Friday, October 21, 2011

Cancer Fighting Foods and Diet

One of the important things to consider when battling cancer is that there are a number of holistic and natural things that you can do to fight the disease. Many of the herbal and supplemental treatments can be used to fantastic effect. One only needs to avail them of the proper information and they will be well armed to treat the illness.

Herbs in general are a fantastic way to get nutrients that are other wise not available in foods. While foods that are high in antioxidants are a fantastic way to get the benefits and the nutrients, many of the most powerful antioxidants and photochemical are only available in obscure herbs that one would never find in their supermarket.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

In addition to some of the super foods that are commonly talked about including garlic, parsley and onions, there are many other foods that you should be taking daily. Things such as almonds and berries. Peppers are also a wonderful addition to any cancer prevention diet. One should include these as well as cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflowers.

In the herbal category there are many supplements that one needs to incorporate into their diet. For starters, astragalus's and grape seed extract and amazing and helping aid in the treatment of cancerous tumors. Other herbal supplements that may be very good for you include bilberry and ginkgo biloba. These herbs are instrumental in preventing the oxidation at the cellular level.

Combining herbs and vitamin supplements with things such as fish oil and flax seed oil will be a fantastic way to improve your health. There are many additional things you may take such as coenzyme Q ten. This is one of the most important things you can supplement with. Remember to add alpha lipoic acid to your diet if you supplement with Co-Q ten.

Cancer Fighting Foods and Diet

Alternative Cancer Treatments

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