More and more people are into alternative lung cancer treatments and alternative cancer treatments in general. People know very well that conventional medicine alone is not very effective and exploring other options is very useful. There of course are a lot of alternatives to current cancer treatments, some of them are very effective, some less effective. Sassafras tea is one of those treatments, that proven to be very good for the body, over hundreds of years.
The Sassafras tea, like the name suggests, is made up of the young roots of Sassafras abdidum. Sassafras trees can grow 15-35 meters tall and have a diameter 70-150 cm. The wood is light, hard and sometimes brittle. The bark of the mature trunk is thick, red-brown, and deeply furrowed.The Sassafras has been very popular amongst the natives of America and it is often called the purifier of the blood. It is still used to treat many illnesses such as skin diseases, rheumatism, typhus, syphilis etc.
Alternative Cancer Treatments
There is significant evidence that safrole, in modest doses, can stimulate the conversion of other carcinogens to non-carcinogenic metabolites, meaning it is an anticarcinogen. A study even shows that it can induces apoptosis in human lung cancer cells.
The Sassafras tea is one of many alternative treatments that can be used along with conventional treatments, to make treating cancer safer and more effective. The more people know about alternative medicine the more effectively it can be used. Of course before using the Sassafras tea, people should know about the risks that are involved and learn as much as possible about it.
Alternative Lung Cancer Treatments - Sassafras Tea Alternative Cancer Treatments
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