Sunday, December 18, 2011

PSA Tests, Gleason Scores, Biopsies, and Prostate Cancer

In a recent conversation with a client, he explains his family physician is certain he has Prostate Cancer.

"My family doctor just told me he is quite certain - his words - that I have Prostate Cancer, and he is referring me to a Urologist for a prostate biopsy to confirm it. He explained that at my age of 65, my PSA score wouldn't jump from 4.4 to 5.3 in a three months unless it was likely Prostate Cancer," says my Client.

Cancer Treatments

While his doctor's advice in referring him to a Urologist is a good next step, I thought it unnecessarily dramatic to cause him such concern before the proper tests were performed by the chosen specialist for the issue - in this case a Urologist.

The physician is understandably concerned, but his dramatic response can cause unwarranted fear and anxiety. So, I encouraged my client to take it one step at a time.

The first step I suggest is conduct due diligence by asking friends, colleagues, and family if they know of a Urologist they can recommend. This will help raise the chances of consulting with a trusted specialist. After scheduling a consultation with the specialist (Urologist), consider asking an objective advisor, such as a Patient Advocate or a level-headed friend to go along for the appointment. When individuals are dealing with such a high-stress situation as a possible cancer scare, it's nearly impossible to remain calm, remember everything that is being said, and to ask all the questions. Having another individual who is focused, calm, objective, and knowledgeable about Prostate Cancer will help in more ways than mere moral support. Also, I strongly recommend that during the consultation, patients ask the physician if they can record the conversation to ensure the patient fully comprehends his/her advice once they are there. Once the patient arrives at the appointment with the Urologist, I suggest asking - at least - the following questions: What is your impression of my PSA results? What, if anything, would you advise me to do about these results?

If he/she suggests a sonogram and/or a biopsy, ask:

Please explain this procedure to me. What is the preparation needed for this procedure? What can I expect to experience post-procedure and what arrangements do you suggest I make? (a ride, rest, medication, protocol, etc.) What are the potential complications of this procedure? What do you plan to learn from this procedure? Is there an alternate plan of action to determine the elevated PSA tests? When can we go over the results?

NOTE: In some cases, the Urologist may schedule both the sonogram and biopsy for the same visit. In this instance, I suggest patients ask what percentage of patients do they move forward on the biopsy and what are the determining factors for doing so?

Sometimes patients undergo tests that are more precautionary than necessary. So, I encourage my clients to ask questions that help determine which procedures they're agreeing to, i.e., precautionary or necessary.

In closing, it is essential to the individual's overall well-being that they remain as calm as possible every step of the way. Take each step without thinking too far ahead. It's natural to imagine things going awry or running into the worst case scenario. At this diagnostic stage, especially, I urge my clients to remain in the moment rather than jumping to assumptions and conclusions that may never come to fruition.

Patients may contact me so I may provide more detailed services, such as additional questions and research, accompanying them on appointments, remaining on the phone long-distance, or prepping them future phases with this - or any - health situation.

PSA Tests, Gleason Scores, Biopsies, and Prostate Cancer

Cancer Treatments

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Cure Lung Cancer - Is Lung Cancer Curable?

As you know, our lungs are the most vital organs of our body. It absorbs oxygen from the air and distributes it to different parts of our body; it also expels carbon dioxide from our body into the air. When however, malignant cells develop in our lungs, we suffer from lung cancer.In this article I will tell you whether lung cancer is curable or not.

Needless to say, the primary cause behind lung cancer is smoking. It is sad that even after a lot of government-sponsored propaganda against smoking and its ill-effects, people continue their smoking habits, without realizing how much they are damaging their bodies. And if you think that you only need to stop smoking in order to cure lung cancer, you are dead wrong! Along with abstaining from smoking yourself, you should also try to live and work in a smoke-free environment. This is because passive smoking can also affect your lungs as much as active smoking does.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

There are many different symptoms of lung cancer. If you are coughing frequently, with so much pressure that blood is coming out of your lungs, then in all probability you are suffering from lung cancer. Also, if you are having difficulty in breathing, then too it is possible that you are suffering from lung cancer. However, mere occurrence of these symptoms should not lead you to believe that you have lung cancer. I'd suggest you consult with a professional doctor because only a qualified doctor can tell you whether you are suffering from lung cancer or not.

In order to diagnose lung cancer, your doctor will ask you to go through different types of tests. The common tests that are used to diagnose lung cancer are x-ray, sputum test, CT scans and biopsies.

And it is really easy to cure lung cancer. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the two ways to cure lung cancer. Mostly, doctors use a combination of both the therapies in order to cure lung cancer. In some cases, surgery maybe used instead of radiation, especially if cancer has not spread beyond the lungs of the patient. However, these treatments are quite costly. So if you are not yet a lung cancer sufferer I'd recommend that you take immediate steps to prevent it. And the first step to prevent lung cancer is to stop smoking.

Cure Lung Cancer - Is Lung Cancer Curable?

Alternative Cancer Treatments

How Effective Are Herbal Remedies As Natural Cures for Prostate Cancer?

The debate surrounding the effectiveness of using natural cures for prostate cancer has gone on for quite some time. Although some people are advocating the use of herbal medicines and other natural processes in treating cancer, most of the scientific community is still hesitant to endorse such options.

According to some medical societies, natural cures for prostate cancer are not accurately termed since these natural procedures and materials cannot really cure cancer but are mostly used to improve the quality of life of cancer patients. Natural treatment methods are usually based on proper nutrition. Herbs, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are the most common basic ingredients of these so-called natural cures.


Most natural treatment options are based on herbs or antioxidants. In studies advocating the use of natural methods for treating prostate cancer, saw palmetto is often highlighted. This herb is primarily known for its anabolic properties and is more commonly used in treating benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). The herb operates by inhibiting the synthesis of growth-stimulating dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and promoting DHT elimination through the lowering of estrogen levels.

According to several clinical studies, saw palmetto is actually more effective in treating enlarged prostate than the prescribed drug, Proscar. These studies also argue that using the herb is better than using Proscar since the latter is more expensive and is associated with several side effects that include erectile dysfunction.

Another popular herbal remedy promoted by a number of studies is pygeum. Pygeum is an indigenous African remedy derived from tree bark. This herbal remedy contains chemicals that inhibit DHT synthesis and is often used to treat enlarged prostate. Aside from saw palmetto and pygeum, there is another herbal remedy that has become popular among natural cure advocates, and this is Cernilton. This herbal product is prepared from the extract of rye pollen and is used to treat BPH and prostatitis. In some parts of the world, the herb stinging nettle is also used to cure prostate disorders. This herb is marketed in the Europe under the name Bazoton.

Some natural remedies for prostate cancer and other prostate disorders use antioxidants as their primary ingredients. Lycopene, resveratrol and selenium are among some of the more common of these antioxidants. Most herbal remedies or antioxidant-based cures are marketed as supplements since absolute confirmation of their ability to cure cancer has yet to be issued by medical and health authorities.

The effectiveness of natural cures for prostate cancer has not yet been fully agreed on and some medical societies still oppose the use of these remedies. Nevertheless, advocates of these methods are continuously promoting them as treatment options for cancer.

How Effective Are Herbal Remedies As Natural Cures for Prostate Cancer?


Cathy Goodman Willed Cancer Out of Her Body Using the Secret

Cathy's story is one that could be considered beyond uplifting or inspirational -it is an out-right miracle! If you log on to her spouses website (Morris E. Goodman) at you will see that before she received the blessing of Healing in her own life -she herself was the spectacular miracle in Morris' life after he recovered from a plane crash that left no hope for restoring his beaten and broken body from the paralysis and internal injuries that accident left him with. She and Morris were married on November 10th 1990 and little did they know at that time that Morris' story of positive and forward thinking would some day be re-awakened and prove invaluable in Cathy's life as well.

As told by Cathy she was diagnosed with breast cancer and her response was to go home and NOT think about the illness at all. She states in the movie The Secret that instead of concentrating on the cancer she put her attention elsewhere and that she truly believed in her heart with her strong faith that we had already been healed and that in her mind she saw herself as if cancer had never been in her body to begin with. She tells how she would walk around the house saying out loud "Thank you for my healing" over and over again. As she continues her story she explains to viewers that she and her husband would only watch funny movies because they believed that laughter would be an important part of her recovery and if she was laughing she wasn't thinking about anything to do with the diagnosis.


In just 3 short months Cathy got the word that the cancer was gone. The miracle here is that Cathy had decided early on not to take the conventional route and so this healing took place without any radiation or chemotherapy whatsoever! By sheer mind power and force of will Cathy was able to put the cancer behind her. Because her husband was able to heal himself from the massive injuries that the doctors believed would take his life Cathy knew first hand the valuable instrument the mind itself can play on the body and its own ability to heal itself. Because she accepted it for truth -her thoughts were able to work in harmony with her immune system and rid the cancer from her body entirely.

Cathy and her husband Morris are great examples of the old adage "Mind over matter!" After all what else sustains our current sense of reality if it is not our mindset? Isn't it in the mind that we control the power over our own circumstances? Can we be hurt by someone's unkind words without first accepting in our mind to perceive the insult as "personal" if it isn't taken as a personal blow to our character how can we accept it as an insult? Until we welcome something can it really be real? These are the kind of insightful ideas a movie like The Secret is meant to provoke. It gives value and merit to opening ones mind and looking outside the confines of our ordinary day to day approach as well as our normal take on the world.

All in all, if nothing else, we can begin to at least consider what an invaluable asset the mind can be. More importantly still, we can evaluate the benefits of learning how to live in harmony with our thoughts in order to live a happier, healthier existence. What (or who) would that hurt...I'd wager on it hurting no one -and if that alone resulted in a peaceful resolve -maybe eventually somewhere down the line we could look at getting along with everyone around us as an option to entertain in our minds as well! Now what could (or would) that thought mean to the entire planet in the end? Cathy herself probably has a lot to say on these issues -I'd be willing to bet on it!

Cathy Goodman Willed Cancer Out of Her Body Using the Secret


Friday, December 16, 2011

What Are the Causes of Pain in Lower Right Back?

Back pain is a complaint doctors hear about frequently. People want information on backaches. They want doctors to treat pain in the back. Many want to know the causes of pain in the lower right back.

Information about the Lower Right Back

Alternative Cancer

It is important to understand the structure of the lower right back if we are to understand what causes pain there.

Your back, with its spinal column of vertebrae, connecting ligaments, tendons, large muscles, and nerves, is designed to be incredibly strong and flexible. Yet things can go wrong with this awesome structure.

* Muscles can be strained

* Ligaments can be torn

* Joints can be injured

* Bones can be fractured

* Nerves can be irritated

* Discs can be herniated

* Stress can tighten back structure

The lower back seems especially susceptible to injury, since it bears the weight of the torso, and makes more movement than the upper back. Its constant work can cause parts to break down and wear out over the years.

The lower right back has soft tissues that can be involved in pain. Those large, complex muscle groups that support your spine and help you move can be strained by improper lifting or posture. In fact, muscle strain is the most common cause of lower back pain. Twisting or pulling one of the following muscles can produce pain in the lower right back.

* Extensor muscles: These paired muscles in the lower back and gluteus help support your spine. If the one on the lower right back is injured, it will be painful.

* Flexor muscles: Attached to the spine's front, these muscles help you flex, bend forward, and lift things. Again, injury to the right flexor muscle can cause lower right back pain.

* Oblique muscles: This muscle group is attached to the sides of the spine. The oblique muscles help your spine rotate, and give you good posture.

In addition to simple muscle strain, injury to ligaments, joints, and bones can also cause muscle pain. If one of these structures is injured or inflamed, back muscles can go into spasm, drastically limiting your movement and cause pain in the lower right back.

Stress is a common cause of pain in the lower right back. Stress will make your back muscles tighten. This happens to every muscle in the body, as we move into a "fight or flight" response. Muscles that are tightened lack the energy they need to support the spine. If the stress is frequent, and measures are not taken immediately to relieve it, lower right back pain can easily develop.

Information on Chronic Lower Right Back Pain

If lower right back pain lasts more than two weeks, you are likely to stop using the aching muscles in order to protect yourself from that pain. With disuse, the muscles can waste (atrophy) and weaken. This will increase the pain, since your muscles are less able to support your spine. If you increase your protection, and continue to avoid using the muscles, the cycle will continue, with the pain worsening at each turn. Chronic lower right back pain will result. This is why doctors urge patients with lower right back pain to exercise daily.

Information about Lower Right Back Pain Symptoms

You need to understand the symptoms of your pain as well. It is difficult to treat pain without knowing clearly what and where the symptoms are. You will want to gain a sense of exactly where your lower right back hurts. Is the pain focused in one small area, or does it spread throughout the lower right back? Is it confined to the lower right back or does it radiate into other parts of the body? Here are two major kinds of pain in the lower right back.

Lower Right Back Pain Symptom #1

Is yours a deep, aching, dull, or burning pain? Does it travel down your leg? If so, your lower right back pain may be chronic back pain.

Lower Right Back Pain Symptom #2

Perhaps yours is a very sharp pain, deep in the lower right back. This symptom may be the result of a back injury.

Information on Relieving Lower Right Back Pain

My personal physician assures me that the best relief for lower right back pain is usually exercise. Gentle exercises, performed daily with warm-up and cool-down, will strengthen the core muscles around the lower back area, relieving the pain and making them less susceptible to future injury.

CAUTION: Pain in the lower right back may also be caused by kidney stones or other non-muscular problems. Be sure to ask your health care provider for advice on any back pain.

What Are the Causes of Pain in Lower Right Back?

Alternative Cancer

Alternative Approaches to Treating Asbestos Induced Lung Cancer

What Is Mesothelioma and How is it Contracted?

Mesothelomia is a rare form of lung cancer contracted from breathing in or ingesting asbestos fibers. The common source of mesothelioma is from industrial sites where the workers are subject to exposure to mesothelioma. There are several factors that make this disease dangerous. One is that the symptoms of mesothelioma are fairly common and almost indistinguishable from regular lung, cardiac, or digestive disorders, and are thus often misdiagnosed.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Another problem with mesothelioma is that the symptoms don't immediately manifest upon inhalation or ingestion of the asbestos fibers. They take anything from 20 to 50 years before becoming apparent, and even then the only way to distinguish them from the symptoms of other, less dangerous disorders is to conduct an x ray.

Aside from direct exposure to asbestos, the fibers can also be carried upon the clothes of people working around asbestos, so that anyone they come in contact with can also accidentally breath in the fibers once they become airborne.

What Are the Symptoms and Effects of Mesothelioma?

The most common symptoms of mesothelioma that hits the lungs and chest is a tight pain around the chest area, difficulty breathing, and loss of stamina. These symptoms are caused because the disease generates tumors around the fibers, and the body reacts to it by trying to generate fluids to flush out the tumors and fibers. Pressure from these fluids, along with internal wounds caused by the fibers and tumors themselves are what cause the chest pain. Naturally, the tumors also restrict breathing efficiency, hence the difficulty breathing and stamina loss.

Abdominal mesothelioma manifests as sharp abdominal pains and weight loss because of tumors in the stomach lining. Unlike lung mesothelioma, however, there is an external sign of trouble for abdominal mesothelioma, in the form of swellings in the stomach region.

The effects of mesothelioma are the same wether it hits the lung or stomach. The tumors cause internal bleeding and hemmorhage, and the fluids generated by the body to combat the cancerous growths will eventually lead to clogged arteries which can cause heart failure.

How is it Commonly Treated?

The most common effective treatment for mesothelioma is to employ heat surgery, like using a laser, in conjunction with chemotherapy. Regular surgery to remove the tumors is ineffective in combating mesothelioma, and leads to death shortly after the operation. The average life expectancy of a person after mesothelioma surgery is 5 years. The heat surgery treatment, on the other hand, is capable of localizing the tumors to remove them without damaging the surrounding healthy tissue. This, combined with chemotherapy medication, is noted to be most successful proven treatment method. Alternative mesothelioma treatments are being researched by various medical institutes to try and find even better solutions.

What Alternative Treatments Exist?

There are two main methods of alternative treatment for mesothelioma, mainly the use of nutritional supplements in conjunction with medicine and exercise, and the second being special medicines designed to boost the body's immune system to combat the tumors. Reports regarding the two methods of treatment vary from institute to institute, with some reporting success and others not. In either case, classic medical institutes still advocate heat surgery and chemotherapy, as these treatment methods are tested and proven.

Nutritional Supplements - some research institutes have begun to explore medical and nutritional supplements which have two purposes as an alternative treatment for mesothelioma. The first purpose of the supplements is to promote the growth of healthy cells and to stem the growth of the tumors. While this does nothing to remove the tumors, it can at least stall the problem and extend the lifespan of the patient. The second type of research involves medicines which will help the body naturally flush the excess fluid in the chest and/or intestinal cavities, alleviating the pain and pressure of the patient. Both of these supplements are currently still being tested and few reliable reports are available as to their effectiveness.

Immuno-augmentive Therapy - this is an alternative mesothelioma treatment that involves bolstering the body's immune system through medicine. The theory behind this alternative mesothelioma treatment is that, with enough support, the body's natural immune system will eventually be able to overcome and heal the tumors, and once they are removed the body will heal itself naturally. This has been proven moderately effective in early cases of mesothelioma, but medium to late stage cancer has yet to be conquered by this method of treatment.

Alternative Approaches to Treating Asbestos Induced Lung Cancer

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Toenail Fungus Laser Treatment - Is it Worth?

Toenail fungus a very ugly fungi that affects almost 25 million persons around America. The toenail fungus causes the toenail to be very hard and thick and turn yellow. If you've a fungus infection and you are thinking about different treatments, there are a few things to consider.

There's no flawless fix for toenail fungus. There are some oral medicines for toenail infection, like Lamisil, and these are said to treat the infection about 10 percent of the time. A new recent treatment for this fungus is the use of lasers. So far there were a few studies that show very promising conclusions. These lasers work from killing the fungus but also leaving the nail and other foot tissues un-damaged. Many big companies are looking to get in on the action.


How exactly do the lasers work? These lasers are aimed at the fungus in the toenail that basically vaporizes it while leaving your skin unharmed.

Does it work? Around first clinic studies earlier this year, almost 90 percent of the patients were able to grow out a regular appearing nail after just one laser treatment. After that treatment, the toenail should grow usually in one year if there's a healthy bed to do so. The success rate here is similar to the oral fungal pill.

Is the laser treatment Agonizing? Is it Safe? The laser has absolutely no affect on regular and healthy skin tissue, there's no pain. The studies taken so far show absolutely no side effects from taking the laser treatment to get rid of the fungus.

How long will it take? Only ten minutes are needed for treatment, per toe.

So... how safe is it? There are absolutely no health or age restrictions. In recent clinical studies there were no bad reactions, harm, ailments or side effects. As you might know, the ability to use the medication accessible today for treatment carries with it the possibility of kidney failure, lasers don't.

Will my insurance cover it? The laser treatment of for toenail fungus isn't covered by most insurance companies or plans as it's thought of as aesthetic. The cost can be anywhere from 0 to 0.

It's credited to your operation fee if you want to go forward with treatment. The treatment is usually a fee of . If your infection is resistant or if it is not responding to regular toenail growth, the nails might need the next laser treatment therapy. This sometimes happens when all of your toenails are extremely infected. You may need additional treatments in this case.

If the toenail lasers, which did recently finish small clinical trials really work, they will show a recent way to cure toenail infections by killing the fungi while keeping the toe whole and healthy.

Currently, there's no sure fix. The fungus are so smart that popular fungus pills, which move the risk of liver cause injury to, are totally successful under 50 percent of the time. And medications that you physically put on your toes work less than 10 percent of the time.

Drug companies like Schering-Plough are working on recent pills and ointments and lotions to fight the toenail fungus.

Toenail Fungus Laser Treatment - Is it Worth?


Black Cohosh And Men - Mix With Caution

Black cohosh is an herbal remedy that has gained a lot of popularity as a
potential treatment for a number of different conditions. It has really gained
ground in regard to treating some of the more troublesome symptoms of menopause.
And while many believe this herb works well for menopause symptoms, the truth is
there have been very few studies to suggest effectiveness when black cohosh and
men mix. Most scientific data involves black cohosh and women.

With many of the symptoms of male menopause mimicking those of female menopause,
black cohosh and men are not at all an uncommon combination. Men take black
cohosh for the same reasons as women. They wish to relieve hot flashes, mood
swings and other symptoms that can go along with hormonal change. There are some
reports of black cohosh and men having good results, but the truth is very few
focused studies have been completed.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

The unfortunate truth is that this particular herb can cause some very serious
potential side effects in both men and women. Despite some very strong concerns,
black cohosh and men and even women does show some promise for menopausal
treatment. Some studies have suggested that mood swings, hot flashes, heart
palpitations and more can actually improve when black cohosh is taken. These
studies, however, have focused more on women rather than black cohosh and men.
Also, there is a lack of solid, long-term studies about this herb's use over
extended periods of time.

The use of this herb originated with the American Indians, who used it to treat
a variety of conditions. Through the years, it has been thought to be effective
for everything from gynecological problems and snakebites to arthritis and

The number one concern with black cohosh and men and women, too, is liver
inflammation and potential hepatitis development. The usage of black cohosh can
cause the body's autoimmune system to gradually attack liver cells. This is
believed to lead to autoimmune hepatitis, which can result in death if it
advances or is left untreated. With this in mind, it is suggested that men and
women both who take black cohosh should request liver function tests from their
doctors. It is not a bad idea for men and women who wish to take black cohosh to
discuss its use with a medical professional first.

It is also strongly advised that black cohosh and men should not mix when
prostate cancer is present. The impacts of the herbs can present too many side
issues in this case.

Other potential side effects black cohosh may have on people include such things
as seizures, slowed heart beat and vision problems. Men who experience these
side effects should immediately cease taking black cohosh. It is also extremely
wise to seek medical attention if the major side effects present themselves.
Lesser side effects of taking black cohosh can include dizziness, cramps,
vomiting, weight gain, sweating, headaches and more. It is often suggested that
the use of this herb be discontinued if the lesser effects present, as well.

Black cohosh and men can go together to battle the symptoms of male menopause
and a number of other conditions. The herb is considered very useful in the
treatment of a number of different conditions and has long been used as a
natural alternative to synthetic medicines. There have been some strong signs of
promise when black cohosh is used in extreme moderation. Long-term use remains
unclear in its potential impacts.

Although there are some promising signs for those who treat menopausal symptoms
with black cohosh, there remains a need for much greater study. Since most of
the study to date revolves around women, it is wise for men to proceed with
caution when considering this treatment.

Black Cohosh And Men - Mix With Caution

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Prostate Problems - Brachytherapy For Prostate Cancer

The principle of treating cancer with radiation is that radiation is a devastating effect on living cells. In this case, the radiation is used for medicinal purposes only focus.

There are two types of radiation therapy for prostate cancer: this outward radiation radiation and brachytherapy.

Cancer Treatments


The most common type of radiation therapy in cancer, including prostate cancer, is teletherapy. In order to irradiation of prostate tumor was targeted before treatment is carried out to identify the desired area using computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Currently, there are special programs that allow you to create three-dimensional "picture" of the tumor and direct rays of radiation directly to tumors.

Intensive modulated radiation therapy allows the physician to modulate, ie, modify the intensity of the radiation dose to deliver the greatest number of the tumor and reduce the dose of radiation that affects the surrounding healthy tissue (the bladder and rectum). In some medical centers frequently used proton radiation, which allows the doctor to better modulate the effect of radiation, however, this type of treatment has not been fully understood and is under clinical trials. The advantage of this type of radiotherapy is that radiation is directed at the pathological focus, without affecting or minimally affecting the surrounding tissues and organs.

Regardless of the type used distant radiation therapy, radiation exposure is carried out within 5 days a week, and the course of radiation therapy lasts 7 - 8 weeks. Typically, radiation therapy is conducted on an outpatient basis, that is, a patient comes to irradiation and again after it goes home.


Among the main advantages of remote radiation therapy can be noted better than prostatectomy, portability, lower risk of developing complications such as Impotence and incontinence, as well as the possibility of outpatient treatment.

At the same time, with this form of radiation therapy may be affected adjacent to the prostate tissues and organs: the bladder and rectum, which is manifested and rectal radiation cystitis (inflammation of the bladder and rectal mucosa), as well as ray ulcers. Length of remote radiation therapy reaches 7 - 8 weeks to reduce damage to healthy tissue.

With this in mind, oncologists try to develop a radically new method of radiation therapy, which have impacted directly on the cancer and thus minimally affected (or possibly does not affect) the neighboring tissues and organs. In the early 20 th century were used for this particular grain, made from the radioactive metal (radium, gold).

In the 80 years of the last century has developed a new technique which allowed to establish a prostate tumor radioactive material - was used for the transrectal access (ie, through the rectum) and carried out this technique under ultrasound.

Thus, the principle of brachytherapy is that radiation affects the tumor is not outside, that is, she does not need to pass through the thick of all the surrounding healthy tissue, and inside the tumor itself.

Today, for being the introduction of brachytherapy seeds of radioactive iodine-125 using special needles. Once the grains are introduced into the prostate of the radioactive substance, needles are removed and the grains remain in the prostate. The half-life of radioactive iodine-125 is 60 days. Due to the fact that radiation is delivered directly into the prostate tissue, it can significantly reduce the dose of radiation, which helps to avoid unnecessary exposure of neighboring organs and tissues.

What explains the success of brachytherapy in the treatment of prostate cancer?

First, the 10-year survival of patients after brachytherapy is almost 80%. On the effectiveness of brachytherapy comparable with radical prostatectomy. However, the number of complications, it has advantages over the operation: for example, such complications as urinary incontinence after brachytherapy does not develop more than 4%, and impotence - no more than 15%.

Another important advantage of brachytherapy is that after this procedure, the patient is discharged from the hospital on the same or next day and returned to normal within a few days.

How is brachytherapy

The procedure for the introduction of radioactive seeds into the prostate takes about 1 hour. The entire procedure is conducted under the supervision of TRUS - transrectal ultrasound, when the ultrasound transducer device is introduced into the rectum. Radioactive seeds (usually 60 - 90) are introduced into the prostate using the special needle through the skin of the perineum. After the procedure, the bladder catheter, which is removed the next day. Then the patient is discharged home.

Prostate Problems - Brachytherapy For Prostate Cancer

Cancer Treatments

What is Underarm Pain?

Pain in the underarm region is felt in the form of a burning or stinging sensation. It can be accompanied by numbness. This pain can shoot up to the shoulder and the hand as well. Underarm pain can be irritating and quit distracting. It can be controlled through medication, but the course of treatment depends on the underlying cause of the problem. Here is a look at the many causes of underarm pain:

• Pulling of muscles in the upper arm region is a cause or such pain. It can radiate down the armpit and pain can arise here also.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

• Lymphadenitis or inflammation of lymph nodes is one of the most common causes of armpit pain.

• Disorder in the Brachial plexus or nerve nexus that causes movement and sensation in the arm region can also result in armpit pain

• Swelling of Axillary Lymph Nodes due to cancerous or non-cancerous conditions is yet another cause for armpit pain.

• In case armpit muscle are pulled or strained, sharp pain is felt in the underarm region. Pain in the rib cage is yet another cause of armpit pain.

In addition to these causes, other causes of pain in the armpit can be AIDS, Leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, infectious mononucleosis, and allergies. Beyond these reason, the reason why a person succumbs to underarm pain is because of a low body immunity level. Having a healthy body by eating healthy foods is the first point towards avoiding this problem completely.

The first step towards treating is getting a CT Scan done. Temporary relief from underarm pain is obtained through the use of over-the-counter pain killers. The treatment given depends on the cause. For example, if pulled muscles are the cause, muscle relaxants are prescribed, and if the problem is caused by lymph node infection, antibiotic or antiviral medicines are prescribed. In case of serious causes, underarm pain is treated with medication that can be prescribed in accordance with the illness.

The most common way to treat underarm pain is by using a hot or a cold compress. Place the compress on the painful region under the arm and do this for 10 to 15 minutes. This should be done about three to four times a day.

What is Underarm Pain?

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Tumeric and Cancer Prevention

One of my preventive measures is to take turmeric on a daily basis. Those of us who have gone through the cancer journey, or have some experience with cancer, would have come across turmeric as a cancer preventive method. There is plenty of information on the internet on turmeric and its benefits but I want to share my experience with it. I'll provide a short introduction on tumeric.

Tumeric contains curcumin, the active ingredient which has been attributed to prevent and destroy cancer cells. Curcumin is the yellow stuff that is a bit sticky when you scrap the turmeric. Tumeric healing properties have been known for a long time now especially to the Chinese and Indians. In India for at least 6000 years, turmeric has been used as medicine, beauty aid, cooking, spice, and a dye. For the Chinese, tumeric has been used for the treatment of spleen, stomach, and liver ailments for over a 1000 years. The Chinese have used it to stimulate and purify, and as an antibiotic, anti-viral, and an analgesic. Tumeric, also known as Indian Saffron, is a root of the ginger family and is grown predominantly in South Asia.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Tumeric is commercially made available in powdered form. It is produced by boiling the root and then it is oven dried. The dried tumeric is then pounded into bright orange-yellow powder form. This is sold as a spice and food additive. One can use the raw root, which is my preference, or purchase the powdered form from the grocery if you are just using it for cooking. However, if you are taking it as a supplement, then I recommend doing some research and purchasing them from a reputable supplement manufacturer. Herbal supplement manufacturing is not as strongly regulated as drugs so the amount of curcumin may not be verifiable and that will affect its efficacy.

Tumeric has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. I occasionally have eczema on my skin and I use the powdered form, making it into a paste and applying it on the eczema. Within a few applications, the eczema disappears. It must be the anti-bacterial properties of turmeric at work When applied, it stings a little bit, and it is probably the active ingredients working. Tumeric has also been shown to help psoriasis as well. Research has proven that tumeric is effective against the inflammatory reaction triggered by the bacteria, Heliobacter pylori.

Many studies and articles have been written on not just the cancer prevention properties, but also the cancer-killing properties of curcumin. A number of studies on curcumin have shown promising results.

• Curcumin can kill cancer cells in laboratory dishes and also reduce the growth of surviving cells.

• Curcumin also has been found to reduce development of several forms of cancer in laboratory animals, and to shrink animal tumors.

• When combined with cauliflower, it has shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer

• Curcumin has been shown to prevent breast cancer from spreading to the lungs in mice.

• And it has been shown to stop the growth of new blood vessels in tumors. This supports the theory of anti-angiogenesis. The idea of anti-angiogenesis is the starvation of nutrients to cancer cells that will lead to cancer cell apoptosy.

Tumeric is a natural herb, and as it is known to efficaciously treat and prevent cancer, there is no reason not to try and use it on a regular basis.

Tumeric and Cancer Prevention

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Cancer - Treatment

Cancer is a class of animal disease, medically know as malignant neoplasm, wherein a cluster of cells show unrestrained growth i.e. division beyond the normal limit, intrusion and damage of tissues adjacent to them and spread (via blood or lymph) to other places. This malady is not restricted to just homosapiens but can even affect animals.
Reportedly, 7.6 million people died from cancer in the previous year.

In most of the cases, cancer is identified due to symptoms and its diagnosis is usually confirmed by a pathologist, who is a type of physician specializing in diagnosis of cancer. Suspected people are usually investigated with medical tests like blood test, X-rays, CT scan and endoscopy.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

There are various methods for Cancer treatments such as surgery, immunotherapy, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and various other methods. The type of method employed depends on the patient's general health and the location and the stage of the tumour spread.
Complete surgical excision is possible in very few cases since the cancerous tissues usually metastasizes to other places in the patient's body before the surgery. Masectomy is the surgical treatment used for treating breast cancer while for prostate cancer, prostatectomy is used. The aim of carrying out the surgery is to remove the tumour or if required the entire affected organ, which is however unfortunately limited to very few cases of small cancer.

Radiation therapy is also known as radiotherapy. It uses ionizing radiation for killing cancerous cells and shrinking the tumors. It damages the genetic material of the cells thereby preventing them from replicating further. The drawback of this methodology of remedial is that it often damages the normal cells in addition to the harmful ones. Though, in most cases the normal ones recover and re-function properly, it leads to permanent damage in some. It is used in treating brain cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer and also cancer of the skin, prostate, uterus, stomach, or pancreas. Even lymphoma and leukemia can be treated by radiation.

Cancer can also be treated by Chemotherapy which involves use of drugs which destroy rapidly dividing cells. It interferes in various ways with division of cells and has the potential of harming healthy tissues. However after Chemotherapy these healthy cells repair themselves. High dose Chemotherapy is used for treatment of certain lymphomas and leukaemias.

Targeted Therapy is another medium for cure which employs certain agents which are specific for the cancer cells' deregulated protein. It also involves small peptides which bind to the surface cell receptors surrounding the tumour.

Some cancer growth can be checked by either injecting or obstructing certain hormones. Some hormone sensitive cancers are breast and prostate cancer. Removing estrogen or testosterone is also often used as an additional treatment.

Controlling cancer symptoms is not a stereotypical form of treatment aimed at cancer, but it also determines the standard of life of the victims of cancer, and plays a pivotal role in deciding whether the person would be able to undertake other treatments.

Cancer - Treatment

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Dangers of Skin Cancer

Regardless of what cancer you are talking about, they truth is they are all frightening. While there is no method of prevention that is surefire, there are behaviors and actions you can take to increase your likelihood of not getting cancer. While each cancer is its own entity and has different causes and symptoms associated with it, the fundamentals of each have some similarities. Therefore, there are some methods of prevention that are affective for cancer in general.

For instance, having a healthy diet and exercising regularly are important for prevention no matter what cancer you are referring to. However, as far as skin cancer is concerned, doing as much as you can to protect your skin from getting over-exposed is far more critical.


Should Not Be Taken Lightly

Despite constantly hearing about how awful skin cancer is, many people out there still don't take it seriously enough to involve preventative measures to avoid it. The common feeling that many have is that it won't happen to them. As a result, many aren't aware of the signs and symptoms and don't realize they have cancer until its too late.

Because more types have been identified now more than ever, learning about the dangers of skin cancer has become even more critical. Of course, even more important is knowing all of the measures that can be taken to get protection from the sun and avoid getting skin cancer.

Different Types

Before learning more about prevention, you should probably take a step back and take the time to know more about the various kinds of skin cancer that can affect the human body. To put into perspective, there are approximately twenty different types out there. However, there are three that occur most often. One of the most dangerous types is melanoma, even though it only represents about 4% of all skin cancers.

You can detect melanoma fairly easily most of the time. One warning sign in particular is a spot that resembles a freckle, while being flat and brown with asymmetrical or irregular edges.

As mentioned, this is a very important issue that you should not taken lightly. The best measure is always prevention, so learn and put into action all the ways that will help you avoid getting cancer to begin with. By visiting your doctor or even a dermatologist, you can learn more about it and all the things you can do in order to prevent it.

The Dangers of Skin Cancer


Neck Cancer Survival Rate

In many statistical research conducted, the neck cancer survival rates are fortunately high compared to the other types of cancers. They say that the reason is because throat cancer is easily detected at the earliest stage possible. The symptoms arise as early as stage 0, therefore, more people are being treated early. Needless to say, with early detection and treatment come a higher neck cancer survival rate.

By definition, throat cancer is the cancerous tumors growing inside your throat. Most types of neck cancer arise from our voice box (medically-termed the larynx) while some cases begin from the pharynx or the tonsils as well.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

The major cause of throat cancer is smoking. This also highly attributes to the fact that cancer of the throat is a lot more prevalent amongst men than women. Because of this, neck cancer survival rate is also reasonably higher in females. Much worse is, because of smoking, the patient may also acquire a much more severe disease which is lung cancer.

A five year cancer survival rate is the percentage of people who survived a certain type of cancer five years after the diagnosis is confirmed.

Since this cancer is easily detected, a lot of throat cancer patients survive up to 5 years after diagnosis. Some of them even get treated from the disease. At the first stages (stages 0-1), the neck cancer survival rate is as high as 100% if the proper treatment given. If the tumor isn't bigger than 5mm, it may be easily removed by surgery. Sometimes your oncologist may no longer recommend chemotherapy as a post-operative treatment if future proliferation is unlikely to happen.

Once the cancer progresses into the 2nd stage, expect the rate of survival to drastically lower down to 75% but compared to other cancer survival rates, it's still quite high. The 3rd stage is critical; hence, the rate of survival is only about 50-60%. At the mid-stages, treatment may only help slowing the development of the disease but inevitably, the disease will still progress towards metastasis.

The 4th stage is like the most critical stage of all cancers. Patients diagnosed at this stage may only have 20-30% chances of living. At this stage, not a lot of patients survive 2 years after diagnosis.

Prevention is usually better than cure. Therefore, to avoid the risk of developing this type of cancer, refrain from smoking, chewing tobacco and limit your alcohol use as well.

Neck Cancer Survival Rate

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Food That Helps Prostate Cancer

While the three risk factors, namely family history, age and race are beyond our control, the fourth one - diet and lifestyle is definitely within our grasp.

We know that antioxidant protect our our body against free radicals that can trigger cancer. Load up on antioxidants such as resveratrol and Vitamin A,C and E.

Alternative Cancer

Food with strong color are also antioxidant rich. One such example are lycopene found in tomatoes. Research found that consuming only two serving of tomatoes in a week significantly lower the risk of prostate cancer. Tomatoes are best to be eaten raw so that its nutrients are not destroyed during the cooking process.

Incorporate a generous portion of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower in your diet. Its sulforaphane compound aid the body to repair the damage caused by cancer-causing radicals, therefore slowing down cancer spread. Consuming at least five servings of cruciferous vegetables is enough to delay cancer growth.

Take in anti-cancer compound such as polyphenols found in green tea and isoflavones found in soy-based products.

There is only so much vegetables you can eat in a day. Chances are, you either eat your vegetable cooked or drown in fattening salad dressing. Juicing it will enable you to consume more vegetables raw. Some combinations of juice are more potent than others, such as tomato with orange ot beetroot with carrot.

For bone metastases sufferers, increase intake of calcium and vitamin D. Although this does nothing to fight bone metastases condition, they will help maintain healthy bones, making treatments works better and easier.

Consider taking fish oil supplement that is rich with omega-3 fatty acids that lowers the likelihood of prostate cancer. Look for key ingredient such as DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).

Avoid red meat and dairy product that contains ALA (alpha-linoleic-acid).

Avoid eating char-grilled meat with high cancer causing substance known as PhIP. If you can't quit grilled meat, minimize the char whenever you can.

Avoid taking milk and dairy products such as cheese. It's a fact - milk cause cancer. How so? Infants drink milk to grow, as milk contains various growth factors and more than 50 types of hormone. As adults, the excessive growth factors and hormone will stimulate the growth of normal cells and not so normal cells.

Food That Helps Prostate Cancer

Alternative Cancer

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Leiomyosarcoma - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

A leiomyosarcoma, also known as spindle cell sarcoma, is a cancerous tumor of the smooth muscle or fibrous tissue and can occur anywhere in the body. The term "spindle cell" is based upon the elongated spindle shaped appearance of the cells, along with cigar shaped nuclei. These types of tumors, depending upon the location, are also termed as fibrosarcoma or malignant fibrous histiocytoma. Most of these tumors are fast spreading and have an overall poor prognosis.

The Ayurvedic treatment of this condition is aimed at treating the tumor, boosting the immune status of the body, reducing symptoms and prolonging survival. Medicines like Arogya-Vardhini, Triphala-Guggulu, Kanchnaar-Guggulu, Mahamanjishthadi-Qadha, Medohar-Guggulu, Chandraprabha-Vati, Punarnavadi-Guggulu and Panch-Tikta-Ghrut-Guggulu are used to treat the actual tumor. Medicines which act on the 'Rakta', 'Mansa' and 'Meda' dhatus (tissues) are useful in such tumors. These medicines include Patol (Tricosanthe dioica), Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Patha (Cissampelos pareira), Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Kutki (Picrorrhiza kurroa), Nimba (Azadirachta indica), Triphala (Three fruits), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Draksha (Vitis vinifera), Kutaj (Holarrhina antidysentrica), Chirayta (Swertia chirata), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Chandan (Santalum album) and Vishwa (Zinziber officinalis).

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Herbal medicines like Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Daruharidra (Berberis aristata), Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Mandukparni (Centella asiatica), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Guggulu (Commiphora mukul) and Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) are useful in the treatment of leiomyosarcoma because of their inherent therapeutic action on solid tumors. Immunomodulatory medicines like Amalaki, Tulsi, Bhrungraj (Eclipta alba), Yashtimadhuk (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Bala (Sida cordifolia), Trivang-Bhasma, Abhrak-Bhasma, Suvarna-Bhasma, Heerak-Bhasma and Suvarna-Bhasma can be used to boost the immune status of the body. These medicines help in stopping the growth of the tumor and are also useful in treating weight loss.

Medicines like Agnitundi-Ras, Shankh-Vati, Vat-Gajankush-Ras and Maha-Vat-Vidhvans-Ras can be used to treat symptoms of localized pain and discomfort. Medicines like Mahamanjishthadi-Qadha, Kachnaar-Guggulu and Triphala-Guggulu can be used to prevent the spread of the tumor to different parts of the body. In addition, different medicines are added in the treatment of leiomyosarcoma, depending upon the location of the tumor in the body. For example, Pathyadi-Qadha is believed to be effective in head and neck tumors and Varunadi-Qadha is believed to act on abdominal tumors; Kutki, Sharpunkha (Tephrosia purpurea) and Amalaki are believed to be more effective in the upper abdomen whereas Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa) and Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris) are believed to be more effective in the lower abdomen.

Ayurvedic medicines can thus be used to treat leiomyosarcoma effectively, improve the quality of life and prolong the overall survival of affected individuals. These medicines can be used in addition to standard modern treatment. All such patients should be under the regular supervision and care of an Oncology team.

Leiomyosarcoma - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Alternative Cancer Treatments

How Do I Avoid Pancreatic Cancer?

Cancer is a condition which most people dread. There are certain types of cancer which respond very well to modern chemotherapy and have excellent chances of recovery. Unfortunately, pancreatic cancer is not one of those cancers which is amenable to treatment. In most cases, the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer comes very late, when the disease has already progressed and involved the surrounding organs. This makes prevention a very important part of keeping oneself healthy. This article discuses the answer to the question how can I avoid pancreatic cancer.

To understand how can I avoid pancreatic cancer, the first step is to understand the risk factors for this condition. There are many factors that are associated with an increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer. The most important links start with smoking. It has been observed that smoking cigarettes is a very important risk factor which contributes to increased risk of pancreatic cancer. You will want to kick the smoking habit to ensure protection not just against pancreatic but also lung and oral cancers. Being obese or overweight also contributes to an increased susceptibility to cancer of the pancreas. You should maintain the ideal weight for your age and height by embarking on a regular fitness program and sticking to a healthy diet. Diet may also play an important part as pancreatic cancer can be associated with diets which are rich in fats and meat.


Other factors which influence the answer to the question how can I avoid pancreatic cancer come from the family history. You have to check if your family has a positive history of pancreatic cancer. This might be among first or second degree relatives. There is also an influence of conditions like chronic pancreatitis. If you have a history of repeated attacks of inflammation of your pancreas, this increases the risk of developing pancreatic cancer to a great extent. Some families have a predisposition to chronic pancreatitis and this factor must be looked into in detail. One risk factor for pancreatitis itself and indirectly affecting the risk of developing pancreatic cancer is alcohol intake. There is clinical evidence to prove that alcohol induced pancreatitis is positively correlated with a higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer.Alcohol intake is also associated with liver cirrhosis which has been implicated in the development of pancreatic cancer. Family history of genetic syndromes that can increase cancer risk, including a BRCA2 gene mutation, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, Lynch syndrome and familial atypical mole-malignant melanoma (FAMMM).

Age is another factor in the puzzling answer to what can I do to avoid pancreatic cancer. The older you are , the higher are your chances of developing the condition. But this is usually the case above to age of 70 years. The African - American population also has a higher chance of developing pancreatic cancer. The solution to this is to go in for regular check - ups to detect any abnormal cellular activity if you have any of the risk factors mentioned. This could be an annual health check up with special emphasis on cancer detection. Pancreatic cancer is also an risk in case you are diabetic, so you must consult you doctor about risk factors in your family that could combine with your diabetic condition to develop pancreatic cancer. There is also evidence pointing to the long term exposure to chemicals like gasoline and its related compounds which increase the risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Some insecticides have also been implicated in this.

How Do I Avoid Pancreatic Cancer?


Rubber Cancer Bracelets - Raising Cancer Awareness

Though they were first worn by athletes who were not allowed to don metallic jewelry during games, rubber bracelets have blossomed into a worldwide phenomenon. Rubber cancer bracelets are particularly popular, with cancer being one of the leading causes of death in the Western world and cancer awareness thus being more important than ever.

Most people credit cyclist Lance Armstrong for bringing these bracelets to the forefront of public attention. He was among the first to wear the now-famous yellow cancer bracelet during his various competitions, to promote awareness of his own recovery from the disease and his desire that others focus more time and energy on finding new treatments and cures.

Alternative Cancer

Rubber cancer bracelets - like all rubber bracelets - are generally made of silicone, and come in a variety of colors to signify different types of cancer. The yellow is most commonly associated with Armstrong's foundation, while pink denotes awareness for breast cancer. Other colors are used for everything from prostate cancer to cancer of the colon. Few colors except yellow and pink, however, have concrete messages associated with them due to the disparity of groups that produce and use them.

In addition to the various colors, you can also find wristbands for people of any age group. Thus you can purchase cancer bands for your school children to wear in class, your bowling team to wear at the alleys, or for your co-workers. Thanks to their inexpensive nature, everyone can now be involved in promoting greater awareness of this deadly disease.

Of course, if you are serious about joining the millions of dedicated people who want to keep cancer research in the public eye, you will want to do so in an affordable manner. Thanks to the internet, you can now buy almost any quantity of rubber cancer bracelets for very little money by simply purchasing from an online vendor. Simply find the website that has the designs and styles you need, and order as few or as many as you want - and get started with the promotion of your cancer cause today!

Rubber Cancer Bracelets - Raising Cancer Awareness

Alternative Cancer

Monday, December 12, 2011

Natural Remedies to Cure Cancer

Cancer is one such disease that people are normally scared of. The general idea about cancer is that it is not curable and premature death is certain. If you practically see, it is not so. There are some treatments available in the market among which natural remedies to cure cancer is gaining tremendous popularity.

There are different stages of cancer which can attack various parts of your body. Most often the symptoms of this disease are different. Nonetheless, the symptoms can be different for different parts of the body. It even depends on the type of cancer you have. Places like mouth, throat, breast, uterus, bladder, liver, prostate and skin are most vulnerable to cancer. It is seen that the excessive growth of abnormal cells, damaged cells and lack of oxygen causes cancer in our body.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Normally in the first stage people go to oncologist. Probably, most doctors will suggest chemotherapy, surgery, radiation which will ruin the immunity of the body. But, it is better to undergo the natural treatment to cancer cure. If you go for fruits you will find that there are some important elements like phyto-nutrients, antispasmodic, astringent and antioxidant contained in them which help to improve the immune system. Mostly yellow colored fruits contain these properties which help in fighting cancer. These help to cure the damaged cells in patients suffering from cancer.

Fruits like black raspberries constitute properties like vitamin B and C, fibers, folic acid, iron, copper and magnesium. These elements help in making healthy tissues and cells which in turn help in developing a strong immunity against the diseases. When the body lacks oxygen and these vital nutrients, cancer starts to attack the body. Hence, black raspberries must be included in the diet plan. It can be taken in any form like juice, fruit and mixing with honey. These help to improve our tissue condition thereby providing protection from cancer.

The potency of black raspberries does not get damaged after freezing, heating and processing. From recent results, it is evident that black raspberries can protect prostate, oral cancer growth. It is widely used for killing leukemia cells. The best part of treating with raspberries is that it does not damage the healthy cells while treating the damaged ones. You should never consume carcinogens through diet, water and air which cause damage to our body tissues.

Broccoli is an extremely useful vegetable to treat breast cancer. Similarly carrots, ginger, garlic and onion are also useful to prevent cancer and tumors. Sometimes turmeric is also used for curing the cancer affected ulceration of the body.

Hence, we must be very sincere in adopting natural remedies to cure cancer. The natural remedies to cancer cure are free from side effects and are easily affordable.

Natural Remedies to Cure Cancer

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Stage 4 Colon Cancer - Treatment Options

A stage 4 colon cancer diagnosis leaves many people scared for the future., particularly if only diagnosed at this advanced stage.

Many may be surprised to learn that surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are not the only colon cancer and stage 4 treatments. Many people have actually recovered from their cancer, even with a stage 4 prognosis.

Alternative Cancer

Survivors tell their tales throughout the Internet, disappointed that conventional treatment providers know little about options. Oncologists rarely advise their patients about alternatives, possibly because it is beyond the scope of their training, and the information provided by drug companies.

Cancer survivor, Karon Beattie believes that drug companies, who direct and control conventional cancer treatment, cannot profit from unpatentable treatments and therefore news of them does not reach the practices of most doctors.

Only around 3% of advanced cancer patients treated with chemotherapy survive in the long term. Conversely, some "alternative" substances have shown long-term survival rates of up to 70% when used alone, and when used in combinations, up to 90% or better.

According to Beattie, most doctors simply don't have the knowledge or training. Yet some who are open to alternative approaches, have explored new treatments and are quietly healing.

Of the treatments she has collected, one is a nutritional supplement used by alternative physicians to achieve complete remission of aggressive, stage 4 cancers. One clinic has seen a 70% positive response rate in stage 4 patients taking only eight teaspoons of the supplement each day.

Another treatment using a mixture of cancer-fighting ingredients has achieved dramatic improvements in half of one doctor's stage 4 patients.

Stage 4 Colon Cancer - Treatment Options

Alternative Cancer

Cervical Cancer - Surgery Treatment

Cervical cancer is one of the leading cancers in women and it is said to be preventable if it is detected early. Girls of the age 11 and 12 can be given a vaccine and a pap smear test schedule for the prevention of cancer.

Women, at the age of 21, or within three years of the starting sexual activity, should start taking the Pap smear test and it should be repeated every two till the age of 30 and every 3 years thereafter.

Cancer Treatments

Early detection of cancer can lead to its surgical removal and it is usually the most preferred way of treatment but not every woman has to undergo it. The different stages for the cervical cancer surgery are - Laser surgery, conization, cryosurgery, simple hysterectomy, radical hysterectomy and radical trachelectomy.

The first alternative is loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) which includes the usage of high frequency electrical current to cut and remove the diseased tissue. This procedure is done by administering local anesthetic to numb the cervix and a wire loop is inserted in the vagina. Tissue sample is removed for examination and deeper tissues are used to evaluate the endocervical canal.

The other alternative for cervical cancer surgery is laser surgery which uses a laser beam directed through the vagina instead of a knife to burn the abnormal cells or remove the tissues for biopsy.

Conization is also an option which is a surgical procedure which includes removal of a cone-shape tissue from the cervix and similar to LEEP, it uses a heated wire or a scalpel or laser, which is also known as cone knife cone biopsy. This one is beneficial as women's ability for pregnancies can be preserved in major cases.

Hysterectomy is an option which involves many kinds of procedures and it aims to eliminate the cancerous tissue by uterus removal. Those who try for pregnancy can be rest assured as the ovaries are intact after the hysterectomy procedure. If the woman cannot bear children even after ovaries are retained after hysterectomy, she would not go into premature menopause.

Women with cervical cancer usually have either a total (simple) hysterectomy or a radical hysterectomy. The total hysterectomy includes the removal of uterus and cervix but it leaves intact the vagina, lymph nodes and the parametrium. Radical hysterectomy, unlike simple hysterectomy, is the removal of uterus, cervix, parametrium and the supporting ligaments, upper vagina and the local lymph nodes (with a procedure called lymphadenectomy). If the fallopian tubes and ovaries are also removed with radical hysterectomy, the procedure is known as bilateral-salpingo-oopherectomy.

One should be aware about different surgery options and discuss with their surgeons.

Cervical Cancer - Surgery Treatment

Cancer Treatments

Sunday, December 11, 2011

How Many People Die From Cancer Each Year?

How many people die from cancer each year? If you have been wondering what the answer to this question is, you just found the right article.

cancer t shirts

Cancer continues to be a major disease for those in developed countries. The numbers for those that are dying of cancer in the world are increasing. 2007 was one of the last years recorded, and 7.9 million people died of cancer. That number is slated to increase to 11.5 million by the year 2030. For the developed countries, cancer is the second largest reason for death. Only heart disease beats cancer in killing people in the Western world and in those countries that are considered "modern". The World Health Organization says that forty percent of cancer can be prevented. They recommend avoiding tobacco, being obese, alcohol abuse, sexually transmitted diseases and carcinogens at the workplace. Lung cancer is the one type of cancer that kills the most people throughout the world. Tobacco is the culprit in this statistic.


The details for how many people die from cancer based on their country is not surprising. Two million in China are killed each year by cancer. Part of this is attributed to the increased urbanization and the adoption of Western diets. In the United Kingdom about 230,000 people die of cancer every year. An estimate of 17,000 of these people die of colon cancer and 6000 die of pancreatic cancer in the United Kingdom. One very sad statistic is that 3,000 people in the United States die every year just from second hand cigarette smoke. The total for every cancer death except nonmelanoma skin cancer in the United States is over 565,000 people. Lung cancer is first among the killer cancers in the United States. The unreported fact is that the invisible gas radon accounts for 21,000 lung cancer deaths each year for the United States.

In Australia, 12,000 people die of cancer every year. Skin cancer is a large part of that number. For Japan, over 336,000 people die in that country from cancer and most of these have lung cancer. In Pakistan, 85,000 die of cancer. In Brazil, over 25,000 die from this disease yearly. The killer disease we call cancer strikes around the world and is getting stronger by the day. Will the medical industry be able to rediscover the cure? Let's hope so. If not, maybe those who smoke tobacco will learn that it is quite literally killing them.

How Many People Die From Cancer Each Year?


Celebrities With Breast Cancer

There is no discrimination when it comes to breast cancer. Anyone can be a victim of this dreaded disease; whether you're rich or poor, young and old. Despite the increasing number of patients worldwide, these celebrities with breast cancer can serve as your inspiration because they were able to survive.

Famous survivors of breast cancer:

Alternative Cancer Treatments

1. Edie Falco - he was diagnosed in 2003; this soprano star secretly battled against this dreaded disease and was able to survive.

2. Melissa Etheridge - her breast cancer was discovered in 2004 and at present, she is doing quite well.

3. Gloria Steinem - a lump on her breast was discovered in 1984; she was an activist and because she is a natural fighter, she was able to combat it

4. Kate Jackson - it was in 1987 and 1989 when Kate battled against this disease. She was a star in Charlie's Angels

5. Richard Roundtree - women are not the only ones at risk of breast cancer, even men can get it like Roundtree. His cancer was detected in 1993 and he underwent chemotherapy and radical mastectomy

6. Olivia Newton John - it was in 1992 when she was diagnosed with the disease. She underwent breast reconstruction and mastectomy.

7. Jaclyn Smith - also a Charlie's Angels star was diagnosed with the disease in 2002. The treatments given were radiation and lumpectomy.

8. Suzanne Somers - actress and author was also diagnosed with cancer but she did not choose the standard medication; instead, she opted for holistic medicine and alternative therapies

9. Sandra Day O'Connor - she battled against this disease in 1982 and underwent mastectomy

10. Anastacia - in 2003, she was diagnosed with the disease and was able to survive; now, she is helping other patients in fighting against this disease and she is also raising the awareness of the public about breast cancer.

These are only ten of the survivors of breast cancer. Other survivors include Rue McClanahan, Linda Ellerbee, Jill Eikenberry, Ann Jillian, Lynn Redgrave, Cokie Roberts, and Shirley Temple Black. These patients used conventional treatments as well as alternative treatments. Oftentimes, the type of medication or treatment given is dependent on the extent of the illness. If the cancer is detected at an early stage, the chance of survival is also high.

It is vital that you conduct self examinations. If you feel any lump on your breast, it's time to consult a doctor; by doing so, you can get accurate diagnosis. After thorough examinations, the patient will be given a treatment plan. Some breast cancer patients forego with conventional medical treatments and tend to go for alternative medicines or therapy.

As you can see, even celebrities are not exempted from developing breast cancer. If celebrities can get it, then so can you! There are millions of non celebrities suffering from this illness. Let the stories of these celebrities who survive breast cancer serve as inspiration especially if you're also suffering from it.

Early detection is important so you must regularly check your breast area for any lumps or unusual bumps. Don't hesitate to consult a doctor if you're suspicious about certain lumps in your breast. There are lots of celebrities with breast cancer if they can fight this disease, then so can you.

Celebrities With Breast Cancer

Alternative Cancer Treatments

The Lung Cancer Spread to the Brain

Brain metastasis refers to when a cancer has extended to the brain from another location in the body, most usually the lung or breast. There could be one or more than one metastases to the brain, and the cancer can go to different areas of the brain.

cancer awareness jewelry

Primary lung tumors represent 50% of all metastatic brain tumors. Lung cancer is the most widespread origin of metastatic disease. Of patients of cancer of lung who survive for more than 2 years, 80% will get brain metastases.


The average time interval between the diagnosis of primary lung tumor and brain metastases is 4 months. Fascinatingly, small cell carcinomas, which are simply 20% of all cancers of lung, account for 50% of brain metastases from the cancer. In a retrospective study, 6.8% of the first cancer reappearance was in the brain.

Metastatic illness from the breast, renal cells, thyroid, and colon are more generally found as a single metastatic lesion, while metastatic illness from lung cancer and melanoma are more generally found to be multiple lesions. Testicular tumor is a rare cancer and yet it more often metastasizes to the brain as compared with cancer of lung.

Lung cancer may also pass through the bloodstream to other areas of the body, most generally the liver, adrenal glands, brain, spinal cord, or bones. The spread of cancer of lung may happen early in the course of disease, particularly with small cell lung cancer. Symptoms-for example headache, seizures, confusion, and bone pain-may grow before any lung problems become evident, making an early diagnosis more difficult.

If cancerous cells break away from the original tumor, travel, and develop within other body areas such as the brain, the process is known as metastasis. People with metastatic brain tumors have different options of treatment. The treatment depends essentially on where the cancer begun.

The Lung Cancer Spread to the Brain


Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer - Controversy and an Alternative Therapy

This disease is by far one of the most deadliest of cancers with most patients dying in the first year of diagnosis. Fortunately, it is also the rarest form of thyroid cancer. The onset of anaplastic thyroid cancer occurs in most people after 65 years of age and by the time it's diagnosed it is too late to do much about it surgically.

Often times it will occur in people that have had some form of radiation exposure many years earlier in their life. Other than that, it's not known what truly causes it. If someone has a more differentiated thyroid cancer or a goiter, these can often lead to anaplastic thyroid cancer.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Now here comes the interesting part, so bear with me. In 1953 a report came out called the Fitzgerald Report. This was the culmination of a Senate Investigation brought about by Congressman Charles Tobey. The investigation showed that there was an effort to block effective alternative cancer therapies within the U.S. government, like the FDA and the FTC. Not only that, there is a whole laundry list of private cancer foundations involved, one for instance is the American Cancer Society. This report was suppressed until just recently and it seems to be trickling out now (you can find the report on Wikipedia).

So specifically, what does this mean for anaplastic thyroid cancer? Or any type of cancer for that matter? Anaplastic thyroid cancer is untreatable for the most part so it behooves people to really look into alternative treatments for any type of cancer rather than just what the doctor tells you. Modern medicine typically treats the symptoms rather than the cause. This an important point to consider when you learn that a typical cancer patient can bring in near a million dollars to drug companies and hospitals in the lifetime of their treatment. Could it be that perhaps our medical establishment is profit driven?

There are other therapies out there that may help, like oxygen therapy. It is widely known that a highly oxygenated environment can kill diseases and certain types of cancer cells. If we can go to the root of the problem and eliminate it there effectively, cheaply and fast, then where is the profit and the motivation to cure? Anaplastic thyroid cancer is one of those diseases that may benefit from oxygen therapy, so if you are battling this cancer, don't waste time, look into it.

Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer - Controversy and an Alternative Therapy

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Scientific Studies Confirm Cayenne Pepper Kills Cancer Cells

In a rare moment of honesty, multiple Western medicine clinical studies have confirmed that capsaicin, the metabolite compound in hot peppers of which cayenne pepper possesses in abundance, causes cancer cells to literally self-terminate in a process known as "apoptosis."

Yet hardly anyone knows about it. The media for the most part has not reported it. This is groundbreaking information. Think about it: Cayenne pepper's chief metabolite compound capsaicin has been proven in medical, clinical studies to kill leukemic, pancretic and prostate cancer cells!

Alternative Cancer

"What research?" You may ask? There have been separate studies conducted that all came to the same conclusion. Let's go over them now.

In a study reported in March 2006 by the American Association for Cancer Research, it was reported that capsaicin is able to kill prostate cancer cells by forcing them to undergo apoptosis. The study says capsaicin, "...has a profound antiproliferative effect on prostate cancer cells, inducing the apoptosis of both androgen receptor-positive and -negative prostate cancer cell lines..."

Furthermore, the same study says, "...Our data suggests that capsaicin, or a related analogue, may have a role in the management of prostate cancer."

As reported by the British Broadcasting Network, a study conducted at the University of Nottingham in England suggests as well that capsaicin is able to trigger "self-suicide" or apoptosis in lung- and pancreatic-cancer cells.

Studies conducted in Japan showed natural capsaicin inhibits the growth of leukemic-cancer cells as well.

Capsaicin Defined

So just what is capsaicin? Capsaicin is the key component of peppers of the Capsicum genus of the Solanaceae family. Cayenne pepper is a prominent member of that family.

Capsaicin is a capsaicinoid. It is a secondary metabolite chemical compound that stimulates your chemoreceptor nerve endings and your mucous membranes -- that is why you notice the heat of such hot chili peppers or cayenne pepper.


You don't need to know the biochemistry behind cayenne pepper to glean the health benefits of cayenne pepper or capsicum as it's sometimes called. Cayenne pepper is a phenomenal herb that has a number of phenomenal medical uses including nourishing the heart, preventing heart attacks, cleaning the blood, preventing tooth decay, cleaning your arteries, and even healing hemorrhoids.

And now medical science has proven it is a major deterrent in preventing prostate, lung, pancreatic and leukemic cancer.

Scientific Studies Confirm Cayenne Pepper Kills Cancer Cells

Alternative Cancer

Treatments and Signs of Cervical Cancer

For a layman, the easiest definition of cervical cancer is that it is a cancer of cervix (the opening of the uterus that is connected to the vagina). This cancer, like all other cancers, has different stages. During the initial stage, the cells transform into something and this process is known as dysplasia. Abnormal cells take formation in the cervix and then they begin to multiply and spread in the area. It is one of the commonest types of cancers that attack females.

Signs of Cervical Cancer

Cancer Treatments

It should be remembered that noticeable symptoms may occur only after the cancer reaches its dangerous stage. Following are some of the commonly noticeable signs that may occur:

-Pain during sexual intercourse or pain in the pelvic region
-Bleeding from vagina between periods
-Discharge from vagina, which is not normal
-Menstrual cycle extension in terms of duration and even heavy periods
-Bleeding after the menopause

Some of the Possible Treatments

These treatments can only help if the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage.

If not much damage has been done, then doctors focus on removing that area where the abnormal cell growth has occurred. This can be done through a number of latest scientific ways such as laser surgery, loop electrosurgical excision procedure, cone biopsy, and cryosurgery.

If the cancer has grown much and is invasive, then the treatment and its duration will depend on the stage when it is detected. Some of the options include radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hysterectomy.


-Avoid HPV infection by not forming any sexual contact with the infected person
-HPV vaccination can offer a great prevention from this cancer
-Use routine PAP test to diagnose it at its earliest (this should be done frequently after you turn 21 years of age).

Treatments and Signs of Cervical Cancer

Cancer Treatments

Alternative Prostate Cancer Treatment - Know More About Them

Many men who are suffering from prostate are nowadays opting for alternative prostate cancer treatment, which is known as Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM) Treatments. This alternative prostate cancer treatment includes the holistic alternative medicines, herbal concentrates, naturopathy, yoga, meditations, many varieties of exercises and massages. The treatment will be supplementing the regular treatment under a prostate expert or will be taken alone under the umbrella of conventional treatments.

Many men go for the alternative due to variety of reasons including cost effectiveness, expectation of wonders from these medicines and also since these are assumed to be free of any side effects. If you watch carefully, you can see that the conventional medical treatments claims are reasonable while the claims alternative are based on hypes. The alternative attract patients through a psychological approach.

Cancer Treatments

Many people are conventionally using the dietary supplements and herbs as part of the alternative treatment. Especially saw palmetto and garlic have been in use as an alternative medicines. The claims of effectiveness of saw palmetto are very prominent and popular in Europe and now it has making momentum in U. S. as well.

Supplements containing Vitamins C, D and E, Selenium and antioxidants are being in use as alternatives too. It is believed that these alternatives will improve the immune system and hence delay the progress of the prostrate cancer.

There are many people who devote time on Yoga and Tai Chi, which help them to get relief from stress and provide the required relaxation. They could control their ill feelings and get a rejuvenating effect. These can control the hormonal effects which are negative to the body system.

Individuals with prostrate cancer should discuss with the doctor about the alternative prostate cancer treatment they plan to undertake. If you are already undertaking the alternative treatments, you should tell to your doctor all details of the practices. You should be truthful to the doctor and should not hide any of the information from him.

There can be some reactions, risks and side effects for these kinds of alternative treatments. If you undergo these without doctors advice, you may be inviting unnecessary complications.

An alternative can be more promising and may be more convenient, but undertake this under the proper guidance and advice of your doctor. These prostrate experts will be more experienced to analyze your case and determine whether you require alternative treatment or not. Do not risk your health by undertaking it according to your will and wishes, get good support from your doctor for a better results.

Alternative Prostate Cancer Treatment - Know More About Them

Cancer Treatments

Friday, December 9, 2011

Sarcoidosis - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Sarcoidosis is a disease that results from a specific form of tissue inflammation called granuloma which can appear in any part of the body, but most often starts in the lungs or lymph nodes. It is most common in young, black adults. A disturbed immune response of the body is believed to be the cause of this disease. Breathlessness, cough, skin rash, inflammation of the eyes, weight loss, fatigue, night sweats and fever are common symptoms of this condition.

Sarcoidosis is neither a cancer nor is contagious, and in most cases heals spontaneously in 2 to 3 years. However, it can affect and seriously damage vital organs like the lungs, heart, nervous system, liver or kidneys. The Ayurvedic treatment of this condition is aimed at reducing the damage to the tissues and preventing complications from the resulting fibrosis. Medicines used to reduce inflammation are: Triphala-Guggulu, Arogya-Vardhini, Punarnavadi-Guggulu, Gokshuradi-Guggulu, Yograj-Guggulu, Punarnavadi-Qadha, Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Nimba (Azadirachta indica), Deodar (Cedrus deodara), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Patol (Tricosanthe dioica), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) and Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris).

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Medicines used to prevent fibrosis (scarring) are Arogya-Vardhini, Gokshuradi-Guggulu, Kaishor-Guggulu, Rasayan-Vati, Maha-Manjishthadi-Qadha, Ras-Sindoor, Guduchyadi-Qadha and Saarivasav. It is also necessary to improve the immune status of the body in this condition, in order to resolve tissue inflammation at the earliest. Medicines used for this purpose are: Laghu-Malini-Vasant, Suvarna-Malini-Vasant, Suvarna-Sutshekhar-Ras, Abhrak-Bhasma, Tapyadi-Loh, Trivang-Bhasma, Shatavari (Asperagus racemosus), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum).

Currently, there are no specific signs, symptoms or tests for sarcoidosis, and the diagnosis of this condition has to be made by ruling out other conditions with similar symptoms. Such patients should therefore, be initially examined by a Chest Physician or a Rheumatologist with the relevant clinical experience.

Sarcoidosis - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Misdiagnosis of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer affects the women's lower part of the uterus or cervix.  Every year over 11,000 women in the U.S. are diagnosed with this cancer.  If it is diagnosed early, treatment can be successful.  On the other hand, a misdiagnosis can result in delayed treatment.  Without the proper treatment, the survival rate decreases considerably and it may lead to death.

cancer awareness bracelets

There are medical attorneys that will represent victims who had a misdiagnosis of with cancer.  Speak with an attorney regarding the claim; they will evaluate your case free of charge.


How Cervical Cancer Is Diagnosed

Sexually active women should go have regular Pap smears.  While Pap smears are not a diagnostic test, they are used to spot abnormal cells.  If abnormal cells are present, further tests should be ordered to make a positive diagnosis.  Some diagnostic tests include:

Colposcopy - an instrument called a colposcope is used to look at the cervix and see more clearly areas of abnormal cell growth Biopsy - a sample of abnormal tissue is taken from the cervix for testing Endocervical scraping - a specialized instrument is used to scrape tissue lining the endocervical canal, an area the doctor cannot reach with the colposcope Cone biopsy - a cone-shaped piece of tissue is removed from the cervix Not overseeing diagnostic tests or misinterpreting the results can put off successful treatment options and the consequences can be fatal.

How Misdiagnosis Occurs

A missed or wrong diagnosis of cervical cancer may occur for the following reasons:

The doctor fails to recognize symptoms of cervical cancer, thereby failing to perform the tests necessary for diagnosis The doctor fails to obtain a full patient history, which is important for identifying risk factors such as Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Lab results are misinterpreted A laboratory error causes the patient's results to be confused with another patient's There are many types of misdiagnosis.  Delayed diagnosis, missed diagnosis and wrong diagnosis can each have their own consequence.  For instance, a wrong diagnosis of cancer when a patient does not have it can mean a person undergoing treatments that are not needed.  In addition, if cancer was missed, a patient will not receive treatment they actually need to live.

Have You Been Misdiagnosed?

If you were misdiagnosed with cervical cancer, there is legal action you can take and with the help of a medical attorney, it can happen.  The negligent party can be held liable and a victim can recover some compensation for damages lost.  This can include lost wages, treatment costs, pain, and suffering.

Contact an attorney to learn more about your legal rights if you have received a misdiagnosis of cervical cancer.  They will evaluate your case at no cost and advise you of your rights.

Misdiagnosis of Cervical Cancer


The Truth Behind Ovarian Cancer Survival Rates

What is the truth behind ovarian cancer survival rates? Well, if you were to type "the truth behind ovarian cancer survival rates" into a search engine, you might be upset at the type of information you find. This is because most sites that are dedicated towards telling the truth behind ovarian cancer survival rates tend to do so from a more negative angle. For example, in the United States only 50 percent of women who have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer will live beyond five years. And this statistic does not provide any official hope that the disease will remain in remission beyond the five-year timeframe.

cancer bracelets colors

So, is this really the truth behind ovarian cancer survival rates? Yes and no. What many sites won't tell you is that the ovarian cancer survival rates are a lot more positive for women who have had their condition diagnosed early. In fact, for the 25 percent of women who are in this category, the ovarian cancer survival rate is an amazing 90 percent. Yet, most sites won't talk about this because the majority of women will get diagnosed in the latter stages of the disease, stages at which the disease has progressed too much for long-term survival.


How can a woman increase her chances of being part of the 25 percent that do get diagnosed early? This is a very difficult question to answer. For some women waiting until ovarian cancer symptoms start could be enough to get an early diagnosis. But there's a problem with this strategy. First of all, most of the symptoms associated with ovarian cancer are not drastic. Incontinence, abdominal swelling and painful sex, the three main symptoms of the disease, can easily be mistaken for conditions that are less serious. And even if woman suspects they are signs of ovarian cancer, it is possible that the condition has still progressed to a point that it has become lethal. This is because the symptoms are the same whether the tumors are massive or extremely small.

What's the best solution for a woman then? Well, if she has ovarian cancer in her family's history, she should consider getting periodic ovarian cancer screening whether or not she has symptoms. However, it should be noted that ovarian cancer screening, at least in its current state is not full-proof. It has a high rate of misdiagnosis, which could subject a woman to unnecessary surgery, chemotherapy or other types of ovarian cancer treatment. Yet, if a woman is in a high risk category, ovarian cancer screening could be the very thing that saves her life.

In conclusion, when it comes to the truth behind ovarian cancer survival rates, there is another more hopeful side to the story. The key is trying to get early diagnosis, especially if you have the disease in your family. For everyone else, it's best to take preventative measures, since the risk of misdiagnosis from an ovarian cancer diagnosis may be too high. Preventative measures include: breastfeeding, having your first child before 35 but not before 20, taking birth control pills and having a hysterectomy.

The Truth Behind Ovarian Cancer Survival Rates


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatment

Prostate cancer is one kind of cancer that is easily treated. Most of the cases of this cancer are commonly diagnosed at an early stage. Patients are given the best advantage to have the cancer cells controlled at the earliest stage possible. However, there are still cases when the cancer has already spread and affected the entire prostate which makes it difficult to treat.

Truth be told, doctors have not found a treatment for advanced prostate cancer. In fact, many advanced prostate cancer patients only get treatment to prolong their life and not to eliminate the cancer.

Cancer Treatments

However, there are still several options available for patients with prostate cancer that has already advanced its stage.

For example, there is the common chemotherapy treatment. The drugs used in chemotherapy will at least control the malignant cells from affecting other parts.

A drug called Provenge is also being introduced. This is not the common vaccine. It slows down the progress of the cancer. Just like chemotherapy, the most that it can do is to extend the patient's life. It can add a month or even a year.

There are also hormones which can be given to the patient. This is based from the study that the male hormone, testosterone, is the substance responsible for promoting the growth of the cancer. This means that by causing the body to reduce its production, the growth of the tumor is also slowed down.

Radiation therapy is also another option available. This makes use of an x-ray machine which emits high-energy waves. The radiation is applied directly to the tumor. This was known to be more effective when combined with hormone therapy than hormone therapy alone.

These are just few of the available advanced prostate cancer treatment. Consult a doctor before choosing which one will be administered to the patient.

Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatment

Cancer Treatments

Bell's Palsy - Medical Treatments and Alternative Medicines

Bell's palsy is a paralysis of the facial muscles that control movement and expression. Each year, about 40,000 Americans develop the condition; most are over 40, although the disorder can occur at any age. Paralysis, which occurs on one side of the face, is usually temporary. The symptoms include an inability to close one eye plus weakness and lack of muscle tone on the affected side. The face may feel as if it is twisted, and speaking and eating may become difficult. In some cases, one side of the mouth droops and the senses of taste and hearing are impaired. The eye may also become abnormally dry. Bell's palsy usually develops rapidly, often coming on overnight, but some patients recall a warning pain behind the ear a few hours to a few days before the onset. The paralysis is thought to be caused by a swelling of the facial nerve that runs from the brain to the face. As the nerve swells, it becomes compressed within the surrounding bony enclosure. The underlying cause is unknown, but because Bell's palsy often follows an earache, cold, or other viral infection, some doctors believe that a virus may be involved. Injuries to the head and pregnancy have also been implicated. In80 to 90 percent of cases, Bell's palsy is a temporary condition. If paralysis begins to reverse by the end of the second week, the prognosis for a full recovery is good.

Diagnostic Studies and Procedures

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Most occurrences can be diagnosed by the characteristic symptoms and their rapid onset. If there is any doubt, a doctor will order X-rays and perhaps a CT scan or MRI of the skull to rule out a tumor, fracture, or bone erosion. Blood tests can help detect a possible underlying infection. If facial paralysis persists, nerve conduction tests or electromyography(EMG) may be ordered to assess the extent of nerve activity and damage.

Medical Treatments

Treatment for this condition is some what controversial. Because most cases resolve themselves without therapy, some doctors advise a wait and see policy. Others advocate prompt medical intervention in the hope of shortening the course of the paralysis. If improvement fails to occur within two weeks, treatment is advisable. There are two approaches: The most common entails taking corticosteroid drugs such as prednisone to reduce nerve swelling and inflammation. Typically, the drug is given in high doses for five days, and then tapered off and stopped over the next five days. Sometimes surgery is performed to widen the bony canal that surrounds the facial nerve. But this operation is done only as a last resort.

Alternative Therapies

Alternative therapies for Bell's palsy are even more controversial than those of conventional medicine, because their efficacy is doubtful. Those that are sometimes suggested include.


Stimulation of meridians controlling nerves in the head and face is said to reduce swelling and reverse paralysis, provided the nerve has not been permanently damaged.


Facial massage using aromatic oils can prevent muscle spasms and may speed recovery.

Herbal Medicine

Traditional Chinese herbalists recommend the Pueraria combination, which is made up of kudzu root, mahuang, ginger, jujube fruit, cinnamon, peony root, and licorice for acute numbness of facial nerves, and a combination of cinnamon, atractylodes, and aconite for chronic disorders of these nerves.

Self Treatment

Self care is directed to preventing long term eye damage and alleviating symptoms while awaiting recovery. Because you probably will not be able to blink or close your eye, it should be protected with an eye patch, especially while sleeping. Artificial tears or medicated eyedrops help to alleviate eye dryness. Special facial exercises and self massage can prevent long term contracture and damage to the facial muscles. A physical therapist can prescribe exercises to do at home. Wearing a splint helps to prevent drooping of the lower part of the face. A doctor or physical therapist can supply an appropriate one, or you can fashion your own from a long strip of cotton or linen. Chewing and swallowing may be difficult, so avoid foods that can cause choking. In fact, you may want to switch to a liquid diet until the paralysis disappears.

Other Causes of Facial Paralysis

Infection, Guillain Barre syndrome, Lyme disease, shingles, stroke, or a tumor are among the many other causes of facial paralysis. Spasms of the facial muscles, called hemifacial spasm, can cause symptoms similar to those of Bell's palsy. In rare cases, women develop a condition called facial hemiatrophy of Romberg, which entails loss of fatty tissue just under the skin. This disorder progresses slowly, resulting in facial atrophy and distortion.

Bell's Palsy - Medical Treatments and Alternative Medicines

Alternative Cancer Treatments