Though they were first worn by athletes who were not allowed to don metallic jewelry during games, rubber bracelets have blossomed into a worldwide phenomenon. Rubber cancer bracelets are particularly popular, with cancer being one of the leading causes of death in the Western world and cancer awareness thus being more important than ever.
Most people credit cyclist Lance Armstrong for bringing these bracelets to the forefront of public attention. He was among the first to wear the now-famous yellow cancer bracelet during his various competitions, to promote awareness of his own recovery from the disease and his desire that others focus more time and energy on finding new treatments and cures.
Alternative Cancer
Rubber cancer bracelets - like all rubber bracelets - are generally made of silicone, and come in a variety of colors to signify different types of cancer. The yellow is most commonly associated with Armstrong's foundation, while pink denotes awareness for breast cancer. Other colors are used for everything from prostate cancer to cancer of the colon. Few colors except yellow and pink, however, have concrete messages associated with them due to the disparity of groups that produce and use them.
In addition to the various colors, you can also find wristbands for people of any age group. Thus you can purchase cancer bands for your school children to wear in class, your bowling team to wear at the alleys, or for your co-workers. Thanks to their inexpensive nature, everyone can now be involved in promoting greater awareness of this deadly disease.
Of course, if you are serious about joining the millions of dedicated people who want to keep cancer research in the public eye, you will want to do so in an affordable manner. Thanks to the internet, you can now buy almost any quantity of rubber cancer bracelets for very little money by simply purchasing from an online vendor. Simply find the website that has the designs and styles you need, and order as few or as many as you want - and get started with the promotion of your cancer cause today!
Rubber Cancer Bracelets - Raising Cancer Awareness Alternative Cancer
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