingly inevitable. The only question is how the cancer will be administered.

Chemotherapy treatment takes place in cycles. These cycles normally run between three to four weeks consecutively. Between the cycles, there are intervals of around the same time. The thinking behind this in conventional medicine is to allow the healthy cells to recover and reproduce, and the cancerous cells to die. The chemotherapy course of treatment is completed when the doctors are sufficiently sure that all the cancerous cells have been removed from the patient's body.

The dosage of chemotherapy administered is calculated by measuring the height and weight of the patient. Using this method, the doctors and tailor a program "tailor made" for each patient. However, the dose levels can be reduced or increased based on reactions experienced by the patient and routine tests carried out.

Smoking, Cancer, and Chemotherapy

Alternative Cancer Treatments