One way to fight cancer naturally is by removing excess sugar from your diet. High blood sugar levels support the growth of cancer because the malignant cells get almost all of their nourishment from sugar. If blood glucose levels are elevated, cancer growth will be accelerated.
According to Patrick and Noreen Quillin in Beating Cancer With Nutrition (2001), Cancer cells mainly feed on glucose with lactic acid as an anaerobic by-product. This causes fatigue (from lactic acid build-up), a low pH and an enlarged liver. It takes energy away from the rest of the body which is "why 40% of cancer patients die of malnutrition or cachexia."
Alternative Cancer Treatments
Another reason to avoid excess sugar is that it decreases the effectiveness of the immune system which plays a very important part in fighting off viruses and diseases such as cancer.
Eating the right foods is a way to help you regulate your blood sugar. Avoid refined carbohydrates such those found in soda, cookies, candy bars, potato chips etc. Eat plenty of high fiber foods such nuts, beans, oats and certain fruits and vegetables.
Another way to manage blood sugar levels is by exercising regularly. It recommended that you get 30-60 minutes of moderate exercise such as brisk walking, swimming or bike riding. Consult with your doctor before starting an exercise program. He can advise you on how often and how long to exercise.
While keeping your blood sugar evened out is a great way to help fight cancer, it will probably not be enough to totally eradicate cancer from your life.
Natural Cancer Fighting - How to Fight Cancer Naturally by Making One Simple Dietary Change Alternative Cancer Treatments
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